My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 334

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:28 AM

Chapter 334: Visiting the Liu Mansion

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Chapter 334: Visiting the Liu Mansion

After the servants and maids finished tidying up the Qin residence, the Qin family sat in the main hall.

Qin Jianan held a teacup, rested his hand on the tea table, reminiscing about the past. However, this time, no one spoke.

Especially Qin Feng, who maintained a composed demeanor, as if he hadnt heard a word.

Feeling a bit awkward, Qin Jianan put down his teacup, cleared his throat, and said, Fenger, since youve returned to Imperial City, you should take Jianli to visit her parents home.

The Second Mother also added, Thats right. When you go, remember to bring some gifts and dont forget proper etiquette.

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng thought it made sense and nodded in agreement.

The Liu Residence was also located within the inner city, a five-courtyard mansion.

Under the guidance of Balck Charcoal Head, Qin Feng and the group quickly arrived at the Liu Residence.

He was about to meet his mother-in-law and father-in-law, so it was impossible not to be nervous.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, dismounted from the carriage first, and then lifted the curtain, extending his right hand towards the beautifully dressed lady inside the sedan.

Liu Jianli was slightly stunned, then her face turned slightly red, and she took his hand.

Seeing this, Lan Ningshuang on the side chuckled, thinking that their brother-in-law and sister were indeed affectionate.

Upon hearing the knocking sound, the guards opened the gate with great excitement.

The young lady had returned, and as the rumors suggested, her injuries had completely healed!

After a brief conversation, the guard left with the words Ill report to the master and madam, and rushed towards the mansion.

Looking at the spacious Liu Residence, Qin Feng asked the lady beside him, How about taking a stroll with me?

Sure. Liu Jianli lightly opened her vermilion lips and smiled.

Though familiar with the Liu Residence since childhood, strolling around with her beloved gave her a completely different feeling.

Old Master, when do you think Jianli and that son-in-law from the Qin family will return to Imperial City?

In the main hall of the Liu family, a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Liu Jianli asked.

Sitting next to her, a middle-aged man with a resolute face sighed helplessly, Since the imperial decree from the emperor, you have asked this question at least three or four times every day.

So many times? Why dont I remember? The woman tilted her head, seemingly trying to recall.

After a while, she spoke again, How did you answer me before?

Really? The womans eyes widened with joy.

The middle-aged person remained calm. Where are they?

The young miss took her husband on a tour around the mansion. Shall I bring them here?

Just as the middle-aged person was about to respond, the woman interrupted, Wait a moment. There are some things I want to confirm in advance.

Qin Feng and Liu Jianli strolled hand in hand, followed closely by Lan Ningshuang.

They visited the flower pavilion, crossed the lake bridge, and even saw the place where Liu Jianli used to practice martial arts in her youth.

Arriving at a courtyard, Lan Ningshuang suddenly spoke, Theres an old lady here who knows a lot about things. Most of the rules for the maids in the mansion were taught by her, even those related to men and women.

As she spoke, Liu Jianli turned her head, and Lan Ningshuang also realized what she had revealed, quickly covering her mouth.

Although Qin Feng was somewhat curious, he tactfully refrained from asking.

Heading towards the main hall of the Liu family, they were met by a kind-looking old woman.

Lan Ningshuang, with a face full of surprise, stepped forward and embraced the other person. Liu Jianli also nodded in greeting.

From the conversation among the few people, Qin Feng also confirmed the identity of the other party.

This person is the grandma mentioned by Ningshuang just now, who has lived in the Liu family for most of her life. Back in the day, Jianli was also delivered by her.

Seeing Jianli walking freely, Grandma, with cloudy eyes, choked up and said, Its good to be healed, its good to be healed. Is this the young master from the Qin family who cured the young ladys injuries? He is truly a talented individual.

Qin Feng smiled, Hello, Grandma.

Grandma glanced at the tightly held hands of the two and then looked at the appearance of the young lady, saying with satisfaction, Madam was originally worried that the relationship between the young lady and the young master was not harmonious, but now it seems that it was needless concern.

Seeing the young lady like this, Im afraid she has already consummated with the young master.

As soon as these words were spoken, Liu Jianlis fair cheeks instantly turned rosy.

Qin Feng was somewhat surprised. The insight of this grandma was unexpectedly sharp.

Could she discern this just by looking?

Generally, in ancient times, to confirm whether a woman is still a virgin, besides knowing everything during the wedding night, its also the job of an experienced old midwife to personally check if everything is intact.

This grandma didnt even touch her; she just took a glance and could see the clues.

It could only mean that she was highly experienced and a seasoned expert!

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