My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 308

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:50:00 AM

Chapter 308: The Identity of the corpse demon

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Chapter 308: The Identity of the corpse demon

Found it! After searching for more than an hour in the Demon Slaying Departments documentation room, Amu suddenly raised a book in his hand and exclaimed excitedly.

Qin Feng hurriedly approached. Let me see.

It was a rather ancient local document. Upon opening the book, he indeed saw the vivid tiger pattern!

As he continued to flip through the pages, Qin Feng became more and more astonished.

Hundreds of ghosts walking at night has always been the norm in the world.

Even though the Great Qian Dynasty had been trying hard to change it. However, the common people were still living in dire straits.

When simply staying alive became a luxury, riots were inevitable.

Therefore, in the Great Qian Dynasty, it was not uncommon for mountain bandits to cause chaos, and local warlords to rise to power.

Sixty-four years ago, Emperor Wuchong sat on the throne.

Emperor Wuchong had an army under him known as Heavenly Expedition, which went out to fight against demon ghosts and mountain bandits. Despite numerous battles, they struggled to achieve victory.

The Heavenly Expedition Army did experience only one defeat, and they also secured one victory.

The defeat was particularly devastating, as the adversaries were skilled warriors of the foreign tribe Asura, a fearsome opponent that still haunts peoples nightmares to this day.

The victory they managed was against the infamous bandit army, the Tiger-Headed Barbarians, dominant in the southern region.

Normally, in a battle between two armies, there was a clear winner and loser, and casualties were inevitable. However, the clash between Heavenly Expedition and the Tiger-Headed Barbarians could be described as a mutual defeat.

In that battle, the Heavenly Expedition army, consisting of twenty thousand soldiers, lost a significant number of men. On the other hand, the eight thousand bandits of the Tiger-Headed Barbarians were completely annihilated.

One side was the regular army, and the other was a bandit force. The difference in strength should have led to a one-sided battle. The shocking result was due to one person.

The leader of the Tiger-Headed Barbarians, Yang Mang!

This man was exceptionally talented, following the profound Divine Martial Lineage. His strength surpassed all, reaching the coveted third-grade realm that countless aspired to achieve!

Single-handedly, he slaughtered nearly ten thousand soldiers of the Heavenly Expedition army!

In the end, exhausted and facing formidable forces within the Heavenly Expedition army, he was worn down and killed.

Qin Feng sat up from the chair, his expression complex.

Seeing this scene, the other two were quite puzzled.

Whats going on? Cang Feilan asked softly.

Take a look for yourselves.

Upon hearing this, Amu beside him hesitated to speak but ultimately sighed.

Its okay. I am quite familiar with him, and besides, with Miss Cang here and Chief Li in Shuliang City, I believe that if there is any danger, it can be resolved.

In that case, I will listen to you.

Leaving the Demon Slaying Department, Qin Fengs face immediately turned serious.

That Chief Li is obviously lying. Cang Feilan said in a low voice.

Mmm. Qin Feng naturally knew the other party was lying.

How could Si Zheng and the others not inform him when they left Shuliang City to seek reinforcements?

Zhang Tiannan, on the other hand, cherished words like gold. He could hardly speak more than ten words a day to someone he knew well, and asking him to speak was like killing him.

The man named Li obviously didnt know this.

But even if he knew, Qin Feng couldnt reveal it to his face, or else he would tear his face apart and things would be difficult to control.

Lord Si and the others are probably in danger. The waters in Shuliang City are deeper than I thought. Qin Feng frowned.

What should we do now? Leave Shuliang City and seek reinforcements? Cang Feilan asked.

Qin Feng shook his head, We are probably being watched closely. Every move we make is under their surveillance. If we forcefully leave Shuliang City, we will undoubtedly be stopped.

Lord Si is at the pinnacle of the Hundred Ghosts Fifth Rank, and Zhang Tiannan is at the pinnacle of the Divine Martial Sixth Rank.

Even these two individuals are powerless against the darkness in Shuliang City. How could he, a mere scholar, along with Miss Cang, possibly escape?

Now, the only hope he can rely on is that person named Amu.

He had to find a way to let Amu sneak out of Shuliang City and seek reinforcements!

Of course, there is definitely danger in doing this. After all, if Amu and those people behind the scene are working together, it is equivalent to directly exposing himself.

But he had no other choice.

Moreover, he was willing to believe in that somewhat thin and honest Amu.

Firstly, because of the exhausted figure of Amu who, for the sake of the people in the city, tirelessly went to Jinyang City to seek reinforcements.

Secondly, Chief Li didnt want Amu to protect him.

The enemys distrust happened to be an opportunity for him to trust.

However, before making the final decision, he still needed to probe a bit.

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