My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 305

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:05 AM

Chapter 305: Cang Feilan’s Memories

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Chapter 305: Cang Feilan’s Memories

Todays night seems to have arrived earlier than usual.

After having dinner, Qin Feng and the others went their separate ways.

As they parted, Si Zheng gave Qin Feng an encouraging look.

Seeing this, Qin Fengs mouth twitched. At this moment, any explanation seemed pale and powerless.

Returning to the room with Miss Cang, a fragrance filled the air.

Following the scent, Qin Feng discovered a stack of sandalwood on the small wooden table near the bed, seemingly placed there unnoticed.

The business of this inn was thriving for a reason, and the Manager was quite skillful.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated this time. Miss Cang and I are innocent. Qin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth.

The smell of incense mixed with the fragrance of a woman made Qin Feng a little distracted.

He opened the window, the night breeze blew, and the moonlight poured into the house.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Ill open the window for some fresh air. Hope you dont mind. Qin Feng turned and said.

The night wind lifted the black scarf covering the womans hair, and the moonlight reflected in her pale blue eyes, charming enough to make ones heart skip a beat.

No normal man could remain calm when sharing a room with such a beauty.

Qin Feng felt as if he could hear his own heartbeat, following the fluttering of her hair.

He recalled the moments they had spent together.

There was the stunning first encounter.

There was the adorable look she had when she was almost on the verge of tears unable to solve a riddle.

There was the brave posture when facing demonic forces to protect him.

There was a beautiful figure standing resolutely in front of him in a life-threatening situation.

Unconsciously, the two had gone through so much.

Honestly, in this unfamiliar world, the first person to stir his heart was this beautiful woman with a veil.

If I hadnt met my wife, perhaps the relationship between Miss Cang and me wouldnt be just like it is now.

Eating while looking at the pot, it seemed like a common ailment for men, Qin Feng self-mockingly smiled.

He shook his head, dispelling unrealistic thoughts, and said, Miss Cang, if youre tired, you can rest on the bed first.

To enter the sixth rank of the Fate Divination Realm, I usually observe the night sky and often lie on the table before sleeping.

Cang Feilans light blue eyes blinked non-stop as she looked at Qin Feng. After a moment, she replied faintly, Alright.

Qin Feng exhaled lightly. To avoid letting his mind wander, he sat by the window, activating his divine awareness to gaze at the sky.

As usual, the white fate stars were densely packed.

Or perhaps when they went to Qiyuan City, and he resolutely stood in front of her?

But, all of this didnt matter. She just wanted to be with him.

She didnt know why, exactly.

Seeing his wife, her mood would be inexplicably complex, even though she clearly knew that those two should be left alone, she just didnt want to leave.

After not seeing him for a while, she would miss him quite a bit.

At that time, deep within her heart, she still refused to admit that she had fallen for the other person.

This was her final stubbornness.

It wasnt until her aunt mentioned that beautiful poem, shattering the last defense in her heart, that she finally realized that this was love.

She liked what the other person wrote, enjoyed the other persons playful appearance, and cherished the figure of the other person who disregarded everything.

If she had been a bit more proactive back then, would everything be different now?

Cang Feilan gazed at the figure earnestly in front of the window, asking herself this question.

Unfortunately, in this world, there are not so many ifs.

Time quietly passed, and the two figures, like a painting, froze in the guest room.

As the night grew deeper, Cang Feilan remained oblivious.

Such simple moments, for her, seemed exceptionally precious.

Because she was spending time with the person she liked.

Due to the curfew in Shuliang City, the streets were empty at this moment, with only the night wind blowing, the heartbeat of the two, and the gentle sound of breathing.

Suddenly, Cang Feilan furrowed her brows slightly. Beneath the black square scarf, her nose twitched slightly, and she faintly smelled a foul odor.

At the same moment, outside the guest room, there was a slight commotion.

She glanced at Qin Feng, who had closed his eyes and was completely focused on observing the sky with his divine sense, and quietly approached the door of the guest room.

Slowly opening the door, a foul smell hit her. In her sight was a figure wearing tattered clothes, an unrecognizable face, and a dried-up, blood-stained corpse!

The corpse demon, upon seeing Cang Feilan, was about to attack when a silvery-white dagger pierced through its head, pinning it to the floor.

Pulling out the dagger, a burst of white light flashed, and stains fell like rain. The corpse demon on the ground became motionless.

Cang Feilan looked around, there were far more such corpses than this one!

She sighed lightly, turned, and closed the door to the room.

At the tips of her black hair, silver-white tendrils clung.

Her light blue eyes gradually brightened, and her tone turned cold, Of all times, it had to appear now.

Interrupting her time alone with him.

It must be killed!

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