My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 318

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:50 AM

Chapter 318: There Is Hope Only When You Are Alive

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Chapter 318: There Is Hope Only When You Are Alive

There Is Hope Only When You Are Alive

Although Sima Kong had his eyes closed, he seemed to be able to see everything.

He nodded towards Qin Feng, he recognised this young man. Back in Qiyuan City, the people there had benefited from this young mans kindness.

Moreover, Lord Nan Tianlong of the Southern Territory also seemed particularly interested in this young man.

On the other side, a long spear fixed Yang Mangs body into the ground. However, for Yang Mang, who had already turned into a corpse demon, this level of attack was like a scratch.

After a while, a figure jumped out of the deep ravine in the ground again.

He pulled out the long spear piercing through his chest, and the hollow chest didnt shed a drop of blood; it rapidly healed in the blink of an eye.

The spear is good, but the person lacks a bit, Yang Mang mocked with an expressionless face.

He lifted the long spear over his head and then forcefully threw it towards Sima Kong.

A simple move, yet it illustrated violence to the extreme.

The violent wind raised by the long spear caused the houses on both sides of the street to collapse like sand.

The aftermath of this strike alone could turn the common people in the tavern into blood splatters! Sima Kongs expression turned serious, and a white energy formed a barrier, protecting the common people and Qin Feng.

However, in a duel of experts, there was no room for distraction.

The spear broke through the air in an instant!

Sima Kong originally wanted to grab the spear with his right hand, but when he took hold of it, the power contained in the spear actually carried him away. It was not until he flew nearly a hundred feet away that he could stabilize his body.

And a figure had appeared above his head at some point, it was Yang Mang!

He raised his right foot and struck it down like a battle axe, as if the sky was collapsing.

Even though Sima Kong raised his spear in time to block, he was still kicked down from a high altitude with a loud roar and fell heavily into the ground.

A ravine extended from the falling point at a visible speed, running through nearly half of Shuliang City.

The commotion here naturally drew the attention of everyone in the city.

Whats that sound? The soldiers and demon slayers rushing to the rescue were shocked.

On a mountain peak outside the city, Qian Gui looked at the battle from afar, murmuring to himself, The current Yang Mangs strength is comparable to the Twelve God Generals.

He naturally understood that the Spear Immortal could not be defeated so easily.

The name of the Divine General resounded in The Great Qian like thunder, undoubtedly possessing strength beyond everyones imagination.

Countless decaying bone claws emerged from the ground, and eerie, terrifying faces came into view.

It seemed like the final straw that broke everyones mental defenses.

The peoples legs felt like a thousand pounds, unable to take another step!

Even though those surviving demon slayers, including Cang Feilan, fought hard against the corpse demons, they couldnt influence those who had given up hope for survival.

Until a thunderous sound echoed in everyones ears.

It was a white thunderbolt, incredibly powerful; in the blink of an eye, it annihilated more than ten ghouls.

Qin Feng put down his right hand, and on the white gloves, there were faint threads of purple thunderous Righteous Qi surging.

The white thunder just now was naturally the formation he displayed White Thunder!

The commotion was significant, and many commoners looked over.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng addressed the crowd, The world is tough, and we all know it deep down.

Calamity may strike without warning, and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

But if you give up on yourselves, who will care about your life and death?

Stand up and run!

Until the very last moment, never give up, because only by staying alive is there hope.

Right now, you dont even care about life and death, so what is there to fear? Qin Feng shouted.

His words were like thunder, shocking the minds of the people.

Cang Feilans short dagger danced in her hand as she cleared a path for everyone. After opening up a way, she turned around and, in her light blue eyes, all she could see was the figure of Qin Feng.

The mother holding a baby, upon hearing these words, struggled to stand up. Her husband had died while protecting her and their child during the escape.

She was already disheartened; in such a world, having lost the main support in her family, how could she go on?

But Qin Feng was right theres hope in staying alive. She glanced at the baby in her arms.

It was not just for herself but also for the child.

Amid the curious gazes of the others, the woman was the first to stand up and run towards the path opened by Cang Feilan.

Seeing this, others were also inspired, no longer afraid, and began to move.

Qin Feng sighed with relief. No one else could save those who had given up hope except for themselves.

The common people of The Great Qian had always been in dire straits, so these people understood even more how difficult it was just to survive.

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