My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 324

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:44 AM

Chapter 324: Don’t Forget the Original Intention

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Chapter 324: Don’t Forget the Original Intention

Qin Feng opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond.

At this moment, Qian Gui spoke again, I didnt expect so many surprises on this journey. If I refine the Dragon Beads inside you, my puppetry technique might reach unprecedented heights.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Gui lifted his right hand and slammed it onto the ground.

Under the robe, the flesh and blood of his right arm kept wriggling.

The ruins of the Eternal Shrine trembled, and the earth began to shake along with it.

Cang Feilans fair earlobes moved slightly, and then, as if sensing something, she pushed Qin Feng away.

At the same moment, the ground where they stood cracked open, like the mouth of a deep abyss.

An immensely thick arm, seemingly composed of countless different corpses, emerged, and the large hand, like a blood basin of a giant beast, fiercely grabbed towards Cang Feilan.

Seeing this, she gracefully soared into the sky, followed closely by his giant arm, which extended to a height of a hundred feet with no end in sight!

While Qian Gui was using his methods, he said, The flow of Death Qi in Shuliang City is blocked. It must be that boy who arranged a formation to isolate Death Qi. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Kill him, and the formation will break on its own. Yang Mang has awakened the innate divine ability of Death Sacrifice.

As long as there is a continuous supply of Death Qi, even if the opponent is a Divine General or the Thirty-Six Stars, he can stand undefeated. Once we deal with those two, no one else will know what happened here. Do you understand what I mean?

Wang Yi hurriedly replied, I understand.

Good, I still need to go after the Dragon Beads. Ill leave that kid to you, Qian Gui said, and then his body disappeared into the ground.

When he reappeared, he seemed to have merged with that colossal arm, revealing only his upper body. Then, at an astonishing speed, he soared into the sky.

The puppetry technique was truly bizarre!

In the ruins of the Eternal Shrine, only Qin Feng and Wang Yi were left.

At this moment, the thoughts in their minds strangely coincidedthey both wanted to kill each other!

Wang Yi remained calm; he had the confidence.

Through unorthodox methods and leveraging the abundant Death Qi tonight, he successfully entered the fifth-grade divine realm.

With his current strength, dealing with a seventh-grade literary saint practitioner was almost effortless.

He enjoyed the feeling of having everything under control.

He also enjoys witnessing the anger and despair of enemies before their death.

He didnt rush to kill Qin Feng but looked around. There were fires and cries everywhere. After tonight, I am afraid there will be no Shuliang City in The Great Qian.

However, when everything was ready and he activated the formation, the Fire Bright Stone only emitted a white light before shattering.

Qin Feng instantly understood that with the intensity of the Fire Bright Stone, it was impossible to activate the large formation covering the entire Shuliang City as its core!

But at this point, where could he find a material that could serve as the core of the formation?

Suddenly, a thought arose in his mind.

His master had once said that when a Daoist of the Literary Saint Realm reached the sixth-rank Fate Divination Realm, the accuracy of their divination methods varied depending on their talent and the strength of their fate stars.

However, when it came to their own situation, they could always glimpse some vague future shadows.

This was the unique ability of a Daoist in the sixth-rank Fate Divination Realm the Literary Saint Realm, to seek good fortune and avoid disaster.

If he could step into the sixth realm of the Literary Saint at this moment, perhaps he might find a faint chance to activate the formation and save Shuliang City.

However, problems came one after another; currently, he hadnt observed any high-quality fate stars.

If he stepped into the sixth realm at this moment, the only stars he could draw upon were the most ordinary white fate stars.

This also meant that his future path as a Literature Saint was destined to be ordinary.

Qin Feng looked up, and in the vast sky, white fate stars densely covered it, emitting a faint light.

These ordinary fate stars, werent they similar to the common people in the Great Qian Dynasty?

He remembered what Wang Yi had said earlier and suddenly found it somewhat ridiculous.

Life is divided into three, six, and nine ranks, who established that?

Before life, there was no distinction between high and low!

If you want to draw high-quality fate stars, you need to have contact with high-ranking officials. Who established that?

If you mingle with the people and seek the well-being of the commoners, does that mean theres no way out?

He exhaled, and the questions on the Heart Questioning Platform of the eight stage Bright Heart Realm echoed in his ears.

What do you think scholars should do?

His answer remained unchanged:

To establish principles for heaven and earth, to determine the fate of the people, to inherit the teachings of the ancient sages, and to bring eternal peace to the world!

Indeed, as long as this original intention remains unchanged, whats wrong with drawing white fate stars?

He seemed to have made a certain determination, took a deep breath, and then directed the Righteous Qi within his body towards those white fate stars!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!