My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 338

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:06 AM

Chapter 338: Husband, Do You Want a Child?

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Chapter 338: Husband, Do You Want a Child?

At night, the silver moon hung high in the sky.

Qin Feng extended his divine consciousness towards the vast sky.

The white fate stars were still densely packed, with most of them already connected to his Qi.

Despite having successfully reached the sixth-grade Fate Divination Realm, his master had advised him that regularly observing fate stars could provide more insights for a Literature Saint cultivator.

It would also enhance proficiency in divination techniques.

Due to this advice, Qin Feng remained diligent in his cultivation.

After observing the fate stars, he directed his consciousness into the divine sea.

Besides the thunderous Righteous Qi and the numerous white fate star projections, there was also a pavilion floating on the Heart Questioning Platform. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

It was the Listen To Rain Pavilion bestowed upon him by his master.

With a thought, Qin Feng opened his palm, and the pavilion on the Heart Questioning Platform emerged from the divine sea, floating above his hand.

At this moment, he could enlarge the Listen To Rain Pavilion into a three-story tower at will, making it the same size as it was in the city of Jinyang.

He could even directly activate his consciousness to enter the Listen To Rain Pavilion and peruse its books, providing him with great convenience.

A Literature Saint cultivator at the fifth-grade realm is called the Magnificent Virtue Realm. To enter this realm, one must follow their innermost feelings and adhere to the words spoken during the Bright Heart Realm.

Qin Feng sighed as he put down the book he had taken from the Listen To Rain Pavilion.

This method was simple in theory but challenging in practice.

Some Literature Saint suddenly experienced enlightenment, and entered the fifth realm within three days.

Others, despite holding onto their original intentions, remained at the sixth-grade Fate Divination realm throughout their lives.

Qin Feng speculated that this might be related to the difficulty of the vows made during the Bright Heart Realm.

So, he pondered, what vows in the world could be more challenging than the ones he made at that time?

As he sighed, the door of his residence was pushed open, and Liu Jianli, dressed in white, entered.

She held a bowl of medicinal soup in her hands, with steam still rising from the spout, indicating that it had been freshly prepared.

A slight sniff revealed to Qin Feng all the medicinal ingredients in the soup.

His expression stiffened as he realized that the ingredients were aphrodisiacs, the exact same formula given by the old mistress of the Liu family during the day.

Wait a minute, what does this mean? Why would my wife prepare this medicinal soup for me? Could she also think that Im physically weak? No, thats impossible. I have the Dragon Bead inside me, and my physical strength has undoubtedly improved. Moreover, considering my wifes personality, she would never entertain such thoughts.

It was said that the high mountains and flowing water in the courtyard were not real, but were transformed from the Literature Treasures of the Literature Saints.

Looking at the lifelike clouds and mist swirling above the bright green mountains, Qin Feng was even more fascinated by the Fifth Stage Magnificent Virtue Realm.

After all, only Literature Saints who have reached the fifth-grade realm can use Literature Treasures and unleash extraordinary powers.

I wonder if there is an opportunity in this Grand Literature Academy to help me enter the Fifth Realm.

With these thoughts in mind, Qin Feng was about to enter the courtyard, but he was stopped by two students in white clothes reaching out their hands.

Who are you, and why have you come to our Grand Literature Academy? one of them asked, raising his chin.

These two individuals seem just as arrogant as the man who read the imperial decree that day.

Qin Fengs expression stiffened. Could it be that all the scholars at the Grand Literature Academy in Imperial City are like this?

He raised the token in his hand and respectfully said, I am here to enroll by someone elses order. This is my token.

As soon as he finishes speaking, one of them snatched the token away from his hand.

After carefully inspecting the token and confirming its authenticity, the two gatekeepers said, Its not even spring yet, and new students are already being admitted. Quite unusual. What is your name?

I am Qin Feng from the Qin family.

Qin Feng wait a moment. Werent you the one who set up a formation in Shuliang City and resolved the corpse demon disaster? one of them asked, raising an eyebrow.

Huh? You two know me? Qin Feng first showed a curious expression, then probably figured out the reason.

Certainly, his heroic deeds in Shuliang City must have reached the ears of these two.

Looking at the astonished looks on their faces. They must hold me in high regard.

Just as Qin Feng was feeling pleased with himself, the subsequent reactions of the two of them took him by surprise.

Heh, didnt expect youd dare to come? one of them sneered.

What do you mean? Qin Fengs eyebrows furrowed in displeasure at the other persons tone.

The matter in Shuliang City may be concealed from the world, but it cant be hidden from us.

The formations are profound, even our students at Grand Literature Academy, who have studied formations for over a decade, may not necessarily grasp them.

How could someone like you, self-taught in the ways of the Literature Saint in an uncivilized land, achieve such a feat?

If my speculation is correct, you must have accepted many favors from someone named Zhou in exchange for his speaking favorable words for you before the emperor.

As for the purpose of your actions, its not hard to guess. Isnt it just to cheat a token that would allow you to enter the Grand Literature Academy to study?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!