My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 290

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:23 AM

Chapter 290: How about letting me have him?

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Chapter 290: How about letting me have him?

Qin Feng widened his eyes, glancing at his equally surprised old man beside him, then turned his gaze to the Lord Ghost Head who had swept into the horizon.

Although he didnt know why the Lord Ghost Head suddenly appeared, after this scene, he confirmed that his old man was not the Lord Ghost Head!

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief but also felt a bit of regret.

His old man remained the familiar tricky character he knew, with no possibility of a turnaround.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Truly extraordinary, like a heroic immortal. Father Qin sincerely praised him.

Oh right, Fenger, what were you about to ask just now?

Qin Feng came back to his senses. With doubts about his old mans identity dispelled, he thought of the sachet in the wooden box. Dad, what kind of person was Mom, exactly?

When his mother passed away, he was still too young, there were no photos in this world, and his mother left no portraits.

So, his impression of his own mother could be said to be completely non-existent.

His old man sighed at the question and began to speak.

His mother was a beautiful woman, lively and cheerful. Wherever she went, there was always laughter and joy.

Mom liked autumn, maple leaves, reading, and strange things.

Your mother was extraordinary; she had an impeccable memory. After reading a book, she could remember almost all of its contents. Your intelligence, stepping into the path of Literature Saint, must surely have inherited some of your mothers talents. Unfortunately, she was just a commoner. If she had entered the Grand Liteature Academy and practiced the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, her achievements would certainly not have been too low.

Hearing this, Qin Feng was surprised.

An impeccable memory? Wasnt that exactly like his dual pupils?

Could it be that his dual pupils ability was inherited from his mother?

But there was another question: the original owner read books for over ten years and never awakened the dual pupils ability.

It wasnt until he transmigrated into this body that the ability was activated.

Could it be that the awakening of this ability required certain conditions, and his transmigration was the trigger?

Dad, what was Moms identity exactly? Qin Feng asked urgently.

Dad replied, Just an ordinary commoner. What kind of identity could she have? We met and fell in love by sheer coincidence.

Qin Feng nodded.

Was her identity concealed? Or did his mothers awakening of her ability also happen by chance?

Everything is unknown.

There are clearly more important things to explain in front of her and Miss!

Sister Mo here is the senior snake, and Xiao Bai is the little beast! Qin Feng then explained the situation to his wife and Ningshuang.

Liu Jianli seemed pensive.

Lan Ningshuang covered her mouth, looking surprised.

Not all monsters can transform in the world because transformation is an innate magical ability.

It is a method possessed only by monsters with extremely high talents, usually those who can transform are of high-grade level.

Because of this, when Lan Ningshuang heard Qin Feng explain the true identities of the two, she was so shocked.

After the explanation, Qin Feng introduced, This is my wife, Liu Jianli, and this is Ningshuang.

Sister Mo looked with interest at the woman in white, You are the renowned Liu Jianli in The Great Qian. Judging from your aura, have you already reached the third-grade realm?

Liu Jianli nodded slightly.

Sister Mos interest grew even more.

She hadnt had a proper fight with anyone for a long time, mainly because there were no suitable opponents!

Now that she had found Liu Jianli, she naturally wanted to try her skills. She wanted to see if the rumored Liu Jianli was truly peerless in the way of the sword.

Wanna have a little spar with me? Sister Mo exclaimed excitedly.

Liu Jianli shook her head, No need.

Although she liked martial arts and the way of the sword, she wasnt fond of conflict.

After coming to Jinyang City, every time she took action, it was for someone she cared about.

Sister Mo couldnt hide her disappointment. It was rare to find a good opponent, but if the other party lacked fighting spirit, she couldnt force it. It just felt boring.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief. The small Qin Mansion couldnt withstand the trouble caused by these two women.

At this moment, Sister Mo had a plan on her mind, and she glanced at Qin Feng who was beside her.

Having lived for hundreds of years, how could she not know how to provoke a womans anger?

Following that, amidst the puzzled looks of the others, she walked behind Qin Feng.

Then, she embraced his neck with both arms and looked at Liu Jianli with a smile, saying, I also like this little brother very much. How about letting me have him?

With these words, Qin Feng was petrified on the spot.

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