My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 319

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:50 AM

Chapter 319: Mind’s Eye

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Chapter 319: Mind’s Eye

Under the protection of Qin Feng and others, the surviving commoners in the tavern managed to escape half of Shuliang City, getting closer to the city gate.

In the middle, soldiers and demon slayers cleared the way for them, but even so, some people lost their lives to the suddenly emerging corpse demons.

Due to the lingering Death Qi in the city, the slain corpse demons would quickly resurrect.

Because of this, more and more people are dying in the city.

Above the high sky, in the white domain, the battle between Sima Kong and Yang Mang had reached a high intensity.

Unexpectedly, the tide of the battle was not in favor of the Spear Immortal; instead, Yang Mang appeared to be in complete control!

Sima Kongs black cloak was tattered, revealing sturdy muscles beneath his green clothes.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

He closed his eyes, frowned, and held the spear in his hand, Sky Cloud Piercer, suspended in the air.

On the other side, Yang Mang was miraculously unharmed!

This was not due to a significant difference in their strength; it was because when the master of Qian Gui set up the Nine Chains Coffin to seal the corpse, he also arranged a formation to gather Death Qi in Shuliang City.

As creatures that absorbed death and resentment, for the corpse demons, Death Qi was their life force.

As long as there was a continuous supply of Death Qi, Yang Mang could rapidly recover from any injuries.

In this constant exchange, the Spear Immortal Sima Kong found himself in a passive situation.

Looking at the heavily injured Spear Immortal, Yang Mang taunted, So, the Twelve Divine Generals of The Great Qian only have this level of strength? Coming all this way just to die, youre truly the first in history. But after all, as a third-grade warrior, your blood and qi are indeed abundant. Im sure youll be delicious.

Faced with such provocations, the Spear Immortal turned a deaf ear and just stood quietly high in the sky, exuding Qi, as if he was feeling something.

As they approached the city gate, the number of emerging corpse demons increased, making the progress more challenging.

When the entire group was struggling to move forward, Qin Feng looked around, realizing that they were surrounded by corpse demons.

The demon slayers protecting the group, along with the soldiers desperately slaying the corpse demons, faced waves of attacks.

As long as the Death Qi in Shuliang City continued unabated, these incorrigible creatures would remain immortal.

However, the strength of mortal beings had its limits.

Another bolt of white thunder struck, annihilating several corpse demons ahead. However, even with Qin Fengs current strength, supplemented by the headband on his head restoring his Righteous Qi, he had reached his limit.

Cang Feilan was still harvesting the heads of the corpse demons, but being just one person, she couldnt cover all fronts.

I thought you closed your eyes and were blind. It turns out you deliberately closed your eyes to cultivate the most elusive insight, the Minds Eye of the fifth level Realm of Myriad Gods, using your heart to perceive the world.

Spear Immortal Sima Kong, upon hearing these words, turned his head to look at him. He clearly hadnt done anything, but those eyes of his carried an unparalleled sense of oppression!

At the same time, in the night sky, a pair of gigantic eye shadows appeared and then disappeared in a flash.

Qin Feng, witnessing this, was extremely shocked. Those enormous pupils seemed like deities overlooking the mortal world, making it impossible for anyone to muster any resistance!

What what exactly is that? Amu asked tremblingly.

It is indeed difficult to deal with the corpse ghost of a third-level Divine Martial Artist. It actually forced the Spear Immortal to open his minds eye and take it seriously. Zhou Kai murmured.

Minds eye? Qin Feng looked curious.

Warriors often say, in practicing the spear, you first practice the eyes; in practicing the sword, you first practice the heart; in practicing the knife, you first practice the momentum.

The path of cultivation has five realms. The commonly perceived highest realm is the fifth realm, the Realm of Myriad Gods. Those who reach this realm can transform everything into a weapon.

However, within this fifth realm, there are distinctions. The highest realm in the path of the spear is to cultivate the minds eye.

Observing all things with the mind, one can see through the surface and be invincible.

Any weaknesses in all things are difficult to escape the control of the minds eye.

At this point, Zhou Kai sighed, He wants to unleash a great battle, but its tough on my old bones.

Qin Feng, still puzzled, saw the surrounding Yin Qi start to surge under the influence of the strange abilities of the dual pupils.

Zhou Kai spread out his hands, and Yin Qi entered the shadow beneath his feet. In no time, a massive black shadow rose, transforming into a towering giant ape.

The fourth grade of Hundred Ghosts, the art of controlling spirits. This giant ape was the Yin spirit Zhu Yan that Chief Zhou had summoned in the city of Jinyang before!

I will do my best to block the aftermath! Zhou Kai shouted into the air.

In the white domain, Spear Immortal Sima Kong, upon hearing this, lowered his head and nodded slightly.

How could Yang Mang not discern the hidden meaning behind these words? The other party hadnt seriously made a move before!

He was about to attack, but in an instant, a finger touched his forehead.

Spear force shot out from the fingertips, directly piercing Yang Mangs head. The force stirred within his body.

In no time, Yang Mangs powerful body was torn into pieces!

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