My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 315

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:53 AM

Chapter 315: Disaster Strikes, Corpse Demons Resurrect

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Chapter 315: Disaster Strikes, Corpse Demons Resurrect

The middle-aged man in the magistrates robe heard the shouts and said expressionlessly, Those who take advantage of others will naturally meet this fate.

Theres no need for you to look like that. Anyway, it wont be long before all of you have to go down and accompany him.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

As the words fell, he clapped his hands, and the surface of the ground began to churn, with numerous decaying bone arms emerging.

They were indeed corpse demons!

Yang Mangs Nine-Chain Coffin seal gradually weakened. Combined with the fact that the Yin Qi in Shuliang City was no longer suppressed, these corpse demons could finally come to the mortal world without restraint!

The stench of decaying bodies filled the air, making people nauseous.

Countless corpse demons bared their teeth and claws, rushing toward Qin Fun and the others.

Si Zhengs anger flared, the big treasure gourd behind him fell to the ground, emitting a loud roar.

Yin Qi gathered and poured into the shadow. The shadows black hand instantly rose, and in the blink of an eye, it crushed countless corpse demons into minced meat.

Zhang Tiannan stomped his right foot forward, fists collided, a fierce wind erupted, and wherever the fist wind passed, the corpse demons were no match at all.

Cang Feilan shuttled through the battlefield, the silver-white short dagger in her hand flying, and the heads of the corpse demons flew up one by one.

In their lifetime, these corpse demons, at best, were only seventh-grade warriors. Even if their bodies underwent changes after death, they could not be opponents of Si Zheng and the others.

The battle situation almost presented a one-sided posture. When Si Zheng crushed the last standing corpse demon with the puppets black hand, it took less than the time it takes for an incense stick to burn!

Wang Yi, you concealed the disaster of the corpse demons, fed them with the people, killed officials, and disregarded the lives and deaths of the people in the city.

All sorts of evil deeds, too numerous to record. Ill take your head today! Si Zheng angrily shouted.

The black hand of the puppets black hand instantly reached out but was intercepted by a man with a dull face.

Qin Fun opened his dual-pupil abilities and looked at the man. He thought the other party who could intercept Mr. Stones move, should be at least a high-level expert of the fifth-grade realm.

He was surprised to find that there was no trace of Yin Qi and blood in the other partys body, he was not a living person at all!

Looking at his appearance, it was completely different from those walking corpses.

Suddenly, he remembered the situation of the attendants in the Lords Mansion in Jinyang City. It was as if they were walking corpses, just like the man in front of him.

The Puppet Corpse Technique?! Si Zheng was knowledgeable and exclaimed.

On the other side, in the underground cave of the Eternal Life Shrine, Qian Gui looked at the huge coffin suspended in the air. Only one chain remained on top.

The blood-colored patterns on the surface of the coffin were almost gone, and inside, there were thumping sounds, like the beating of a heart, or as if someone was pounding a war drum.

With each sound, a large number of undead would emerge from the ground in Shuliang City.

Although their flesh had dried up, their clothes were tattered, the patterns on their backs and bodies revealed that they were the bandits the Tiger-Headed Barbarians who plundered and killed in the Southern Domain in the past.

Countless people in the city were killed or injured, and reinforcements from other towns continued to arrive, increasing the death toll.

The invisible black death energy continued to seep into the ground, filling the cave.

Qian Gui took a deep breath, seemingly intoxicated by the aura of death.

Its almost time to come out. How do you feel at this moment? a faint voice came from beneath the ghostly face.

The response was the icy killing intent that seemed to solidify within the coffin.

In the dungeon of the magistrates office, Si Zheng and others tried to pursue Wang Yi but were stopped by a man who appeared like a walking corpse.

What surprised them even more was that the undead, who should have been dead and couldnt die again, had their torn flesh reassembled in one place.

Qin Feng frowned, activating his dual-pupil ability to look around. He discovered that whenever the black energy entered those bodies, the undead would revive!

Si Zheng took a glance, then looked at the man blocking the way and said in a deep voice, This wont work. Little Cang, you take Qin Feng and leave this place. Ill deal with the man in front. Zhang Tiannan, Ill leave these stubborn demons that wont die to you.

Although the reinforcements have already arrived, what Wang Yi said earlier still made Si Zheng feel uneasy.

Coupled with Qin Feng mentioning the leader with a tiger-head and a barbarian, who was a third-grade martial artist in his lifetime, if turned into a corpse demon, it would take at least the strength of a twelve-god general to deal with.

But Si Zheng was clear that there was no such strength in Qiyuan City and Jinyang City!

At this moment, he only hoped that Chief Zhou, who held grudges, and had a wide network could find twelve god generals to come and resolve the disaster in Shuliang City.

Upon hearing Si Zhengs words, Cang Feilan lifted the back collar of Qin Feng with one hand, then quickly moved to leave the dungeon.

Seeing this, the man blocking the way suddenly thrust his right hand to the side, but he was hit away by Si Zhengs shadowy black hand.

Lord Si, be careful. Qin Feng called out.

Take care of yourself. Si Zheng raised an eyebrow in response, then looked gravely at the man who had stood up again.

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