My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 303

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:09 AM

Chapter 303: Exploration

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Chapter 303: Exploration

With corpse poison present, it indicates the existence of corpse demons.

A corpse demon appeared in Shuliang City, how could Amu not be surprised!

How how could this be? I must go find the Chief to confirm this! Amu exclaimed in shock.

Qin Feng looked at Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan, and the latter two nodded slightly.

Well go with you. Si Zheng said.

If corpse demons really appeared in Shuliang City, it would be no small matter.

Regardless of whether the strength of the corpse demon is strong or weak, it is at least a grade B disaster!

Si Zheng and the others left the room, leaving Cang Feilan behind. She chose to stay with Qin Feng to administer medicine to patients infected with corpse poison.

With Qin Fengs medical skills, the efficacy of the medicine was evident, and those who drank the medicine were gradually improving.

However, corpse poison is not an ordinary ailment, and even if the corpse poison is removed from their bodies, it still takes some time for a complete recovery.

After working for almost the entire night, when they looked at the horizon, a hint of dawn had already appeared.

Qin Feng gently put down the last patient, his expression extremely serious.

Seeing his appearance, Cang Feilan asked curiously, These people are slowly recovering after taking the medicine. Why do you still have this expression?

I have been observing the speed at which these peoples bodies are returning to normal and noticed a phenomenon. Their recovery speeds are not consistent. The people near the south room recover a bit faster. But the people near the north room take much longer to recover. Qin Feng explained.

Cang Feilan was puzzled, What does this mean? Perhaps they were infected with corpse poison at different times.

Qin Feng shook his head, In my diagnosis, the difference in the time these people were infected shouldnt be too much.

Because, after using his X-ray ability to observe, the amount of black blood in the bodies of the people varied, but was roughly around half!

He continued, The strength of the corpse poison is closely related to the strength of the corpse demon.New novel chapters are published on

Cang Feilan quickly understood the implication of his words and furrowed her eyebrows, Are you suggesting that there might be more than one corpse demon in Shuliang City?

Yes. Qin Feng nodded, The current situation in the city is still unclear. It seems we can only wait for Sir Zheng and the others to return and hear what they have to say.

In a tea house near the sealed street, the group gathered again.

Si Zheng put down his teacup and said in a deep voice, The magistrate here is hiding something.

The county magistrate had already issued an order: unless they possessed his token, no one was allowed to enter the quarantined area to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

However, when the officials and soldiers heard the responses of the commoners inside and saw those who were supposed to be at deaths door regain vitality, they all looked surprised.

Immediately, their thoughts turned to the young man in black who had come to this place last night, holding a token.

Such a weird plague was really cured by that handsome Physician Qin?

Seeing that things were getting more and more out of control, Qin Feng chewed the tea cake in his mouth and stood up, Ill go take a look.

Arriving at the border of the quarantined area, the guarding soldiers immediately noticed him and bowed, saying, Young Master Qin, look at the current situation.

If the respect for Qin Feng last night was due to the magistrates token, today their respect for him came from the depths of their hearts.

Seeing the soldiers respectful attitude towards Qin Feng, the crowd of commoners also looked curiously.

Then they saw Qin Feng directly bypass the soldiers blockade and stepped in.

Why can he go in, and we cant? someone wondered aloud.

Listen to me, everyone, Qin Feng wanted to explain, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the crowds clamor.

After a moment, a soldier shouted, Shut up! If it werent for Young Master Qins intervention, your family members wouldnt have awakened!

With these words, the noisy commoners suddenly quieted down. They looked at each other and then turned their gaze back to Qin Feng.

Someone cautiously asked, Is it this young man who cured our family members?

Yes, last night, Young Master Qin entered with the magistrates token and worked until dawn. Only then did your family members wake up. If it werent for Young Master Qin, who else could it be? replied the soldier.

Upon hearing this, the crowd was moved.

They knew exactly what the situation was inside the house.

Not to mention anything else, if they were asked to stay inside for a night with their family members, they would probably feel reluctant. After all, the symptoms of the plague were too terrifying, and there were many infected people inside.

They were also afraid of being infected!

But the young man Qin Feng, facing a group of strangers, acted without hesitation.

Not only did he stay inside the entire night, but he also cured their family members!

A woman and an old man immediately knelt down, expressing their gratitude for Qin Fengs life-saving grace.

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