My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 314

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:54 AM

Chapter 314: When the Picture Reaches an Impasse, the Dagger Appears

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Chapter 314: When the Picture Reaches an Impasse, the Dagger Appears

Qin Feng naturally didnt go back; there was no way he would go back even if he were beaten to death.

Its not because his humble self-esteem was acting up, but when he left the tavern, it was Miss Cang who led him away. If he wanted to sneak back quietly, it wouldnt be possible without Miss Cang.

With the help of Cang Feilan, the two successfully entered the county magistrates mansion.

It was already deep into the night, and the candles in many rooms within the mansion had already been extinguished, leaving only a few with dim lights.

There was nothing wrong with the map drawn by the soldier. Following the instructions on it, Qin Feng and Cang Feilan avoided patrols and finally arrived at the location of the county magistrates dungeon.

After sneakily peeking behind the wall, Qin Fengs face became serious.

The defensive strength in the dungeon was much stronger than that in the county magistrates mansion. Just at a glance, he saw two soldiers patrolling.

According to the map, Lord Si and the others are likely trapped in the deepest part of the dungeon. Its not realistic to sneak in quietly while avoiding these soldiers. Miss Cang, what do you think? Qin Feng said with a serious tone.

No one responded.

Hmm? Qin Feng was curious. He turned his head and couldnt see Miss Cangs figure anywhere.



Two short, powerful, and crisp sounds came from the dungeon.

No way. Qin Feng swallowed nervously and looked into the dungeon again.

He saw Cang Feilan gently placing the two unconscious soldiers on the ground.

What are you staring at? A calm tone came from under the scarf, and Cang Feilan took the lead in walking towards the dungeon with her long legs.

Maybe Im really superfluous, Qin Feng thought to himself, then hurriedly followed.

With Cang Feilans surprise attack, the journey through the dungeon was smooth.

Along the way, the cells were mostly empty, and there were no cries or shouts from the prisoners.

This phenomenon didnt ease Qin Fengs mind; instead, he became more worried. He remembered clearly that in the dream, those thrown into the cave were all prisoners in prison uniforms.

After about the time it takes to burn an incense stick, the two reached the deepest part of the dungeon. In several cells on both sides, more than ten prisoners were locked up.

Although they all had their eyes open, the light in their eyes had long gone, as if they had given up on the idea of life.nove(l)bi(n.)com

I heard from the soldiers before that these prisoners are ordinary people. They were captured for some purpose. Every night, soldiers take them away.

I suspect something unexpected happened to those people. For safetys sake, its better to release them.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng frowned, then truthfully recounted what Cang Feilan saw outside the Eternal Shrine and what he saw in his dreams.

The other three were indignant upon hearing this.

Si Zheng gritted his teeth, This Wang deserves to die!

Perhaps the minds of the common people were too severely tortured; even if they could escape the cells, they still sat on the ground without moving.

We cant manage them for now; wed better leave here as soon as possible. Qin Feng urged again.

The urgency of the situation varied, but the most crucial thing now was to quickly prevent the entity in the coffin from being born.


The group hurried towards the exit of the prison.

On the way, Qin Feng also revealed the true identity of the corpse demon and the matter of Yang Mang, the leader of the Tiger-Headed Barbarians.

A Third Stage Divine Martial Warrior? Upon hearing this, Si Zheng widened his eyes.

If such an existence truly turned into a corpse demon, what terrifying level of strength would it reach?

At this moment, Si Zhengs face darkened and he protected the three people behind him.

The shadows big hand instantly stood up, firmly blocking something coming through the air.

Who goes there? Si Zheng shouted.

At the exit of the prison cell, the figures of Wang Yi and others slowly appeared.

The leader, Wang Yi, said coldly, The prosperous Jinyang City wasnt enough for you; you had to come here and stir up trouble. You really find your own lives too dull!

The sound of ticking echoed.

Qin Feng looked in the direction of the sound. The object previously blocked by Si Zhengs puppet shadow turned out to be a human head!

He recognized this person; it was the official who had previously provided him with intelligence for the magistrates mansion!

Seeing this, Qin Fengs eyes were filled with rage, and he shouted loudly, Wang Yi!

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