My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 316

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:52 AM

Chapter 316: Reinforcements

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Chapter 316: Reinforcements

Qian Gui emerged from the depths of the Eternal Shrine, floating high above, overlooking the entire Shuliang City.

He had three objectives for this journey.

Firstly, to complete the mission assigned by the Burial Heaven Organization and obtain the scale on Yang Mangs body.

Secondly, to liberate Yang Mang, who had transformed into a corpse demon, from the seal of the Nine-Chain Coffin, causing some trouble for the Southern Domain Demon Slaying Department and distracting their attention.

Thirdly, to integrate more Death Qi to further advance his own strength.

The wails, cries, screams, and furious roars in the city echoed like a symphony, resonating through the air.

As more people gathered in Shuliang City, Qian Gui muttered to himself, Its almost time. He then clasped his palms together.

The black Death Qi turned into a barrier, shrouding the entire Shuliang City. The reinforcements entering the city were surprised to find that they couldnt pass through this black barrier.

Upon contact, their flesh would decay at a visible speed!

But at this moment, Qian Gui suddenly sensed something and looked towards the southern direction.

An expert is coming.

In the deep mountains, an army was galloping at full speed. It was the reinforcements brought by Amu from Jinyang City and Qiyuan City.

The man leading them was none other than Zhou Kai, one of the thirty-six stars!

Originally, given the distance between Jinyang City and Shuliang City, Zhou Kai and his group could have arrived to provide assistance earlier.

However, after learning from Amu that behind the corpse demon might be a former Divine Martial Third Rank Corpse King, Zhou Kai left Jinyang City to find an ally, causing a delay of half a day.

Someone has expanded the domain, and the aura of death is very strong. On the horse next to Zhou Kai, a handsome middle-aged man dressed in green clothes and a black cloak said with a frown.

Looking at his waist, a white jade and gold-inlaid token inscribed with the word General was particularly conspicuous. This token was none other than the Twelve Divine Generals Token.

And the middle-aged man was none other than Sima Kong, the Spear Immortal who had previously rescued QiYuan City from the ghost problem!

Has Yang Mang already appeared? Zhou Kai asked in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Amus expression changed.

Sima Kong closed his eyes and shook his head, I dont know the details yet, but the situation in Shuliang City is not optimistic at the moment. Ill go ahead.

Alright. Zhou Kai nodded in agreement.

As the words fell, Sima Kong tapped his right foot, and with a loud bang, his body leaped high from the horses back.

Qin Feng looked up, golden light shimmering in his eyes. Indeed, in the night sky, there was a semi-transparent black barrier enveloping the entire Shuliang City.

Its a domain, said Cang Feilan with a slight frown.

Qin Fengs expression turned grim. A domain was a method that could only be used by existence above the third-ranked realm or the seventh Calamity Cycle.

In other words, either Yang Mang under the Eternal Shrine has appeared, or there are other powerful enemies in Shuliang City!

He suddenly thought of the mysterious man in the dungeon who stopped Lord Si, and then thought of those people in Jinyang City.

He felt that the second possibility was more likely.

Behind the disaster of the corpse demons in Shuliang City, there is a powerful puppet master!

You cant leave Shuliang City at this moment. Where do you two plan to take refuge?? Cang Feilan asked.

The woman replied, Theres an inn ahead with the Demon Slayers guarding it. Its much safer than other places. I originally planned to go there.

Cang Feilan glanced over.

Qin Feng furrowed his brow in thought. The current whereabouts of Wang Yi were unknown, and no one knew the current situation of the mysterious coffin in the underground cave beneath the Eternal Life Shrine.

Given the limited options for him and Miss Cang, he responded, Well escort you there.

Thank you, young master. Thank you, miss, the woman expressed her gratitude with her child in her arms.

The group soon arrived at the inn the woman mentioned. The inns doors and windows were tightly shut, and even the lantern hanging at the entrance was extinguished.

Qin Feng approached and knocked on the large door, and it creaked open in response.

A man stuck out half of his face, looking wary. Only after confirming that everyone outside was alive did he open the door wider, making room for them.

Stepping into the inn, they found that there was hardly any space left in any area suitable for accommodation.

Upon hearing the door open, the frightened gazes of the people inside turned towards them. Only after recognizing the faces of Qin Feng and his companions did their nervousness subside slightly.

In the face of the ghostly crisis, these ordinary people were like fish on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered by demons.

Qin Feng sighed helplessly as he looked at the expressions of the people.

In a corner, a mans face was pale with pain, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

He was one of the Demon Slayers, injured by demons while escorting the people to this place. Fortunately, he wore protective armor under his outer clothes, preventing infection by the corpse poison, but he did suffer a few broken ribs.

Let me take a look. Qin Feng stepped forward and said.

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