My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 321

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:47 AM

Chapter 321: Something More Important Than Life

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Chapter 321: Something More Important Than Life

On the way, Qin Feng told Cang Feilan and Amu the purpose of this trip.

An formation that isolates Death Qi? Young Master Qin, you understand these things too? Amu exclaimed with both surprise and astonishment.

If the formation could be successfully set up, the corpse demons in Shuliang City could be completely eradicated.

In this way, Shuliang City might be able to survive this corpse demons calamity!

Since you want to set up a formation, why do you have to come outside the city? Cang Feilan asked casually.

Shuliang City already has a formation that gathers Death Qi, so those corpse demons can use the continuous supply of Death Qi to resurrect.

Most of the formation is basically outside the city. I need to reverse its positions according to the Four Directions Tiagram to transform the death-gathering formation into a death-isolating one!

The three of them rushed out of Shuliang City and immediately saw a crowd of people who had escaped from the city, including many who had survived the earlier incident in the tavern.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Around them, dozens of demon slayers were on high alert, carefully guarding the surroundings.

Without wasting any time, Qin Feng arrived at an open space, picked up a branch from the ground, and started sketching on the sandy soil

To reverse the formation in the shortest time, relying solely on him was not enough. He planned to delegate the task of placing the positive energy formation materials in several remote locations to others.

In the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the formation was completed. Qin Feng gathered more than ten demon slayers who were protecting the people outside the city and explained the task of placing the formation materials.

Without much hesitation, these demon slayers quickly agreed.

Qin Feng solemnly said, This journey is bound to be dangerous. Although these places are outside the city, they are places where Death Qi circulates, and the appearance of corpse demons is inevitable. You must be extra careful.

A demon slayer replied, Physician Qin, please rest assured. We have prepared for the worst before coming to rescue.

Upon hearing this, the other demon slayers also nodded in agreement.

Qin Feng was a little moved when he heard this. He could guess what the so-called worst plan was without saying it explicitly.

Although these people had low strength and inconspicuous status, they showed no hesitation when facing the danger of demons.

Perhaps the reason the Great Qian Dynasty could persist under the invasion of demons and ghosts was due to the silent contributions of these people.

Qin Feng quickly assigned the tasks, and the group of demon slayers were about to set off.

At this moment, Amu, who had been silent all along, scrutinized the formation on the ground for a long time. Suddenly, he furrowed his brows and said, Young Master Qin, it might be somewhat difficult for them to place the formation materials in those locations.

What do you mean? Qin Feng asked in confusion.

Young Master Qin may not know that Shuliang City is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountain roads are steep, and many places are blocked by cliffs.

For those who are not familiar with the terrain, they may not be able to find a clue even if they search all night.

Originally, he didnt leave because he was afraid of death.

Instead, he left to bring more people to guide the way!

Did he tell you about the dangers of this journey? Qin Feng confirmed again.

A seemingly simple-looking man scratched his head and replied, Uncle Wu has told us everything. We know that well encounter that ghostly thing again. We all know.

My mother was trapped in a tavern before, and if it wasnt for the young masters help. Im afraid she may have died a long time ago. Im here to repay my kindness.

Another person continued, My wife was infected with corpse poison and was isolated by the officials. If the young master hadnt rescued her, Im afraid she would have never returned.

My second uncle too.

My son was saved by Young Master Qin.

People spoke one after another.

It turns out that these people are all commoners who have received Qin Fengs kindness!

Uncle Wu interrupted their words, As long as we successfully bring the Demon Slayers of the Demon Slaying Department to the destination, those inhuman things in the city can be eliminated, and our families can return to normal life. Isnt that right?

With these words, everyone turned their hopeful eyes towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and replied firmly, We can definitely do it.

Okay, then we have no problem. Uncle Wu said straightforwardly.

Qin Feng had intended to emphasize once again how dangerous this journey was, but the words stuck in his throat.

Because he saw the slight trembling of these commoners bodies and the tightly clenched hands hidden under their sleeves.

These people knew long ago that guiding the way this time was a matter of life and death, yet they still chose to come without hesitation.

Who in the world is not afraid of death?

Its just that some things are more important than life itself.

Qin Feng thought of the Senior Li Yang in Jinyang City, then looked again at the group of demon slayers and common people in front of him.

He originally believed that heroes like Senior Li were rare in the world.

But now, he realized he was greatly mistaken.

Such people were not few in number.

However, most of them were unknown individuals, using their own methods to protect something more important than life itself.

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