My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 296

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:17 AM

Chapter 296: Spirit Gathering Formation Formed

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Chapter 296: Spirit Gathering Formation Formed

The next day, before dawn had fully broken, Qin Feng left his room.

For the sake of his wife, and to greatly accelerate the cultivation speed of his younger brother and others, he couldnt wait to try creating the Spirit Gathering Formation!

For the sake of my family, I really admire myself for waking up so early. At this time, others must still be sleeping.

Just as Qin Feng was thinking this, the sound of wind breaking through the air reached his ears.

Turning around the corner of the corridor and looking into the courtyard, he saw the figure of his younger brother practicing with a knife.

Younger brother, why are you so diligent? Cant you give your big brother a way out? Qin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

In the previous life, the most frustrating thing was when others were wealthier and worked harder than you.

In this life, the most frustrating thing is that the second brother is more talented than the eldest brother and works far harder than the eldest brother.

Qin An had already reached the peak of the Sixth Grade of Divine Martial Lineage, and his hearing was far beyond what it used to be. Hearing the movement, he looked in that direction and said, Huh? Big brother, why are you up so early today?

To maintain the image of being the big brother, Qin Feng shamelessly replied, Its not that I woke up early, but I didnt sleep all night because I was cultivating.

His younger brother believed him, immediately showing admiration, Big brother is truly amazing. It seems I cant slack off anymore. From today on, Ill only rest for two hours each night, and the rest of the time will be spent practicing with the knife!

Sorry, can I take back what I just said? I was just showing off. Qin Fengs expression stiffened.

After bidding farewell to his younger brother, Qin Feng toured the entire Qin residence and then returned to his room.

He drew the trend map of the dragon veins in Jinyang City and marked the position of the Qin residence.

Since he was going to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation to draw some Spiritual Qi to his home, preparation work was necessary.

Now, with the spiritual beads as the formations core already in place, the only thing left was to determine how the Spirit Gathering Formation should be shaped.

Following the ideas in the book on Formation Explanation, combined with the directions of the Eight Trigrams of the Yin Gathering Formation, Qin Feng sketched on the rough map of Jinyang City.

After about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the embryonic form of the Spirit Gathering Formation appeared on paper.

The next step is to set up the formations in the city.

In order to hide from others, Qin Feng always arranged the formations in his own restaurant while walking around Jinyang City.

It was fortunate that he had taken control of most of the citys taverns before; otherwise, it would have been impossible to achieve this.

Creating the Spirit Gathering Formation was a major project. After all, it involved drawing part of the Spiritual Qi from the dragon veins location to the Qin residence without letting others notice, making the difficulty quite high.

Fortunately, three days later, all the preparatory work was ready. Next, he would engrave the final formation in the Qin residence and place the spiritual bead as the formations core.

In the courtyard, Qin Feng carved the final stroke of the Spirit Gathering Formation, took out the spirit bead from the Spatial Ring, and placed it at the center of the formation.

The Second brother and Black Charcoal Head on the side also felt something.

Could this be the rumored Spiritual Qi? Young Master, everything you just did, could it be to activate this thing? Black Charcoal Head looked shocked.

Qin Feng smiled and replied, Yes, and so far, the effect is not bad.

Spiritual Qi, what is that? Second Brother asked in confusion.

He only felt that his whole body was filled with strength at this moment, and the internal strength in his body was also growing at an extremely fast pace.

But the key point is that he is not condensing blood energy at all!

Qin Feng explained the effects of Spiritual Qi to his second brother and said, From now on, you will cultivate by absorbing this Spiritual Qi. I believe that with time, you will make progress.

Okay, thanks, big brother. Second Brother was excited, feeling that his big brother was really good to him.

No need to thank me, its just a side benefit anyway. Qin Feng said truthfully.

Qin An stood frozen on the spot for a moment.

Three thousand miles west of Jinyang City, Shuliang City.

In the county government of the city, a man hurriedly walked to the outside of a room and knocked on the door.

Come in. A middle-aged voice came from inside the room.

Reporting to the county magistrate, the seal underground has loosened. The plague and the ghost disaster in the city have become more serious. Its no longer something those hundred ghost Daoists in the Demon Slaying Division can handle.

Moreover, the corpse poison is spreading, and many people in the city are seriously ill. Although we spread rumors behind our backs that its a rampant plague, if we continue like this, we definitely wont be able to hide it.

We must seek reinforcements from nearby Jinyang City!

The middle-aged man, upon hearing the words, remained calm.

However, a loud slap followed soon after.

I will be able to return to Heavenly City in one month. Do you want to make it impossible for me to go back by making trouble now?

But the corpse is a disaster The man covered his face and hesitated.

All this commotion is simply because that ghost thing sealed underground is hungry. Just throw some common prisoners from the dungeon to it.

There are no more prisoners in the dungeon. the man replied with a trembling voice.

If there are no prisoners, throw in some ordinary criminals. If that doesnt work, take advantage of the night and grab some commoners to throw in. In this world, its nothing unusual for a few people to die mysteriously in a day. Do I need to teach you about such matters? The tone was indifferent, but the words spoke of cannibalism.

The man didnt dare to say anything anymore, clasped his fists and bowed to leave.

The middle-aged man, hands behind his back, looked outside the house. He didnt want to stay in this eerie place for a moment longer.

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