My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 340

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:04 AM

Chapter 340: Lime and Jade

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Chapter 340: Lime and Jade

Before Qin Feng could speak, the middle-aged man in green robes said, To be able to set up the White Thunder Formation and engrave the formation on gloves for convenient use is truly admirable in your proficiency in formation.

The middle-aged man in green robes put down the scroll in his hand and introduced himself, My name is Yang Qian. I have come here by the masters order to guide you. Get ready and Ill take you up.

The meaning of his words was already quite clear. The one Qin Feng was about to meet was indeed the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower.

If it were an ordinary scholar who heard this news, they might be extremely excited, but Qin Feng, who was already disappointed with the Grand Literature Academy, didnt feel much excitement.

He put down the Grand Literature Token in his hand and said, I came here only to return this token. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Grand Literature Academy.

Fei Xun looked over, and Yang Qian casually said, Is it because of the incident where two students harased you at the entrance?

Qin Fengs expression changed, and a deep disappointment flashed in his eyes. You know about that?

Of course, Yang Qian replied indifferently.

After reaching the fourth rank of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, there was no place in the vast Grand Literature Academy that his divine consciousness couldnt cover as long as he wanted.

The path of learning is never smooth. If you cant endure even a little bit of hardship, then leaving early is also a choice. In fact, before you, there were countless students who were harassed by wealthy and influential families. We all tacitly accept such behavior.

Why? Qin Feng felt like he had heard a colossal joke.

People who want to achieve great things need both extraordinary talent and unwavering determination. Its necessary to endure hardships. Prior experience in enduring hardship helps students from humble backgrounds grow faster.

Why specifically target students from humble backgrounds? Qin Feng asked again.

Because lime and jade ultimately exhibit different values, the experiences they need to go through naturally cant be the same. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is one of the concepts of this school. You are an uncarved jade; dont ruin your bright future because of concerns about that lime.

Qin Feng self-mockingly smiled, It seems Im really not suitable for the Grand Literature Academy.

Never mind, everyone has their own aspirations, and we cannot force it. sighed Yang Qian.

Placing the Grand Literature Academy token on the table before leaving, Qin Feng suddenly asked, Sir, what do you think scholars study for?

Of course, it is to exhaust ones mind for the king, and to solve the countrys problems.

I see. After all, something as precious as jade is best suited to be worn around the waists of emperors and generals to show off their status. As for lime, a worthless material, how could it possibly qualify to enter the eyes of the powerful?

This metaphor is very interesting. It seems that you also understand the underlying principles, Yang Qian nodded.

Changing the topic, Qin Feng spoke again, But what I want to say is that the foundation of a country is for the people, the people are the most precious, followed by the state, and the monarch is the least important.

For the people, precious jade is an unattainable object. However, the lime that can ward off evil spirits and cure poisons is within their reach.

When a plague descends, facing the misfortune of life and death, which is more valuable, the precious jade or the lime?

The spherical ball is supported by four dragon-shaped golden pillars, and the inside of the ball is filled with sparkling starlight, as if it contains the entire starry sky.

The wind blows clouds and fog into the attic. Qin Feng looked up and saw a figure dressed in white.

The white hair dances in the wind, with a clear Qi surrounding him, giving the impression of an immortal at first glance.

Qin Fengs heart skips a beat as he sees the spherical ball resembling a starry sky and the old man with an ethereal demeanor not far away.

He immediately understands that this is the top floor of the Heavenly Tower.

The spherical ball is the rumored Star Observer, and the old man nearby is undoubtedly the famous National Teacher of Great Qian, in charge of Heavenly Tower!

Younger Qin Feng pays his respects to the esteemed National Teacher!

Even though he does not like the Grand Literature Academy, Qin Feng still respects this heavenly teacher.

After all, this is an ancient immortal who is at the pinnacle of the path of the Literature Saints!

The white-haired National Teacher didnt react, and the atmosphere became strangely quiet.

Under the invisible pressure, Qin Feng swallowed nervously.

He cautiously looked up, and the National Teacher, still with his back turned, seemed to be looking at something.

It is said that the National Teacher has always overlooked the mortal world from the top of the Heavenly Tower. Now that I see it for myself, it is indeed as rumored. Huh?

Whether its an illusion or not, Qin Feng felt that the figure of the National Teacher is somewhat familiar.

He seems to have seen it somewhere but cant recall where exactly.

Speaking of which, what does the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower really look like? Qin Fengs curiosity made him itch to know.

However, it is obviously impractical for him to directly approach and take a look at the esteemed figure.

At that moment, he catches sight of a bronze mirror not far from the white-haired old man. An idea strikes him.

According to the principle of light reflection, as long as he takes a few steps to the left, he should be able to see the true appearance of the National Teacher through the bronze mirror.

He cautiously takes a step to the left and looks up. The white-haired old man still has his back turned, showing no reaction.

Qin Feng heaved a sigh of relief and took another step, confirming his safety once again.

After repeating this several times, he became more courageous, taking bold steps without fear of any mishap and going straight to the point.

Eagerly looking into the bronze mirror, he couldnt help but exclaim, Oh my God.

This was because the image reflected in the bronze mirror turned out to be the back view of the National Teacher!

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