My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 304

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:09 AM

Chapter 304: Sorry, There Are Only Two Rooms Left

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Chapter 304: Sorry, There Are Only Two Rooms Left

Qin Feng helped the people kneeling on the ground and then said, The toxins in their bodies have been removed, but complete recovery will take some time.

He did not explain to the common people that the true cause of the epidemic was corpse poison, as doing so would inevitably cause panic.

When all the people heard his words, they cried with joy and their gratitude was beyond words.

Qin Feng spoke again, The people inside have just recovered. You can make some liquid food and bring it to them.

As soon as he said this, many people responded, then turned and hurried home to prepare some food.

The noisy commotion came and went quickly.

But it could be foreseen that Qin Fengs reputation would spread rapidly in Shuliang City.

After solving the problem here, a soldier approached and said, Young Master Qin, County Magistrate Wang would like to see you to personally thank you for what youve done for the people.

Thinking of the stern County Magistrate and the widespread corpse poison in Shuliang City, Qin Feng felt that there was more to the situation than met the eye.

He did not refuse and agreed to go.

Qin Feng and his group returned to the county magistrates office. In the familiar hall, they saw County Magistrate Wang Yi, whom they had met yesterday.

Seeing them, Wang Yi, unlike his attitude yesterday, clasped his fists and said, Thank you all for helping and resolving the epidemic among the people in the city. I am very grateful. Now that the epidemic has been eliminated, a weight has been lifted from my heart.

Si Zheng raised an eyebrow and asked cautiously, County Magistrate Wang, how did you confirm that the people were infected with the plague?New novel chapters are published on

Wang Yi replied, Naturally, I relied on the diagnosis results of the city physicians. However, their medical skills cant compare to Young Master Qins. The epidemic that had them stumped all night was completely cured by Young Master Qin.

Magistrate Wang, what if I say that the people were not infected with the plague? Qin Feng said, observing the others expression.

The county magistrate looked surprised, Not the plague? Then what could it be?

The old fox, without any flaws, Qin Feng squinted his eyes and did not answer the question.

The group chatted for a while, with Wang Yi inquiring about whether the epidemic would recur and asking when they planned to leave.

Qin Feng replied, Although the infected people are now fine, if we cant find the source of the epidemic, it will surely recur. So, we plan to stay here for some time until we are sure the epidemic has been completely eradicated.

The Managers eyes lit up at the sight of the silver, and he looked at Qin Feng and Cang with a meaningful smile before gladly accepting the money.

With the gentlemans suggestion, I suddenly remembered that there is a guest upstairs who seems to be checking out today. Let me check and see if the room is available.

Thank you, Manager. Qin Feng sighed in relief.

In a short while, the Manager returned with an apologetic expression, Im truly sorry, sir. That guest has decided to continue staying. It seems you and the lady will have to share a room.

The Manager emphasized the words share a room with a significant tone.

Even though Qin Feng hadnt accomplished anything, and the other party hadnt returned the one or two pieces of silver, coupled with the strange tone and creepy smile, Qin Fengs expression stiffened. This was a misunderstanding!

Si Zheng patted Qin Fengs shoulder and secretly gave him a thumbs-up.

Zhang Tiannan also cast a peculiar glance.

Qin Feng hurriedly said, If its not possible, can the three of us squeeze together?

You kid, spare me. Sleeping on the same bed with a man is disgusting enough, and now you want me to sleep with two men? Si Zheng showed a disgusted look, then took the room card and headed to the attic.

Zhang Tiannan followed closely.

Qin Feng wanted to explain but was interrupted by the Manager, Sir, this is your room card with this young lady. Dont worry, the room is at the innermost part of the third floor, and normal sounds wont be heard from outside.

Cang Feilan glanced sideways, her gaze was like a mother seeing a cockroach in the previous life.

She didnt say much, reached for the room card, and ascended the attic with long strides.

Until the footsteps gradually faded away, the Manager quickly sought praise, Sir, your one or two pieces of silver werent spent in vain. Did I handle this matter fairly well?

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng pointed at the Manager, too angry to speak for a while.

This time, he truly jumped into the Yellow River but couldnt wash himself clean.

On the other side, outside the innermost room on the third floor attic, Cang Feilan looked at the room card in her hand, then pushed open the door.

After glancing at the clean and tidy guest room, she looked at the large bed against the wall.

Its unclear what she was thinking, but suddenly, her ears perked up, and she blushed.

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