My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 300

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:14 AM

Chapter 300: The Plague in Shuliang City

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Chapter 300: The Plague in Shuliang City

Qin Feng was instantly awakened, gasping for breath.

Young Master, did you have a nightmare? Qinger, who was cleaning the room, asked with concern.

Qin Feng turned his head and looked around, and it was already dawn before he knew it.

He rubbed his head and replied softly, Its nothing.

That dream was too real, and now he seemed to be able to smell the rotten stench and blood in his nostrils.

Why would he have such a dream for no reason?

Qin Feng felt inexplicably anxious; after all, the last time he dreamt of his wife going through a calamity, it turned out to be true.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

He also worried that the contents of this dream might be similarly real.

But what he saw in the dream was too little; how could he know where that was?

Maybe it was just an ordinary nightmare.

If it doesnt work, lets talk to the master about this later. Qin Feng thought.

Just then, the gatekeeper came to the door and said, Young Master, someone from the Demon Slaying Department is here looking for you. Its the robust man who came last time. When I asked him whats the matter, he didnt say anything, just mentioned your name.

Qin Feng immediately guessed that the visitor must be Zhang Tiannan, that taciturn man. Alright, I know.

After dressing, Qin Feng arrived at the entrance of the Qin residence.

Beside the main gate stood a man in the Demon Slaying Department uniform, it was none other than Zhang Tiannan.

Before he could speak, Qin Feng gestured to stop him. I have paper and pen here.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Tiannan silently took the pen and paper, but his gaze was noticeably resentful.

In less than a moment, Qin Feng looked at the blank paper. The content was conciseSeeking help from the Demon Slaying Department; Chief Zhou is looking for you.

Qin Feng was curious, Why would Chief Zhou be looking for me?

Generally speaking, if the local Demon Slaying Department encounters a demonic disaster that they cannot handle, they will seek help from the patrol envoys or other Demon Slaying Departments.

However, he was just a cannon fodder and completely incapable of dealing with demonic disasters.

Chief Zhou would never seek his help.

Unless, they need him to save someone!

Zhang Tiannan, upon hearing this, picked up a pen and quickly wrote down the content.

Qin Feng looked at the blank paper, only to see three big characters written on it I dont know.

Zhang Tiannan and Qin Feng were old acquaintances, so they were naturally among the escort personnel.

As for the others

Si Zheng immediately volunteered, This journey may be dangerous. To be on the safe side, I will go along.

This was somewhat unexpected for Qin Feng, Lord Si, I think its unnecessary. Dont you have other things to do here?

The reason Chief Zhou had not returned to Qiyuan City was to cultivate Si Zheng and make him more reliable. Therefore, he usually entrusted Si Zheng with handling official documents.

Qin Feng glanced at the pile of documents on the desk, which was already half the height of a person.

How much had accumulated there?

Upon uttering these words, he saw Si Zheng subtly wink at him.

The tacit understanding between the two allowed Qin Feng to quickly comprehend the meaning in each others eyes.

It was evident that Sir Si didnt want to stay here to review official documents; thats why he was escorting him to Shuliang City to deal with the epidemic!

This was a way to slack off!

Chief Zhou, I suddenly thought that some outbreaks are caused by excessive Yin energy. Sir Si, as a practitioner of the Hundred Ghosts Path, if he accompanies us, he might provide considerable assistance. Qin Feng spoke convincingly.

Chief Zhou nodded without much suspicion, Originally, I was thinking of letting him continue reviewing official documents here, but the priority is to quickly resolve the epidemic in Shuliang City. Since thats the case, I will let him go with you. No time to waste; prepare yourselves and set off immediately.

Alright. the group acknowledged.

Qin Feng returned to the Qin residence, quickly packed his belongings, and exchanged a few words with his family.

Then, he waited outside.

Before long, the sound of galloping hooves approached.

The newcomers were none other than Si Zheng and his entourage.

Qin Feng suddenly widened his eyes because he also saw a graceful figureit was Miss Cang!

Miss Cang, why are you here too? Qin Feng asked in surprise.

Ive been wanting to elevate the rank of my Demon Slaying Token recently. Im a bit short on merits, and when I heard about the situation in Shuliang City, I thought of going together, Cang Feilan calmly explained.

I see, Qin Feng nodded.

Si Zheng, upon hearing this, raised his eyebrows, looking at her with a strange expression.

When did this girl care about the rank of the Demon Slaying Token? Wasnt it because she was worried about this kid?

He thought again about Xiao Yu in the brothel. She had clearly said she would only entertain him as a customer, but the next day, she ended up in the arms of another man just because he offered more money!

Indeed, a womans words are truly unreliable.

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