My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 293

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:20 AM

Chapter 293: I Still Have a Lot to Learn from Master

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Chapter 293: I Still Have a Lot to Learn from Master

The next day, Qin Feng left the Qin residence and arrived at Listen To Rain Pavilion.

The old man remained as laid-back as before, lying on a wicker chair with a jar of wine by his side.

Stinky kid, after going out for a while, your cultivation has slackened a lot. As soon as the two met, the old man started to retort.

Even though they had become master and disciple, the old mans foul-mouthed habit had not changed.

After a brief greeting, he entered the Listen To Rain Pavilion and scanned the surroundings.

No sign of that tall figure with long legs.

I have been away from Jinyang City for twenty days, has Miss Cang not returned yet? Qin Feng sighed and began to look through books in search of information on formations.

Its worth noting that after entering the seventh-grade Righteous Qi realm, the Literature Qi he absorbed again would be assimilated by the purple Righteous Qi in his Divine Sea.

This actually saves a lot of effort compared to a martial artist condensing his blood into energy.

After spending a day in the Listen To Rain Pavilion and reading numerous books, although there were many books on formations, none provided him with insights into the Spirit Gathering Formation.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Feng sighed.

Today, he could only temporarily stop. After all, he still needed to observe the sky at night and find the fate star for advancing to the sixth-grade Fate Divination realm.

Outside the attic, the old man saw him shaking his head and sighing, and asked, Whats wrong, brat?

Qin Feng, hearing this, did not hide anything and explained his intention to modify the Yin Gathering Formation.

Change the Yin Gathering Formation to the Spirit Gathering Formation? Are you trying to collect Spiritual Qi for that girl Jianli to help her enter the second-grade realm? The old man raised an eyebrow.

Qin Feng touched his head and tacitly admitted it.

The old man grinned, Daring to covet the Spiritual Qi of the dragon vein, you do have quite the courage. The idea is not bad and indeed feasible.

Really? Master, how should I proceed? Qin Feng asked eagerly.

In Listen To Rain Pavilion, there is a book called Formation Explanation, you should have read it.

Qin Feng nodded.

The old man slowly said, Formations emphasize the timing, location, and people. Change one, and you change all. The Yin Gathering Formation utilizes the positions of the eight trigrams to gather Yin Qi. So, the Spirit Gathering Formation is essentially just changing the catalyst.

Qin Feng instantly understood, Master means changing the catalyst from Yin Qi to Spiritual Qi for the Spirit Gathering Formation?


But, Spiritual Qi is too scarce in the world. Where should I find Spiritual Qi as a catalyst?

Not to mention the immortal techniques he was obsessed with before, just the old mans cunning nature was enough for him to learn for a lifetime.

In the Hundred Flowers Valley, in the fragrant courtyard filled with the sounds of birds.

Feilan, why did you run away from home again? The matter in Jinyang City has clearly come to an end. Why do you keep going there?

Cang Mu, who was wearing a black dress, lay lazily on the bench and said calmly. Her light blue eyes carried a teasing gaze, scrutinizing a woman not far away, who also had her face covered with a black scarf.

It was none other than Miss Cang, whom Qin Feng hadnt seen for a long time!

Upon hearing this, Cang Feilan furrowed her delicate eyebrows slightly. When Aunt speaks like this, she might as well think about herself first.

Among the family members, the one who gave the old man the most headaches was her, and the other was this aunt.

She is clearly not young anymore, yet still unmarried.

It was not easy for their family to have descendants, how could she waste the years like this?

Aunts affairs are not something for you to worry about. You should think more about your beloved instead. Cang Mu sat up, and the eyes revealed by the black scarf seemed to be smiling.

I dont understand what youre saying. Cang Feilans light blue eyes flashed with a trace of embarrassment, but she quickly restrained herself.

Your temperament is exactly like your mothers. Clearly fond of someone, but stubbornly refuses to admit it verbally.

When the family reached an agreement with that person in Heavenly City and arranged for you to go to Jinyang City, you were very unwilling.

Now that everything is settled, you can obviously leave, but you insist on going back.

Besides missing your lover, what other reason could there be? Cang Mu hit the nail on the head.

I guess Aunt must have been sleeping too much on ordinary days, and her mind is muddled, so she speaks without restraint.

Since theres nothing special to discuss, Ill take my leave. After saying this, Cang Feilan intended to leave but was called back again.

Before you go, you might as well take a look at this. Cang Mu casually gestured, and a blank scroll fell on the table.

Cang Feilans gaze followed, and she couldnt help but widen her beautiful eyes, her eyes shining.

She had never seen such a captivating poem before, and immediately, a desire to claim it as her own arose.

However, as soon as this thought occurred, Cang Mu took back the blank scroll.

Niece, do you think I dont know what youre thinking? This poem is mine.


A faint sound came from under the black square scarf.

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