My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 311

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:57 AM

Chapter 311: Playing Both Sides

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Chapter 311: Playing Both Sides

Qin Feng was quite annoyed when his thoughts were interrupted, and he spat in his heart. The innkeeper kept saying that the sound insulation effect in the restaurant was good, but is this the result?

He could even hear the heavy breathing of the man next door!

Fortunately, he and Miss Cang didnt have anything, or else wouldnt others find out?

Thinking like this, Qin Feng quietly glanced at Miss Cang behind him.

The latter had obviously heard the sound, and her eyes were a little evasive and unnatural.

Qin Feng cleared his throat, The wind is quite noisy tonight. Ill close the windows.

Hmm Under her black scarf, Cang Feilan responded lightly.

After closing the window, the lingering sound was much quieter, like mosquitoes and flies. It seemed that the innkeeper was not lying. The sound insulation effect of the restaurant was indeed good.

Its just that the two people next door most likely forgot to close the window when they were doing their things.

While Qin Feng heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a plan came into his mind.

The two people next door had provided him with a solution. Who would think that with such a commotion, there was only one man in the room?

He stood up, intending to share his thoughts, but when he looked at Miss Cang, he hesitated.

Miss Cang was, after all, a delicate young lady. Even if it was just a pretense, if it got out, it might affect her reputation.

After much hesitation, Qin Feng took a deep breath and decided to be honest.

Hearing his words, Cang Feilans light blue eyes widened, and a hint of blush crept up her ears.

Under the black scarf, she bit her lip, recalling the unbearable sound from earlier.

After a long while, she exhaled and asked, Understood. What do I need to do?

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and replied, You dont need to do anything. Just as long as you dont mind your reputation being affected, leave the rest to me.

Cang Feilan: ???

On the eaves of the restaurant, two dark figures blended into the night.

One person grumbled, That couple next door is driving me crazy. I really want to find a girl in the brothel to vent my frustrations.

The other person was obviously much calmer, Its been quiet in there for a long time. Its best to send someone to check.

As soon as he finished speaking, the room where Qin Feng and the others were staying went dark as the candles were extinguished.

Two dark figures instantly flashed and clung to the window. Just as they were about to break in through the window, a voice from inside the room said, Mine is quite big, endure it a bit.

Two men carried a prisoner into the ancestral hall? Qin Feng widened his eyes.

The scene was exactly the same as what he had seen in his dream.

He thought of that pitch-black environment, the entwining black chains, the deep cave, and the stretched out arms.

The source behind the corpse demons in Shuliang City likely originated from that ancestral hall!

Whats the name of that ancestral hall? Qin Feng asked.

The Eternal Shrine.

Inside the Demon Slaying Department, Chief Li paced back and forth in the hall with a cold expression.

The person sent to assassinate Amu had not returned for a day and night. Logically, with that persons strength, killing Amu should have been effortless, and it shouldnt have taken this long.

The fact that he hadnt returned for so long indicated that something unexpected had happened.

After much consideration, he decided to report this situation to County Magistrate Wang.

After all, whether he could soar to great heights in the future and enter the Imperial City depended on that person.

This is also the main reason why he is willing to conceal the disaster of the corpse demons and follow Wang Yis lead!

After arriving at the magistrates office and explaining the situation, crisp applause immediately sounded.

County Magistrate Wang spoke sternly, You cant even handle such a trivial matter?

A bright red slap mark revealed itself, and Chief Li dared not show the slightest resentment.

Lord Wang, I didnt expect that the interception would go wrong. After all, Amus strength is only seventh rank.

Humph, those two must have given Amu something to protect himself. It seems theyre not foolish either.

They stayed in Shuliang City just to numb us, and let Amu go out to ask for help. That is the real purpose.

Chief Li turned pale in freight. In that case, if the corpse demon disaster is exposed, wont we be purged by the Demon Slaying Department?

Wang Yi didnt take it seriously, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, Immediately send someone to the Huarong Road relay station to report the disaster of the corpse demons in Shuliang City.

Lord Wang, what are you planning?

We previously thought that there was a plague disaster in the city, but now that weve seen the corpse demons, theres no reason to conceal it.

Mr. Li instantly understood and exclaimed, Your Excellency is right!

Also, let the practitioners of the Hundred Ghosts Path not suppress the Yin Qi anymore. And by the way, send more people to feed the thing in the cave.

Chief Li turned pale when he heard this. His whole body trembled. I-I understand.

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