My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 327

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:41 AM

Chapter 327: Awakening

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Chapter 327: Awakening

The corpse demon disaster in Shuliang City has finally come to an end.

Looking at the devastated city with corpses everywhere, it was difficult to judge this battle in terms of victory or defeat.

Under the leadership of Zhou Kai, a group of officials and demon slayers dealt with the aftermath of Shuliang City.

Sima Kong glanced at the distant thunderclouds and withdrew his gaze.

Cang Feilan was taken away by the powerful and mysterious dragon shadow.

The Azure Dragon lineage lost the Dragon Pearl, and the body would inevitably fall into a state of extreme weakness. Only the Dragon Clans habitat, Heavenly Lake, could alleviate this weakness.

Perhaps out of concern for his daughter, the giant dragon did not take away the Dragon Pearl within Qin Fengs body. However, when leaving, he left a sentence: If this person dares to betray my daughter in the future, I will make sure no grass grows in the Southern Region.

This statement was quite thought-provoking.

On the other side, outside the Listen To Rain Pavilion in Jinyang City, Father Qins brows slowly relaxed.

The old man poured a cup of wine for himself and said, You can protect him for a while, but you cant protect him for a lifetime. The future path is something that the boy has to walk on his own.

Thats something to consider in the future. The danger of this trip to Shuliang City, you and I both know very well. Father Qin looked calm, but a hint of resentment and anger lingered in his tone.

In response, the old man didnt care, After putting himself to death. This life-and-death calamity for him is also a transformation. He entered the Literature Saint Lineage too late. If he follows the usual path, he might lack the ability to protect himself when facing real danger in the future.

Speaking of which, the old man suddenly smiled, But I didnt expect that boy to take a path that no one has ever taken before.

Guiding countless white fate stars, how many Literature Saints in history have achieved this?The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

When Father Qin heard this, he was more worried than happy. To tread a path where no one has gone before also means relying on oneself to explore the path ahead.

The road opened has always been full of thorns.

He was well aware of this.

What about the Dragon Clan? Qin Jianan suddenly thought of something and looked worried.

The girl who sacrificed the Dragon Pearl to protect his son made him feel mixed emotions.

Since ancient times, it has been most difficult to bear the grace of beauty.

He didnt notice it, but his son unexpectedly had such charm.

But how should the Qin family repay such kindness?

Havent you heard what that guy said? If your boy dares to wrong the girl, he will ensure that no grass grows in the Southern Region. The old man propped up his legs and took a sip of wine.

It seemed like everything was within his expectations.

In theory, being able to marry into the dragon clan, becoming one with the Azure Dragon lineage, is something countless men dream of.

However, Qin Jianan faced a dilemma. His daughter-in-law is no ordinary woman. Will she agree?

Even if Liu Jianli agrees, taking a spouse from the dragon clan requires a substantial dowry. After all, the Dragon Clan was well known for its wealth.

Although Fenger is quite business-savvy and considered wealthy, for the dragon clan, this financial strength is insufficient.

The corpse demons are indeed difficult to deal with; the Death Qi is continuous, allowing them to die and come back to life. If it werent for the formation you set up to isolate the Death Qi, coupled with the presence of Spear Immortal, this time would have been extremely dangerous.

Chief Zhou will report the disaster of the corpse demons in Shuliang City to Imperial City. Your contribution this time is significant, and there will definitely be rewards. Maybe by then, youll climb higher than me.

While biting into the fruit, Si Zheng kept talking, seemingly intentionally diverting Qin Fengs attention.

In this world, it was always this cruel.

He looked at his body, then glanced around. The image of the young lady in the dream appeared again.

Why am I not dead, and where is Miss Cang?

The questions that needed to be asked were always asked. Si Zheng scratched his head, having learned the details from Chief Zhou later.

In shock and reflection, he chose not to hide anything, explaining everything for both Qin Feng and Cang Feilan.

After hearing everything, Qin Fengs pupils dilated, Where did Miss Cang go?

According to Chief Zhou, she should have returned to the dragon clans dwelling placeHeavenly Lake.

The so-called Heavenly Lake, Qin Feng had seen it in books; it was a hidden place, rumored to float in the sky, where all the dragons in the world originated.

He touched his abdomen; there was still a warm breath continuously sweeping through his body, presumably from the Dragon Beads.

How could he repay such kindness?

Three days later, Qin Feng barely regained his mobility. Following Chief Zhous instructions, he arrived at the place where the common people were laid to rest.

At a glance, there were mounds of earth and tombstones everywhere, and many people were weeping in front of the graves.

He stroked the tombstone beside him and saw a familiar figure.

It was Uncle Wu, who had been brought by Amu that night. At this moment, the other partys left leg was missing a section. He was leaning on a cane and tending the weeds in front of the monument.

Uncle Wu heard the movement, turned to look, and nodded in greeting.

This kid, Amu, has been an orphan since childhood. People from the city have supported him and raised him. Its because of this that he has such deep feelings for Shuliang City.

Well, at least he died in the place where he was raised and nurtured.

I thought I would go down with him, but unexpectedly, the King of Hell will take me later.

Uncle Wu rambled on for a long time, seemingly reflecting on the unpredictability of life.

Looking up, how many people were there, where the white-haired bid farewell to the black-haired?

We dont want much, we just want to live a peaceful life. Why is it so difficult? Uncle Wu sighed.

There will be such a day, Qin Feng replied.

The words drifted in the wind, echoing in the heart.

As long as The Great Qian Dynasty exists, there will still be people like Amu, those demon-slayers who are not afraid of death, and those nameless people who dare to face everything to protect their loved ones and homeland.

There will eventually be such a day.

Qin Feng was deeply convinced of this.

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