My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 310

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:58 AM

Chapter 310: Nine Chain Coffin

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Chapter 310: Nine Chain Coffin

In the dark underground, the figure of Qian Gui appeared out of thin air outside the cave sealed by black chains.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

He looked towards the cave in front of him and then, with a flick of his toe, disappeared into it.

The cave was deep, shrouded in darkness where one couldnt see their own hand.

The stench of corpses and the smell of blood pervaded the air.

Qian Gui hovered in the air, and ghostly green flames suddenly appeared around him, dispelling the darkness in the cave.

At this moment, it became visible that a large coffin was suspended in the air by nine chains.

On the surface of the coffin, strange patterns were engraved, emitting a blood-red glow.

A hoarse voice emanated from the coffin, I thought someone was bringing me food, but I didnt expect it to be you. You people are neither human nor ghost, and the meat on your body is too bad. I ate it once before, and I dont want to eat it a second time.

Qian Gui did not answer, and the dim cave fell into an unusual silence.

After a long time, he spoke, This level of threat is meaningless. I know you are trying to buy time to break free from the seal. But rest assured, I am different from my foolish master. I have no interest in your corpse, and in fact, I can help you speed up the unsealing process and let you be reborn.

This time, the entity in the coffin fell into silence. After a moment, there was a mocking laugh, followed by a wild and loud laughter.

The large coffin trembled, and the nine chains accompanying it continuously made a metallic ringing sound.

That old guy back then found my corpse, wanted to refine me into his body. However, when he opened the coffin, I bit off his head. Dont think I dont know. You practitioners of the corpse-cultivation path are so eager for the flesh of a third-grade martial warrior. You talk about letting me out, but its just for the same purpose as that old guy.

Qian Gui didnt say much. With a wave of his right hand, the chain, which had already developed cracks, snapped.

At the same moment, the blood-red patterns on the coffin disappeared.

Ive said it before, Im different from that foolish master. I have no interest in your physical body.

What do you want? The hoarse voice sounded again, with a hint of confusion.

The reason your cultivation advanced rapidly during your lifetime and your body remained incorruptible after death is because you obtained a scale.

That scale is useless to a corpse, give it to me, and I can help you cut one chain every two hours.

Every two hours?

Its not to delay time, but breaking the Nine Chains Coffin, a secret technique of the Puppet Corpse Path, is not easy. If not for your sixty years of effort, even if I cut one chain every two hours, I wouldnt be able to do it. Qian Gui spoke truthfully.

The middle-aged man widened his eyes, How could this token be in your possession? No, this token doesnt attract the Sword Dao Alliance!

As the words fell, with Amu biting his finger, a drop of blood fell on the token.

A sword aura, with an unmatched momentum, directly slashed at the middle-aged man.

Although the latter wanted to resist, facing Yue Hexuans sword aura, everything he did was futile.

In just an instant, the figure of the middle-aged man was annihilated by the sword aura, leaving no trace.

Amu looked shocked. He never expected that the life-saving item given by Young Master Qin would be so powerful.

While feeling grateful, he dared not delay any longer.

Gripping the reins in his hands, the horse hooves trampled, avoiding the fallen towering trees, Amu swiftly headed towards Jinyang City.

The sky was already dark, and Qin Feng pushed open the window of the tavern, gazing into the sky.

As night fell, a black veil enveloped the entire Shuliang City.

Calculating the time, if Amu is still alive, he should be close to Jinyang City by now. Qin Feng murmured to himself.

The token of the Sword Alliance bore two sword aurasone from Yue Hexuan, the sect master of the Myriad Swords Sect, and the other from the Sword Emperor Bai Yan.

With these two sword auras protecting him, anyone attempting to pursue him with strength below the fourth rank would undoubtedly meet their demise.

Therefore, compared to Amu, Qin Feng was more concerned about the safety of Lord Si and Zhang Tiannan.

Lord Si and the others have disappeared. Its highly likely that its not an internal matter of the Demon Slaying Department because that would leave too many traces. If I were the mastermind, I would definitely try to move them away from the department before taking action. In that case, the most likely place would be the magistrates office.

Qin Feng rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Faced with an unseen enemy, waiting passively for their move was too risky; he had to take the initiative.

He also remembered the distribution of infected residents he had observed during the day.

The closer to the southern part of the city, especially near a shrine, the heavier the corpse poison infection. If he could get Miss Cang to investigate, there might be some discoveries.

However, Shuliang City was like a dangerous place for them, and one wrong step could lead to their demise.

Moreover, they were likely still under surveillance.

How could he discreetly get Miss Cang to leave the tavern without being noticed?

Qin Feng pondered with his head down for a long time. The night deepened, and he remained oblivious until the next room echoed with the amorous sounds of a man and a woman, bringing him back to reality.

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