My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 329

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:40 AM

Chapter 329: Heavenly Divination Technique, Three Thousand Qi Observation

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Chapter 329: Heavenly Divination Technique, Three Thousand Qi Observation

After a brief conversation with his second brother, Qin Feng planned to leave the Qin residence and head to the Listen To Rain Pavilion.

Although he successfully entered the sixth-rank Fate Divination Realm, there were still many questions that needed to be answered.

For example, how to activate the fate stars in the divine sea for divination.

Also, which path to take next.

The inheritance of the Literature Saint is mostly in the Grand Literature Academy in Imperial City. Now I dont even know the name of the fifth-grade Literature Sanit Lineage. Qin Feng pondered.

He felt fortunate that without Miss Cang guiding him to the Listen To Rain Pavilion and meeting the old man, he probably wouldnt have made much progress in the Literature Saint Dao Lineage.

Thinking of this, he touched his abdomen, recalling the sassy figure with a black square scarf covering her face.

He wondered when they would meet again.

Outside the Listen To Rain Pavilion, the old man still lay on the wicker chair, a wine cup by his side, appearing leisurely, and Qin Feng couldnt help but envy him.

His dream was to be a salted fish and live out his life lying flat.

After greeting him respectfully, Qin Feng asked, Master, Ive entered the sixth-rank Fate Divination Realm in Shuliang City, but Im still struggling with divination techniques related to manipulating the fate stars in the divine sea.

The so-called divination is to observe the heavenly phenomena and predict the worlds affairs with the help of the fate stars.

The scope of these worldly events naturally depends on the abilities of the diviner, ranging from nations rise and fall, akin to the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower in Imperial City, who, even without leaving his residence, could advise on state affairs and avert crises.

On a smaller scale, it pertains to personal matters, such as where to go first and where to go next when leaving the Qin residence today, to maximize ones fortune.

Since becoming a Literature Saint in Fate Divination Realm, Qin Feng had tried to manipulate the fate stars in his divine sea for divination, but the white bright stars had not responded at all.

He thought that with so many white fate stars linked, quantity changes could lead to a qualitative change.

Hearing this, the old man explained, When a Literature Saint touches the fate stars, they gain the ability to divine. There are two types of divination. One is like what you experienced before, involving glimpses of the future related to your own and others fortunes, often seen in dreams. This type is called Dream Reflection.

The other type is when a Literature Saint actively manipulates the fate stars for divination. This is called Heavenly Divination.

Dream Reflection and Heavenly Divination? Qin Feng muttered to himself. He had firsthand experience with Dream Reflection, so he understood it well.

In simple terms, the former is passive divination, while the latter is active divination.

Such powerful techniques cannot be learned instantly; continuous exploration and practice are necessary.

He extended his divine consciousness into the Divine Sea, pulling the projection of destiny stars. With a burst of white light, the white Qi flowed into his eyes.

At the same time, deep within his pupils, a golden light flashed. Unconsciously, he activated his dual-pupil ability.

Looking at the bustling street, Qin Feng couldnt help but let out a soft exclamation.

The old man, upon seeing his appearance, raised an eyebrow and said, Dont pretend to me. Although the method of using the Three Thousand Qi Observation is simple, its not that easy to master.

Practice more in your daily life, and perhaps after a year or so, you might be able to glimpse something.

But, Master, Ive seen it. Qin Feng replied.

Not only did he see it, he saw it clearly!

The old man clearly didnt believe him, chuckled, and raised his wine glass.

To prove he wasnt lying, Qin Feng pointed to a middle-aged man with a big belly and said, Master, the Qi emanating from that person is light yellow.

Upon hearing this, the old man paused with the wine glass in his hand, looking somewhat astonished.

Then Qin Feng pointed to another casually dressed woman and said, The Qi on that person appears white.

The old man opened his mouth, seemingly trying to verify something, pointed to a man dressed as an official and asked, What color is on that person?

Qin Feng looked over and confidently replied, Its a light red.

Upon hearing this, the old man took a sharp breath.

Being able to have a dream divination at the seventh-grade Righteous Qi realm made him think that this kids talent in divination was extraordinary.

However, he had underestimated the astonishing degree of this talent.

The first time Qin Feng used the Three Thousand Qi Observation, he could clearly see the Qi on others. Even looking back a thousand years in the Great Qian Dynasty, no one could achieve this!

But based on his knowledge of Qin Feng, if he told the truth about the matter, this boy would only raise his tail to the sky.

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Old Man Baili coughed and raised his eyebrows and said, Its not so bad, just a little worse than me back then

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