My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 328

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:41 AM

Chapter 328: Changes in the Body

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Chapter 328: Changes in the Body

After leaving Shuliang City, Qin Feng did not immediately return to Jinyang City.

Instead, accompanied by Si Zheng and Zhang Tiannan, he arrived at the Hundred Flowers Valley to meet someone.

In the fragrant garden filled with the sounds of birds, Qin Feng came here guided by a charming girl.

In the garden, on a well-crafted yellow rosewood bench, Cang Mu lazily reclined.

Seeing Qin Feng, she slowly sat up, stretched lazily, revealing her graceful curves.

You dare to wander around in the Southern Region with a Dragon Pearl from the Azure Dragon lineage? Are you seeking death? Your death doesnt matter, but my niece will be in tears every day. Cang Mu sighed, then gently beckoned with her right hand.

The tea cup on the stone table floated in the air and drifted to Qin Feng and filled it with tea.

The fragrance of scented tea filled the air, creating a refreshing atmosphere.

But Qin Feng, at this moment, paid no attention to it. In his mind, there was only the image of one person.

How can I see her again?

That girl has lost the Dragon Pearl, and her body will be weak for a long time. Only the spiritual spring in the Heavenly Lake can help her recover. If you want to see her again, youll have to wait until she comes out of the spring. It could be as short as three to five months. Cang Mu explained.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Three to five months was a blink of an eye and not too difficult to wait.

But the other person added, Or as long as three to fifty years? After all, the Dragon Clan is known for its long lifespan.

Qin Fengs face turned ugly, I hope the senior can tell me the truth.

Dont worry, at most half a year, youll be able to see her again, Cang Mu stopped teasing, with a hint of a smile in her eyes. Clearly, this young man in front of her had her niece in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng completely relaxed, Senior, I have something here. I would like you to pass it on to Miss Cang.

What is it? Cang Mu asked curiously, and then she saw Qin Feng taking out paper and a pen from his pocket.

The white paper spread out on the stone table, and Qin Fengs pen danced gracefully.

A poem emerged on the paper:The east wind scatters flowers in the night, petals falling like stars in the rain. Lavish carriages with fragrant scent fill the road, the sound of phoenix flutes in the air, and the radiance of a jade pot spinning, as fish and dragons dance throughout the night.

Moths and willows, golden threads of silk, laughter and sweet fragrance linger. Among the crowd, searching a thousand times and more, suddenly turning back, there he is, in the dim light of lanterns.

Young Master wants to arm wrestle with me? Xing Sheng put down his halberd with a surprised look on his face.

Whats the matter? Any problem?

Well, Young Master, you are a scholar, challenging me in strength, isnt it a bit

The four words not knowing ones limits were not said aloud by Black Charcoal Head.

However, Qin Feng heard it; he raised his eyebrows confidently and said, Whether its underestimating oneself, youll know once you try.

Helpless, Xing Sheng could only agree.

The result of the contest was naturally without suspense; Qin Feng was defeated quickly, lasting less than three breaths in Black Charcoal Heads hands.

Think about it, if the strength of the physical body is so easy to improve, wouldnt it be a joke for the warrior to polish the physical body day and night?

Although the result was as expected, Black Charcoal Head was still very shocked. He had originally expected the Young Master to not last even a single breath.

Young Master, dont be discouraged. After you set up the Gathering Spirit formation in the Qin Mansion, my cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds. I have now reached the peak of the sixth-grade Gathering Energy realm. Your ability to last three breaths in my hands means that your physical strength is probably comparable to a ninth-grade warrior.

It had to be said that Xing Shengs consolation was quite effective; Qin Feng felt much better.

In order to ease the embarrassment, he patted the other partys shoulder and timely changed the topic, Not bad at all. My previous efforts were not in vain. By the way, why didnt you spar with my Second Brother in the courtyard today?

Black Charcoal Head replied, Young Master, you may not know, but the Second Young Master is truly gifted in the Divine Martial Tradition. After absorbing spiritual energy, he has already stepped into the fifth-grade Divine Movement realm in the time you were away. I am no match for him now, so how can I spar with him?

Hmm? Qin Feng widened his eyes.

Upon reaching the courtyard, he saw his second brother sitting on the ground, looking up at the knife intent left by Senior Mad Blade, and comprehending carefully.

Qin Feng unfolded his special ability and looked into his brothers body, where the continuous golden aura was indeed several times stronger than before!

He originally thought that this time he went to Shuliang City and entered the realm of the sixth grade Fate Divination Realm, and his cultivation level was the same as that of his second brother, so he could set an example as an elder brother again.

But reality proved he was only overthinking.

While feeling pleased, Qin Feng looked at the suspended knife intent, recalling the words Senior Zhen Tianyi had said.

His second brother had successfully reached the fifth-grade realm, and he didnt know when Senior Mad Blade would come back to take him away.

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