My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 332

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:32 AM

Chapter 332: All Good Things Must Come to an End

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Chapter 332: All Good Things Must Come to an End

Following Chief Zhous instructions, Qin Feng quickly returned to the Qin residence, and nothing unusual happened that day.

Early the next day, an imperial decree, traveling thousands of miles, arrived in Jinyang City.

When the announcement of Imperial Decree arrived, Qin Jianan and Qin Feng came out to receive it echoed through the Qin residence, everyone in the house was filled with uncertainty.

The once-declining Qin family, a mere third-tier national general, how could they be worthy of the Emperors attention and a royal decree?Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

At that moment, the people in the house immediately assumed the worst.

The second madam in the main hall was particularly anxious and frightened: Old Master, did you do something you shouldnt have while conducting business outside? Otherwise, for no reason, how could there be an imperial decree?

Father Qin raised an eyebrow, seemingly guessing something, with a complicated look on his face, Madam, dont overthink it. Havent you heard that Fenger is also going to receive the decree?

Upon hearing this, the second madam breathed a sigh of relief: Right, right. Fenger has always been reliable. If the imperial decree is addressed to him, it should be a good thing.

Qin Jianans face stiffened; as the head of the family, he felt like he was facing significant scrutiny.

With a sigh, he said, Everyone, go out and receive the decree. Dont delay.

The people of the Qin residence quickly gathered at the main gate.

As Qin Feng stepped out of the mansion, a procession for reading the imperial decree appeared grandly, attracting numerous onlookers from the streets.

The leader of the procession was a man wearing a headdress, dressed in a wide white robe with a cloud-patterned belt and a bright jade pendant.

On the chest of his robe was a pattern resembling a pen and paper.

Seeing this, Qin Feng pondered for a moment; he had seen that pattern in books beforeit was the emblem of the Grand Literature Academy in the capital.

In the Great Qian Dynasty, those self-proclaimed lofty scholars from the Grand Literature Academy were responsible for reading imperial decrees.

The leading man in white looked proud; once everyone from the Qin residence had gathered, he began the ceremony of reading the imperial decree.

As the last words of Heed this decree fell, the content of the decree left the Qin family in awe.

The Old Master was promoted, moving from a third-tier national general to a second-tier one!

Not only that, the ancestral home of the Qin family, which had been sold before, was unexpectedly rewarded back to them.

This meant that the Qin family could once again reside in the Imperial City!

All of this was due to the contributions made by the young master in Shuliang City.

Before Qin Feng could fully comprehend the situation, the man in white, whose eyes seemed to be on the top of his head, approached, handing him a token.

What is this? Qin Feng asked curiously.

See for yourself, the man in white said with a smirk.

On the hill outside the city, in front of Senior Li Yangs grave, Qin Feng poured out wine, reminiscing about every detail since crossing over.

There were too many people and things here that he couldnt help but miss.

Back in Jinyang City, after meeting many people, Qin Feng arrived outside the Listen To Rain Pavilion.

Master, I may have to leave.

The elderly man lying on the rattan chair replied leisurely, If you have to leave, just leave. No need to talk to me about it.

When you reach the Grand Literature Academy in Imperial City, carry yourself with dignity, dont disgrace me.

Do you know where Im going, Master?

The matter of the imperial decree has long been spread throughout Jinyang City. How could I not know? You dont need to be so upset. Banquet always comes to an end, and life inevitably involves parting and reunion. It has always been like this.

The fact that you care about me means that I have not accepted you as my disciple in vain. The old man showed a slightly pleased expression.

Qin Feng replied, Master, you misunderstand. I came here only hoping that the Master would fulfill the promise you made.

What promise? The old man looked puzzled.

You promised me that you would teach me the immortal method.

Hearing this, Old Man Baili blew his beard angrily and glared, I thought you couldnt bear to leave me. Turns out you were coveting those immortal techniques. Get out of my sight, you ungrateful brat.

Qin Feng smiled and didnt say much. He lifted his clothes, knelt on both knees, and performed the ritual of bowing to his master.

Disciple has been unfilial, unable to stay by Masters side to show filial respect. Thank you for your teachings over this long period, which have been greatly beneficial to me.

The old man opened his mouth. Despite having lived through many years and witnessed numerous farewells, he couldnt help but feel moved at this moment.

He extended his right hand, and the Listen To Rain Pavilion behind him, after a slight tremor, transformed into a small courtyard.

Then, the old man pointed his finger at Qin Fengs forehead. The Listen To Rain Pavilion turned into a stream of light, entering the center of Qin Fengs brow.

Qin Feng was greatly alarmed, Master, what are you doing?

At the moment of parting, consider this Listen To Rain Pavilion as your farewell gift.

Young one, remember, the brighter a place, the deeper the shadows.

Imperial City is a place that people all over the world aspire to, but the hidden impurities inside far exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

You must not lose your true self there.

If one day you lose your way, recall the moment when you questioned yourself and the answers you provided.

Do not forget your original intentions, and you will find your way to the end.

Qin Feng bowed and replied, Disciple will remember this in his heart.

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