My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 313

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:55 AM

Chapter 313: Infiltrating the County Magistrate's Mansion

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Chapter 313: Infiltrating the County Magistrate's Mansion

Whats wrong? Young master Qin, your expression seems a bit off? Wang Yi silently set down his teacup.

Qin Feng suddenly felt himself losing composure. The news was so shocking that he could not react for a while.

He cleared his throat and replied, Perhaps I drank too much tea on the way here. Now I need to use the facilities. Lord Wang, do you know where the bathroom is in the mansion?

Someone come. With Wang Yis command, a soldier quickly entered the room.

Following the soldier through the County Magistrates mansion, Qin Feng continued to observe his surroundings with his X-Ray ability, attempting to find any clues.

However, he knew this idea was impractical. How could the enemy leave traces in obvious places?

Soon, they arrived at the bathroom. Qin Feng pushed the door open and was about to close the wooden door, but was stopped by a hand.


Turning around, the guiding soldier looked conflicted and hesitated to speak. He carefully surveyed the surroundings, and then entered the outhouse, closing the wooden door!

What do you want? Qin Fengs eyes widened and he took a step back. The Righteous Qi in his body gathered and he was fully alert.

The other person was just a ninth-ranked warrior. If he dared to act aggressively, Qin Feng didnt mind showing him that scholars were not to be trifled with.

The soldier also seemed stunned, then spoke seriously, Physician Qin, I know where Lord Si and the others are.

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow. What kind of drama was this?

He naturally wouldnt trust anyone inside the County Magistrates mansion. He said, Lord Si and the others went out for reinforcements, either to Qiyuan City City or Jinyang City. I dont need you to tell me; I already know where they went.

The soldier shook his head. Physician Qin, youve been deceived by Lord Wang. Those two havent left Shuliang City at all.

What do you mean? Qin Feng frowned.

The soldier then succinctly explained the situation.

According to him, on the day when Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan disappeared, they did indeed come to the County Magistrates mansion and were subsequently trapped in the dungeon by Wang Yi.

Qin Feng still didnt believe him, thinking it was Wang Yis cunning test. He scoffed, Lord Wang cares deeply for the people in the city. How could he possibly do such a thing?

I know you dont trust me. After all, Im also from the County Magistrates mansion. I hesitated whether to tell you this.

To be honest with you, my father contracted corpse poison and was also in that isolated place. If it werent for Young Master Qins intervention and treatment, my father would not have been able to overcome this obstacle.

I am taking the risk of telling you this to repay the favor of saving my fathers life.

With these words, the soldier took out a piece of white cloth from his pocket.

Perhaps seeking revenge for the previous night, tonight their activities were particularly loud, and the womans throat seemed almost hoarse from shouting.

The two responsible for monitoring spat disdainfully, staring at the guest room where Qin Feng and the others were.

The windows were closed, the candle flickered, and faintly visible were two shadows embracing each other.

These two, Im afraid they will have a good time tonight. one person spat and said.

The other person didnt take it seriously and sneered.

In fact, the shadows in the room were just illusions created by Qin Feng.

There were two pieces of clothing standing upright, illuminated by the candlelight, giving the appearance of two people embracing.

The real Qin Feng and Cang Feilan had already left the inn, secretly heading towards the magistrates residence.

Although the townsfolk infected with the corpse poison had all returned home, the city of Shuliang still enforced a curfew under the pretext that the epidemic had not been completely eradicated. Therefore, the streets remained deserted and exceptionally quiet.

Cang Feilan glanced at Qin Feng, who was walking along the edge of the houses not far away.

Dressed in black, with a black face mask covering his face, moving cautiously.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she asked, Weve already shaken off surveillance; theres no need for you to be so cautious.

You dont understand; caution lasts for a thousand years, Qin Feng replied softly.

To prevent accidents, he always activated his supernatural ability to observe his surroundings. Suddenly, he uttered a soft exclamation.

For some reason, the Yin Qi in this city was much denser than when he first arrived.

However, the immediate priority now was to find Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan in the dungeon of the magistrates office. He didnt dwell too much on the issue of Yin Qi.

Arriving outside the magistrates house, Qin Feng held a white cloth in his hands and said to a wall, If this map is genuine, then entering from here is the safest at this moment.

However, the critical issue was that the wall was nearly three feet high. How could one enter silently?

Just as he was pondering, a soft sound came from beside him. Looking up, Cang Feilan was already standing steadily on the edge of the wall, looking down at him from a high vantage point.

The two exchanged glances across the distance, a gust of night wind blowing, lifting their hair.

How about you go back?

Are you serious when you say that?

A few words, but the impact was immense. Qin Fengs expression stiffened.

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