My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 341

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:03 AM

Chapter 341: Divine Words?

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Chapter 341: Divine Words?

This is unreasonable and unscientific!

If the physicist Fresnel were to see such a scene, Im afraid even the coffin lid wouldnt be able to hold him back.

But at this moment, Qin Feng couldnt care less about Fresnels coffin board, because he knew that he had lost his composure and it was too late to take back his damn words.

But the National Teacher seemed to be oblivious, still looking away from him and showing no reaction.

Staying like this indefinitely was not a good thing.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and asked, National Teacher, did you bring the junior here to teach him something?

The National Teacher finally made a move, and with a wave of his right sleeve, an object instantly flew over.

Qin Feng reached out to catch it, and it was the Grand Literature Academy Token he had left behind earlier.

National Teacher. Qin Feng was about to refuse, but he was interrupted by a voice.

The voice sounded distant and ethereal, but Qin Feng knew that it was the Heavenly Tower National Teacher speaking.

The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important. Are these words from your heart?

Qin Feng spoke firmly, If there is half a false word, let thunder strike me down!

As soon as the words fell, thunder roared, and not long after, heavy rain poured down.

Qin Feng smiled, thinking that the heavens were truly evil. Why rain now? They couldnt have picked a worse time.

The National Teacher laughed, What an oath to invoke thunder.

Qin Feng blushed immediately.

The Heavenly Tower National Teacher reached for the teacup beside him and raised it towards the sky.

A remarkable scene unfolded; the rain curtain flowed like a river, converging on the teacup.

In the blink of an eye, the rain stopped and the sky became clear.

Such extraordinary skills made Qin Feng sigh in amazement.

The National Teacher was truly worthy of his reputation!

A ruler is like a boat, and the people are like water. The water can carry the boat, but it can also capsize it. Its a pity that there are too few people in this world who understand this truth.

You may leave the Grand Literature Academy if you wish, but take the Grand Literature Academy token with you. You can use it to find me in your time of need.

In the tea, one could faintly see the virtual image of a thunder dragon with hair-like thickness.

Old Mudfish, your temper is as explosive as ever. The National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower shook his head and put down the teacup.

Not far from him, the bronze mirror by his side shimmered.

If Qin Feng were present, he would surely be astonished because the side profile reflected in the mirror was exactly the same as his cheap master in Jinyang City!

Even after returning to the Qin residence, Qin Feng still felt somewhat uneasy.

Looking at the sky, there were no clouds for miles around, and there seemed to be no sign of rain. However, what had just happened at the Grand Literature Academy?

Could it be that when you reach the Sixth Stage Fate Divination Realm, you will have the ability to speak with divine words? But Master has never mentioned such things to me.

Should I give it a try?

Carefully looking at the window, Qin Feng coughed and said, My ferret can coil around my waist.

After waiting for a while, nothing happened.

He sighed with some disappointment, Indeed, it was all just an illusion. Think about it, if a master of the Sixth Stage Fate Divination Realm could speak with divine words, he wouldnt be ridiculed as cannon fodder by Divine Martial Artist and Hundred Ghost Dao practitioners.

Im afraid that in the previous two cases, the encounter with thunder was just a coincidence. It can only be said that luck was not on my side.

However, Qin Feng didnt know that the moment he mentioned the word thunder, a golden light was emitted from the dragon bead in his dantian, and the thunderous Righteous Qi in his divine sea surged.

At the same time, another thunderbolt flashed in the deepest part of the sky. However, before the thunderbolt could descend, it was mysteriously pulled away by a force from the Heavenly Tower.

Next to the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower, in the teacup, another wispy and thin thunder dragon shadow appeared in the blink of an eye.

Not paying much attention to these, Qin Feng took out the Grand Literature Academy Token from his spatial ring. The Grand Literature Academy Token, made of white jade, felt smooth and delicate in his hand.

As he took the token out, he didnt regret not using it to enter the Grand Literature Academy to study. The Grand Literature Academy, a place that scholars from all over the world aspired to, was not his ideal place.

He just remembered what the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower had told him

Why did the National Teacher say that in the future, one would have to rely on this token to enter the Fifth Stage Magnificent Virtue Realm? Does this token have other functions besides allowing students to study at the Grand Literature Academy?

Having only been in Imperial City for a short time, Qin Feng was unfamiliar with everything here.

Facing a bottleneck in his cultivation, the chaotic Imperial Capital filled him with worries about the future.

In particular, the words spoken by the old master of the Liu family, the one who harbored animosity toward the Qin family and dared to confront the Liu family, were still unknown.

The water in Imperial City is deep, and now the only reliance for the Qin family here is the old masters family.

However, Qin Feng deeply understood one principle: Relying solely on others would only narrow the path ahead. Only when the Qin family became powerful on their own could they truly stand firm in the Imperial City.

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