My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 309

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:59 AM

Chapter 309: Secretly Making Preparations

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Chapter 309: Secretly Making Preparations

Returning to the sealed-off area, the worried expressions on the faces of the onlookers had diminished significantly.

Under Qin Fengs instructions earlier, those who were infected inside had consumed liquid food, and their complexion had improved considerably.

Upon seeing Qin Feng, expressions of gratitude from the people continued without pause.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

After showing the token to the soldiers, Qin Feng smoothly entered.

Looking at the people who were previously infected with corpse poison, most of them have returned to normal.

Physician Qin, thank you for saving our lives.

If Physician Qin hadnt intervened, we would undoubtedly have perished this time. If I had died, what would have happened to my wife and child at home?

In the face of the gratitude from the crowd, Qin Feng raised his hand and said, Next, I will examine you again. After confirming everything is fine, I will report to the county magistrate and see if I can get you released to reunite with your families.

Thank you, Physician Qin. the crowd said in unison.

After about half an hour, Amu came to Qin Feng with the statistics of where the people were staying.

When these people saw Amu, they also greeted him, with friendly expressions on their faces.

Qin Feng, observing this scene, took note that Amu seemed to have a high reputation among the people.

After checking everyone, Qin Feng and two others gathered in a side room.

Young master Qin, take a look.

Qin Feng took the scroll and glanced at the distribution of the residents in Shuliang City. He quickly understood.

He put down the scroll and pretended to ask accidentally: Those people seem to like you very much?

Amu scratched his head awkwardly, Shuliang City used to be very peaceful. My task was to patrol the city every day. When there was nothing to do, I would help them with whatever I could. So, most of them are familiar with me.

Thinking of the past, when everyone lived happily in Shuliang City, but now it was plagued by corpse poison, Amu couldnt help but sigh, Young master Qin, do you think Shuliang City can survive this corpse demon disaster?

Qin Feng did not answer. Shuliang City was no longer a simple corpse demon disaster; there was obviously someone plotting behind it.

After Amu saw it, he swallowed his saliva and said, Young master Qin, it was you who cured the people in the city. If you suddenly leave, they will inevitably be uneasy. How about I go to Jinyang City on your behalf and bring back the herbs?

Qin Feng pondered for a moment and replied, Thats fine, but you need to act quickly. The corpse demons in the city have not been traced, and the corpse poison may reappear.

Looking at the table again, Qin Feng wrote The county magistrate and the chief in Shuliang City have problems. Please help me get medicine and ask for help. Remember, before you leave, be sure to inform the supervisor.

Worried about Young master Qins safety, Amu spoke again, I understand. Let me inform Chief Li, and I will leave for Jinyang City. However, Young master Qin, after I leave, you will have one less guard. In case of any accidents

Qin Feng smiled and replied, Its alright. With Miss Cang guarding me, its enough. And do you know about the Sword Dao Alliance?

Sword Dao Alliance? The one established by the three major sword families some time ago? Of course, I know. Its a place where outside warriors can go. Amu exclaimed.

Qin Feng took out a token carved with the Sword Emperor from his chest and said, I wont hide it from you. I joined the Sword Dao Alliance a long time ago. With this token, I can seek help from the Sword Dao Alliance. However, this token can only be used once, and I wont use it unless its absolutely necessary. Currently, the situation in Shuliang City is under control. As long as you find Vermilion Red Fruit and we wait for Lord Si and the others to return, the corpse demon disaster will surely be resolved.

These words were deliberately spoken by Qin Feng for the people outside to hear.

In the current situation, to prevent accidents, the chief and county magistrate would certainly not allow people to leave casually.

Qin Feng could only use the Sword Dao Alliance as a threat, and they would let Amu leave.

In that case, I can rest assured. Amu stood up, finished the tea in his cup, as if expressing some determination. Young master Qin, rest assured, I will bring back Vermilion Red Fruit as soon as possible.

Qin Feng gave some instructions again, and after listening, Amu nodded solemnly, then pushed the door and left.

Cang Feilan turned her head to look in a certain direction, and spoke softly, That person has left, but can we really trust him? You actually gave him that thing.

Now we have no other choice, and I believe that those who are loved by the common people at the bottom are mostly good-hearted people. Qin Feng exhaled.

In the Demon Slaying Department, Chief Li, upon hearing a report, pondered, He actually has the token of the Sword Dao Alliance. Are you sure he wants Amu to return to Jinyang City to find the medicine?

The newcomer nodded and said, Absolutely sure. Moreover, I specifically asked a city physician. Vermilion Red Fruit, this kind of medicinal herb, is very rare. He has seen it in medical books, and there happens to be a Black Mist Forest outside Jinyang City where this herb grows.

How does Lord Wang respond?

To avoid trouble, we can pretend to let him go, but the matter of the corpse demon must not be known to outsiders. We can take care of him on the way. the man made a throat-slitting motion.

Chief Li grinned, with a fierce light in his eyes, I understand.

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