My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 295

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:19 AM

Chapter 295: Capturing the Spiritual Qi

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Chapter 295: Capturing the Spiritual Qi

Brother Gong, Brother Huo? Qin Feng tentatively called out twice.

The two responded in nasal voices, but it was obvious from their looks that they were drunk with fake wine and their brains were not working properly.

Seizing this opportunity, Qin Feng naturally wouldnt let it slip.

He quietly asked, May I ask, where were you two working when you were establishing the Dragon Protection Monument? And regarding the Dragon Protection Monument absorbing Spiritual Qi, is there anything special about it?

Gong Liang and Huo Yuan, in their muddled state, slowly provided the answers to the questions.

Qin Feng was so focused that he was afraid of missing any detail.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

In about the time it took to burn an incense stick, the two of them fell unconscious and lay on the table.

Although there are still some unclear points, the basic operation principle of the Dragon Protection Monument has been figured out. muttered Qin Feng.

He then took out a white scroll and a brush from his Storage Ring and, based on the information provided by the two, began to draw all the places where they had worked during the construction of the Dragon Protection Monument.

In no time, a map resembling the dragon pattern of the streets of Jinyang City appeared on the paper.

Combining this with the information on the route the Dragon Protection Monument used to absorb Spiritual Qi, an idea on how to intercept the Spiritual Qi formed in Qin Fengs mind.

With many people around during the day, there are bound to be inconveniences. Well wait until midnight to take action. However, Spiritual Qi, being a rare substance, cannot be stored like Yin Qi, which can be collected using specific treasures. Even if I know the route of the Spiritual Qi circulation, how can I preserve it? Qin Feng pondered.

If this problem couldnt be solved, the Spirit Gathering Formation would not be created.

Suddenly, a figure of a beautiful woman in black robe appeared in his mind.

Right, Sister Mo once absorbed Spiritual Qi for cultivation. With her abilities, she must have a way to preserve Spiritual Qi. After going back, Ill discuss this matter with her, and shell surely agree. Qin Feng thought, smiling slightly.

Turning his head to look at the two people who were still sleeping, Qin Feng called the waiter and placed them in the guest room of Moonlit Pavilion.

As evening approached, Gong Liang and Huo Yuan slowly woke up. As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw each other and immediately stood up in shock.

Their heads still felt a bit heavy and throbbing.

What happened to us?

On the table in the room was a piece of white paper with a message from Qin Feng.

Glancing at it, Huo Yuan furrowed his brow. Did we get drunk? No, somethings wrong with the wine Master Qin gave us!

Gong Liang, puzzled, asked, But why would he want to get us drunk?

Could it be Huo Yuan widened his eyes and asked nervously, Is your butt sore?

Yes. Xiao Bai responded, her pupils shining, and two furry little ears appeared on her small head, identical to her appearance when she was in her little beast form.

She opened her mouth, gently sucked in, and a strong wind blew, making it difficult for Qin Feng to keep his eyes open.

The Spiritual Qi that swept out from the underground was instantly absorbed into Xiao Bais abdomen.

Xiao Bai rubbed her belly, contentedly burping.

The taste of Spiritual Qi was sweet and more satisfying than ordinary food!

Qin Feng opened his eyes again, everything was calm. The formation on the ground had been blown away by the wind, and the Spiritual Qi had returned to the underground. He stood still in amazement, Wheres the Spiritual Qi I lured out?

Its in the little mistresss belly. Sister Mo said with a slight movement of her throat. This was the first time she had seen so much Spiritual Qi.

Sister Mo, didnt you say Xiao Bai can preserve Spiritual Qi? What if she eats it all? Qin Feng was speechless.

This Spiritual Qi was what he had prepared to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation!

Dont panic, little mistress, spit out the Spiritual Qi. Sister Mo sadi smiled.

Okay. Xiao Bai, unwillingly, opened her mouth again.

In Qin Fengs astonished gaze, the Spiritual Qi that she had swallowed was actually spit out, even turning into a visible round and smooth jade bead.

Inside the bead was the highly compressed Spiritual Qi!

Brother, here!

Qin Feng recalled the scene of Xiao Bai spitting out just now, hesitated for a moment, but still took the jade bead.

Upon touch, it didnt feel sticky as he had imagined; instead, it was smooth and delicate.

Sister Mo said, The little mistress is like the eldest miss, able to take in Spiritual Qi and transform it into spiritual beads.

The reason why Eldest Sister commands the respect of the Ten Thousand Demons in the Western Regions is twofold: first, due to her formidable strength, and second, because of this Spiritual Bead.

Commanding respect with both kindness and strength? Impressive tactics, Qin Feng nodded. It seems that Xiao Bais mother is even more impressive than he had imagined! If its a big thigh, it must be held tightly.

However, Qin Feng picked up the Spiritual Bead, carefully examining it for a while, and asked in confusion, Although a lot of Spiritual Qi is compressed inside, compared to what I just extracted, Im afraid only about one-third remains. Where did the rest go?

During the previous strong winds, he was forced to close his eyes, so he didnt see anything.

Xiao Bai burped and replied weakly, I dont know.

Sister Mo also burped. She turned her head and said casuallu, Perhaps it has returned to the heavens and earth.

I believe you guys, my foot. Qin Feng twitched his face.

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