My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 339

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:05 AM

Chapter 339: This Is The Grand Literature Academy, I Won’t Stay Here

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Chapter 339: This Is The Grand Literature Academy, I Won’t Stay Here

Weve seen many people like you resort to extreme measures just to get into the Grand Literature Academy.

However, many things are determined at the moment of birth.

A chicken is still a chicken, even if it manages to squeeze into a group of phoenixes, it remains a chicken.

If I were you, I would honestly take this token and go back as soon as possible.

That way, you can at least flaunt this Grand Literature Academy token in front of people who dont understand it, better than embarrassing yourself in front of the Grand Literature Academy, right?

Another person scoffed and added, The Grand Literature Academy is not a place for people like you, commoners. Give up on this idea early.

Qin Feng frowned, Scholars should not be distinguished by high or low, noble or common, and no one is born inherently superior.

The two guards at the gate were stunned, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

One of them laughed heartily and said, You brat, let me tell you, in life, people are naturally divided into classes! Just like those rocks.

Limestone will always be limestone, no matter how you carve it, you cant turn it into jade!

Qin Feng sighed upon hearing this.

Compared to anger, he felt more pity and ridicule.

The Grand Literature Academy, revered by the world as the holy land of learning, yet its students speak such words.

These two people in front of him, how different were they from Wang Yi in Shuluang City?

In their eyes, people were also divided into classes, and as self-proclaimed upper-class individuals, how could they possibly care about the hardships of the lower class?

Just a fools dream.

Qin Fengs eyes showed a hint of sadness. The Grand Literature Academy Token in his hand, capable of attracting numerous scholars, made him feel extremely uncomfortable!

He self-mockingly smiled, Master, you originally wanted me to come here for further studies, but it seems your disciple might disappoint you.

Such a Grand Literature Academy, theres no need to wait!

If I want to return this Grand Literature Academy token, who should I give it to? Qin Feng asked coldly.

Why are you asking such a question? The two couldnt understand.

After returning the item to its original owner, I no longer have any connection with the Grand Literature Academy. Qin Feng said firmly.

But the two gatekeepers clearly didnt believe him.

A scholar who managed to obtain the Grand Literature Academy token would never voluntarily return it, especially considering their status.

That high tower was the Heavenly Tower where the National Teacher was rumored to be.

Master Yang is on the first floor of that tower. Once you get there, youll find him.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng left immediately.

Only two students were left guarding the gate, staring at the deep grooves on the floor, still a bit scared.

It wasnt easy to enter the tower. Even if someone from the imperial family wanted to enter the tower, they would need an imperial decree from the emperor.

After all, the living immortal, the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower, was still at the top of the tower, watching over the mortal world.

Qin Feng thought that it would take some effort to enter the tower.

But what he didnt expect was that as soon as he arrived at the tower, a man dressed in white appeared.

It was the same man who had read the imperial edict for the Qin family earlier.

The man looked at Qin Feng and frowned, You arrived in the Imperial City yesterday. Why did you come to report to the Grand Literature Academy today?

The same condescending tone!

Qin Feng was about to retort, but the man in white waved his hand and said, Forget it, I am not interested in your excuses. I am Fei Xun. You can call me Senior Fei. Come with me, Senior Yang wants to see you.

Completely disregarding Qin Feng!

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Qin Feng planned to confront him directly.

However, he suddenly froze because the person this man referred to as Senior Yang was most likely the Master Yang mentioned by the two gatekeepers.

In other words, wasnt it an indication that this man before him was also a disciple of the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower?!

The man in white seemed to think of something, so he turned around and said, Forget about calling me Senior Fei for now. You might not pass the Teachers Examination anyway.

Whatever you call me doesnt matter. After today, we may never meet again. Wait, a test? What test? Who is this teacher youre talking about? Is it the one above? Qin Feng asked, surprised.

Besides the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower, who else could be my teacher? Fei Xun wore an expression as if looking at an idiot.

How could such a foolish person be favored by the teacher, and why did he personally go to Jinyang City to deliver the order of the Grand Literature Academy to this guy?

Qin Feng stood still as he felt that the information in these words was somewhat significant.

What does it mean? The National Teacher of Heavenly Tower is intrested in him and wants to take him as a disciple? But he should have no connection with the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower.

Could it be that the incident in Shuliang City made the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower think that he was a talent worth cultivating? Qin Fengs head felt a bit dizzy.

When he came to his senses, he was already on the first floor of the Heavenly Tower with Fei Xun.

Next to the desk piled with books, a middle-aged man in a green robe was holding a scroll and reading.

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