My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 322

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:46 AM

Chapter 322: Tonight, You Will Die

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Chapter 322: Tonight, You Will Die

The locals and demon slayers teamed up in pairs, carrying the gold and stone given by Qin Feng into the mountains.

To prevent unexpected incidents on the way that could hinder the successful placement of the gold and stone, at least two teams were arranged for each destination.

The gold and stone were Fire Bright Stones, the most commonly used yang formation material, and it is perfect for being used as a formation material to isolate the Death Qi.

Watching the figures of the group disappearing into the distance, Qin Feng took a deep breath, praying in his heart, hoping that these people would all return safely.

At this moment, Amu volunteered, Young Master Qin, I noticed on your formation map that there are still a few places inside Shuliang City where gold and stone need to be placed. You can modify the formation outside the city, and I can take care of those places inside, saving a lot of time.

Qin Feng frowned and replied, The situation inside the city is much more dangerous than outside. The number of corpse demons there is far beyond what you would encounter in the mountains. Are you sure you can handle it alone?

Amu patted his chest and said confidently, Young Master Qin, rest assured. Although I am only at the seventh rank, I grew up in Shuliang City since childhood, and I am familiar with those streets and alleys. I am confident I can avoid those corpse demons and reach the destination to place the gold and stone.

Looking at Amus determined eyes, Qin Feng didnt say much and handed a bag of Fire Bright Stones to him.

After Amu took it, he was about to turn and run towards the city when he suddenly thought of something and said, Young Master Qin, if we can safely overcome the crisis in Shuliang City this time, could you do me a favor?

What favor?

I am dull-witted and have no one to guide me. I have been exploring the martial arts path on my own, I am afraid that I will only stay at the seventh rank for the rest of my life.

When I heard about the establishment of the Sword Dao Alliance in Shuliang City, I was extremely excited. After all, for ordinary warriors like us, it adds another hope of pursuing higher realms. You have the token of the Sword Dao Alliance, and you must be able to speak in that Sword Dao Alliance. When the time comes, could you introduce me to the Sword Dao Alliance?

Qin Feng smiled and replied, Dont worry, after the corpse demon disaster is solved this time, I will not only take you into the Sword Dao Alliance but perhaps also arrange for the Sect Master of the Myriad Sword Sect to guide you.

Really? Amus face lit up.

A gentlemans word is as good as his bond.

Then thank you, Young Master Qin. Amu clasped his fists, took a deep breath, and carrying a bag of gold and stone, he headed towards the bustling and dangerous Shuliang City.

Lets go too. Qin Feng said with a serious expression.

Alright. Cang Feilan replied calmly.

With the help of Miss Cang, Qin Feng swiftly moved outside Shuliang City. Through his understanding of the formation, he reversed the Eight Tiagram Formation and reversed the yin and yang that originally gathered the Death Qi.

After the time it took for two incense sticks to burn, the formation outside the city had already been modified.

Next, only Shuliang City is left.

In the mountains, following the locals of Shuliang City, the demon slayers walked through mountain paths, skimmed over the cliffs, and headed towards their destination.

He seemed to be boasting, with a faint smile on his face, but he was coughing out blood.

Stop talking. Qin Fengs eyes were red and his voice choked.

Cang Feilan turned her head away, unable to bear watching any longer.

Amus breath became weaker, and finally, with regret or helplessness, he said, The Sword Dao Alliance, I will never be able to go there in this lifetime.

The smile on his face froze at this moment.

Qin Feng opened his mouth, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He wanted to spit out but couldnt, and wanted to swallow but couldnt.

He hadnt spent much time with Amu, but he saw the shadow of Senior Li Yang in him.

He wanted to question the heavens, why in this world, good people always seemed to receive no good in return?!

*Pa ta!*

*Pa ta!*

The sound of stepping on gravel.

Wang Yi and his entourage appeared, playing with the Fire Ming Stone in their hands. Is it because of this thing that the flow of Death Qi in the city has slowed down?

Huh, I didnt notice it before. Amu, this kid has some backbone; even at deaths door, he doesnt want to talk.

I told you, you dont have to be like this. Whether its that parasite from before or Amu, etc., you can always see them again.

Down there, Wang Yi pointed to the ground.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he quickly pulled the Chief Li next to him.

A surge of white thunder rushed, getting bigger in Chief Lis eyes, and in an instant, it pierced through his head!

Wang Yi took advantage of this momentary gap and turned sideways, barely avoiding the attack.

He said in surprise, I once saw a Literature Saint proficient in formations use this move in Imperial City. If I remember correctly, its called White Thunder?

You can perform this move without depicting a formation diagram? he continued in surprise.

No, thats not right, Wang Yi looked towards the white gloves on Qin Fengs right hand, which still emitted faint thunderous righteousness.

He praised, So, youve engraved the formation on the gloves. In actual combat, as long as you infuse it with Literature Qi, it can be executed. Impressive, impressive. Your idea solves a major problem for Literature Saints skilled in formations.

Qin Feng ignored these words, only stating emphatically, Tonight, you will die.

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