My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 307

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:01 AM

Chapter 307: Clues

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Chapter 307: Clues

Regarding the matter of the corpse demons, Amu still found it hard to believe.

However, when he arrived at the tavern where Qin Feng and others were located and saw the more than ten corpses, he was instantly shocked and turned pale.

His colleagues from the Demon Slaying Department, who came with him, also had trembling legs.New novel chapters are published on

How could they have imagined that behind the so-called plague in Shuliang City was actually a disaster of corpse demons!

What should we do about this? Amu trembled.

First, dispose of these corpses to prevent causing panic among the people, then report this matter to your Department Chief. We need to seek assistance from elsewhere urgently, and it needs to be arranged as soon as possible. Qin Feng said.

I understand. Amu replied.

Aware of the severity of the situation, the Demon Slaying Department team in Shuliang City acted very quickly, quickly moving the corpses of the corpse demons out of the tavern.

To confirm the origin of the tiger pattern on these corpse demons, Qin Feng and others followed along with Amu back to the Demon Slaying Department.

During the journey, Qin Feng thought about the infected civilians. The strength of the corpse poison varied among them, so he spoke up, Amu, were the locations chosen arbitrarily for the isolated civilians in the south and north houses?

Amu shook his head at the question, When we arranged the civilians, we divided them according to the streets where they originally lived. Those close to the south lived in the south house, and those close to the north lived in the north house. After all, the symptoms of those people were too frightening, and it wouldnt be surprising if they passed away at any time. This arrangement also makes it convenient for their families to find a place to pay respects when they are cremated.

Qin Feng, deep in thought, said, Later, you will provide me with a complete list of the original residences of those infected civilians.

Amu didnt know why, but still nodded and said, Alright, Young Master Qin.

The group soon arrived at the Demon Slaying Department and split into two groups.

Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan went to see the Department Chief of this place to discuss strategies and seek help.

Qin Feng and Cang Feilan, under Amus guidance, arrived at the place where Shuliang Citys documents and historical books were stored.

After arranging for colleagues to do the counting, Amu looked at Qin Feng and Cang Feilan, who were constantly flipping through books, and asked, Young Master Qin, what are you looking for? There are quite a lot of documents here, and with just the two of you, it will surely take a considerable amount of time. If possible, I would also like to contribute.

That would be great. Qin Feng didnt refuse.

He directly took paper and a brush from the nearby desk and drew the pattern he had in mind.

However, an unexpected figure appeared, causing him to put this matter aside.

Who? Si Zheng frowned and asked.

Its County Magistrate Lord Wang, Mr. Li replied, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Nonsense! Si Zheng scolded angrily. The government and the Demon Slaying Department are two separate organizations. Even if the other party is one level higher in rank, they have no right to mobilize you, a member of the Demon Slaying Department! You actually believed his words and concealed such a big matter!

You are unaware that Lord Wang is the appointed magistrate sent to this place by Imperial City. His background is astonishing, and how could I dare to provoke such a person?

Furthermore, Lord Wang has explicitly stated that he was already aware of the matter of the corpse demons. He was sent here by Imperial City to handle this matter secretly.

I was initially skeptical of this claim, but after that, there have indeed been no more occurrences of corpse demons in Shuliang City. So, I came to believe it.

Who would have thought that there would still be so many of these things in the city? At the end of his words, Chief Li seemed to realize that he had made a grave mistake and continued to blame himself.

Now, talking about this is useless. The immediate task is to seek reinforcements from elsewhere and quickly find out where the corpse demons in the city are coming from.

If Im not mistaken, there must be a corpse king with formidable power behind these corpse demons. It hasnt shown itself yet, and its ambitions must be significant. said Si Zheng in a serious tone.

I will immediately arrange for someone to go to Heavenly City for support. Chief Li responded promptly.

The South Domains Huarong Road is open, and patrols of the Demon Slaying Department often appear at the relay stations. You can send someone there to leave a message.

Understood, understood.

After everything was explained, Si Zheng led Zhang Tiannan away from the Demon Slaying Department towards the magistrates office.

He wanted to see for himself what reasons compelled this magistrate to dare conceal the disaster of the corpse demons!

Seeing the two of them depart, the fear on Chief Lis face slowly subsided. He took out a white note from his bosom, and the content written on it matched exactly what he had just discussed with Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan.

He lit the note on the candle until it turned to ashes, then beckoned to one of his subordinates and said, Continue having those hundred ghost cultivators suppress the Yin Qi beneath Shuliang City. Dont let those ghost things come out.

Also, continue sending people to feed whatever is in the cave. Do not stop even for a day.

The newcomers face turned pale, and he replied in a trembling voice, Understood.

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