My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 333

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:29 AM

Chapter 333: Reminiscing the Past, Sighing with Emotion

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Chapter 333: Reminiscing the Past, Sighing with Emotion

Two days later, in the early morning, the Qin family and their entourage were ready to set out.

Xiao Bai hugged Qin Fengs thigh with a look of reluctance.

Sis Mo, Ive recruited some more servants for you. After leaving Jinyang City, the Qin estate will be in your hands. If I have time in the future, Ill come back to visit you all, Qin Feng said with a smile.

Originally, he planned to take the two with him to Imperial City. However, according to Sister Mos suggestion, the protective barrier in Imperial City was far superior to that of Jinyang City and other Heavenly City.

Any demons or monsters would find it difficult to enter, and if she took Xiao Bai there, the best outcome might be imprisonment in the Imperial Capitals Nine-Fold Prison.

Hearing this, Qin Feng had no choice but to abandon the idea.

Sister Mo, who was dressed in a black robe, crossed her arms across her chest in an exaggerated arc, which made Lan Ningshuang beside her very wary.

My little brother is leaving. As your elder sister, I really cant bear it. I dont have anything to give you as a gift. Just take this little thing. As she spoke, Sister Mo reached into her neckline and pulled out a crystal-like object resembling a water droplet.

Sister Mo, what is this? Qin Feng asked curiously.

This was given to me by Big Sister in the Great Qian Western Region. As long as you hold this in the Western Region, no matter which side youre dealing with, they will give you some face. Moreover, if you encounter danger in the Western Region, induce your divine sense to enter it. If Big Sisters subordinates are nearby, they will appear immediately to rescue you.

Qin Fengs eyes lit up at her words; this was indeed a valuable item. He accepted it without hesitation.

After a pause, he seemed to think of something and asked, What if its outside the Western Region?

Sister Mo stroked her cheek and smiled, Then it wont be of much use.

After exchanging a few more words with Sister Mo and Xiao Bai, it was finally time to leave.

Just as he turned to board the carriage, he saw a young boy in plain clothes in the distance, holding a stack of books.

In just over a month, this is already the tenth time that the young boy has come to exchange books. On average, this young boy can memorize two to three books a day. He is really talented.

Brother Qin, are you leaving? The young boy asked reluctantly.

Yeah, Im leaving. Ive already told the people staying in the Qin estate. After you finish reading the books, you can continue to come here to exchange books. Qin Feng said, patting the young boys shoulder.

Can I see you again? The young mans face was filled with anticipation.

As long as you can successfully memorize ten thousand volumes of books and step into the path of the Literature Saint, we will meet again one day, replied Qin Feng.

But that didnt stop him from feeling nostalgic and recalling the past.

Fenger, you may have forgotten. I specially marked your height under this tree years ago. But after so long, Im sure those marks have been worn away by the wind and rain, much like your fathers ambitions. the old man sighed.

Fenger, Aner, come over and touch this tree. Our Qin family has been through a lot, but this ginkgo tree has never left the mansion. I can still feel the time spent here emanating from it.

The second brother did as told, but being a martial artist, he didnt say anything sentimental, just touched his head and said, Dad, I dont feel anything.

Qin Feng shook his head, reprimanding, Second brother, youre just using your hands. How can you feel anything? You have to use your heart to feel!

As he spoke, he closed his eyes. The cold wind blew, making the leaves rustle.

Qin Feng couldnt help but sigh, Dad, it seems like I can hear the voices of the family praying for the New Year in front of the tree, just like in the past.

Dad, I think I heard it too.

Watching the father and son touching the tree together, Li Jianli and others nearby were also moved.

But just as the father and son reminisced about the past, Second Madam wiped away tears from the corner of her eyes and frowned, Old Master, what nonsense are you talking about? When did the Qin Mansion plant a ginkgo tree? We clearly planted two osmanthus trees. You even said that osmanthus and gui () have the same pronunciation, symbolizing warding off evil and gathering wealth and prosperity.

Look here, there are even traces of trees being sawed off. It seems this ginkgo tree must have been planted by someone else.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng and his fathers expressions stiffened, and their hands touching the tree slowly fell.

Perhaps to avoid embarrassment, Lan Ningshuang timely suggested, Miss, shall we go inside for a stroll?

Black Charcoal Head immediately said, Ill go with you.

After most of the people had left, Old Master looked at the ginkgo tree, his cheeks still slightly flushed.

He summoned the gatekeeper and pointed at the big tree, saying, Having such a big tree blocking the entrance, isnt it equivalent to obstructing wealth and talent from entering the mansion? No wonder the previous owner of this house was driven away! Get a few people to saw down this tree as soon as possible.

Yes, Master. The gatekeeper bowed and responded.

After giving these instructions, the Old Master hurriedly left.

Seeing the gatekeeper looking at him, Qin Feng covered his face and fled towards the mansion.

This time, he was truly ashamed.

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