My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 294

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:19 AM

Chapter 294: Rules are Dead, People are Alive

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Chapter 294: Rules are Dead, People are Alive

You specifically stopped me just to show off that youve obtained a masterpiece? Cang Feilans delicate eyebrows furrowed.

What? Not happy? Back when you were flaunting poems in front of me, my feelings werent much different from yours now. Cang Mu replied softly, with a hint of amusement in her tone.

Back then, her niece had deliberately shown off the poem Heroic Guest, making Cang Mu envy her deeply. Now, it seemed like justice was served.

Cang Feilan snorted coldly and made no comment.

Do you not find this poem familiar? Cang Mu suddenly asked.

Familiar? Cang Feilan was slightly stunned. This poem was the first time she had seen it; how could it be familiar?

Wait a minute! Somethings not right!

The artistic conception revealed in this poem.

Right, this poem was written by your beloved for his wife. Cang Mu said casually.

With these words, Cang Feilan was stunned on the spot. She naturally knew who her aunt referred to as her beloved, and as for the wife of that person, she was well aware.

As someone who loved poetry, she naturally could sense the emotions conveyed in the verses.

Under the black square scarf, she stubbornly pursed her lips. He stays in Jinyang City; how could he come to Hundred Flowers Valley?

Seeing her reaction, Cang Mu sighed. Liu Jianli returned to Myriad Sword Sect to start the Heavenly Tribulation, and he naturally came to find Liu Jianli. And perhaps you dont know, Liu Jianli has successfully transcended the tribulation, stepping into third grade of Divine Martial Linneage, becoming the youngest Sword God in the history of The Great Qian.

As she spoke, the woman in the black dress slowly stood up and came to Cang Feilans side, gently embracing her.

This stubborn girl, at this moment, looked surprisingly pitiful.

Silly girl, many times, happiness has to be fought for by oneself. Dont end up like your aunt who has lived for a hundred years and is still alone. Sometimes, missing the opportunity means missing it forever, and regret is of no use. Cang Mu said as if not addressing her niece in her arms but speaking to her past self.

But hes already married. Cang Feilan murmured.

Yes, hes already married, and his wife is none other than the famous Liu Jianli. Wanting to make her step back might not be very realistic. But you can work together, after all, the other party is Liu Jianli; it wont be a loss for you. Cang Mu said with a light laugh.

But the rules of the family

Want to get married? Just get married. Why bother with those rules? If the family is unwilling to provide your dowry, your aunt can take care of it.

As for me, apart from possessing a beauty that puts women to shame, I also have some spare money to spare.

It was obviously Immortal Drunk with a very high alcohol content, but it didnt seem to have any effect on the two of them.

Master Qin, when chopsticks are inserted into water, they will break. Is it because of the refraction of light?

Master Qin, I have many questions about mechanics. Can you help me answer them?

Although Qin Feng had been pouring them drinks, he had also had a few himself. Hearing these questions, he felt his head spinning.

He couldnt help but ask, Are you two really not going to get drunk?

Gong Liang and Huo Yuan glanced at each other, both bursting into laughter. The men of our Divine Workshop treat alcohol like water on ordinary days. We have never experienced the feeling of getting drunk since we can remember.

Upon hearing this, Qin Fengs expression stiffened. If these two couldnt be intoxicated, wouldnt the plan to get them drunk to gather information about the Dragon Protection Monument fail?

No, I have to think of a solution. Qin Feng thought to himself, his eyes flashing with determination.

You two, Ill go out and sober up. Ill also bring you another kind of excellent wine to broaden your horizons.

With that, he bowed and left.

Inside the private room, the laughter of the two could still be heard, mocking him for his poor alcohol tolerance.

Qin Feng quickly summoned a waiter and whispered a few words.

The waiters face turned ugly. Young Master, do you really have to go in search of those alcoholic drinks? If things go wrong, it could leave people in a coma for days and nights.

Just go, if something happens, Ill take responsibility. Qin Feng replied firmly.

Not long after, Qin Feng brought a small pot of wine and poured it with a smile for the two.

Master Qin, whats the deal with this small pot of wine? the two curious men asked.

This wine is called One Cup Down. replied Qin Feng.

Upon hearing this, the two men exchanged a smile and paid little attention to it, raising their heads and drinking it all in one go.

Just as they were about to make a few sarcastic remarks, they felt a rush of Qi hitting their heads.

The taste of the wine was extremely poor, far from the Drunken Immortal they had drunk earlier, which was rich and mellow. Instead, it was quite strong!

In less than a moment, the alcohol took effect, and the two men, feeling dizzy, leaned on the table.

Qin Feng was very satisfied when he saw this. The fake wine was indeed reliable.

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