My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 302

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:11 AM

Chapter 302: Corpse Poison

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Chapter 302: Corpse Poison

Qin Feng had a few people stay at the door while he went forward to investigate.

Even with his extensive knowledge of medical books and various plagues, he had never seen such horrifying symptoms before.

He worried about the safety of the few people outside.

This time, surprisingly, Si Zheng and the others did not refuse, except for one person.

Cang Feilan followed closely behind Qin Feng, never leaving his side.

Qin Feng turned around and advised, Miss Cang, I cultivate the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, with Righteous Qi protecting me, I am immune to all poisons. But its different for you; you cultivate the Hundred Ghosts Dao and are not skilled in dealing with these things. For safety, its better to stay away.

Cang Feilan glanced lightly and did not respond.

Qin Feng sighed helplessly; the strong-willed Miss Cang never listened to advice. However, he was touched because he knew she was worried about any unexpected situations.

Give me your hand. Qin Feng said with a tone that brooked no refusal.New novel chapters are published on

Why? Cang Feilan frowned.

Without a word, Qin Feng stepped forward, directly grabbing her left hand, which was smooth and delicate to the touch.

Cang Feilans light blue eyes widened, a hint of blush creeping up her ears. This sudden action caught her off guard.

She felt a trace of joy in her heart, but her nature compelled her to try to pull away her left hand.

At this moment, a breath emanated from her left hand, and a faint purple energy enveloped her whole body.

Dont move. Hold onto me. Ill use Righteous Qi to protect you, which can prevent the plague from invading you. Qin Feng explained.

Okay. A light response came from under the black veil. Cang Feilans light blue eyes revealed a hint of tenderness.

At the entrance, Amu asked curiously, Physician Qin and this lady seem to have an unusual relationship?

Si Zheng, who usually frequented the brothels, sighed, This is just the first step. When the barrier is broken, thats when the relationship becomes unusual.

Amu and Zhang Tiannan looked at each other simultaneously; they felt something was off about these words, but they had no evidence.

Qin Feng held Cang Feilan and approached the people infected by the plague. While transmitting the Righteous Qi to the latter, he also did not forget to protect himself with it.

Activating his dual-pupil ability, he looked at the people writhing in pain on the ground.

He saw that half of the blood flowing in everyone had turned black!

This was completely different from the plagues Qin Feng had seen in books; it looked more like the corpse poison he had read about.

It was from that time onwards that the Great Qian Demon Slaying Department started to take the matter of corpse demons particularly seriously.

Amus expression changed several times, Master Qin, are you sure that these people are infected with corpse poison and not some strange plague resembling corpse poison?

Qin Feng replied, Although I cannot confirm it, its almost certain.

Once I brew some medicinal soup for them to take, we should see results.

Corpse poison is an extremely Yin substance in the world, and to eliminate it, one must use medicinal herbs with Yang properties for treatment.

However, Qin Feng wasnt entirely confident.

The severity of the corpse poison is closely related to the strength of the corpse demon itself. If the corpse demon is not strong, Qin Feng is confident in removing the poison.

But if the corpse demon is formidable, he can, at best, suppress the further spread of the poison.

Taking out various Yang herbs from the storage ring, Qin Feng began brewing the medicinal soup.

After about half an hour, the medicinal soup was successfully brewed, and a strong medicinal fragrance filled the air along with white vapor.

Qin Feng filled a bowl of the medicinal soup and approached the nearest person. Squatting down, he administered the soup to the individual.

After the infected man struggled to finish the medicinal soup, his body convulsed violently, clearly enduring immense pain.

Qin Feng furrowed his brows, and his X-ray eyes were constantly observing the changes within the mans body.

Corpse poison infects the flesh and blood of the human body, and the process of removal is akin to giving a person a new set of blood, inevitably causing pain.

After a while, the infected mans struggles noticeably diminished.

Moreover, to the astonishment of the onlookers, the mans skin, resembling black charcoal, slowly returned to a normal human color. Even the shriveled flesh and blood began to replenish.


The man abruptly sat up, spitting out a mouthful of black blood. Finally, his appearance returned to human form.

The black blood that fell to the ground emitted a pungent odor.

In less than a moment, those black blood turned dark green in front of everyones eyes, then dispersed and evaporated.

Qin Feng, witnessing this scene, had an unpleasant expression. He sighed lightly and said solemnly, Confirmed, its undoubtedly corpse poison.

Si Zheng and others had a heavy look on their faces.

When Amu heard this, his face turned pale with fright.

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