My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 342

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:49:01 AM

Chapter 342: Old Friends in the Imperial Capital

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Chapter 342: Old Friends in the Imperial Capital

This is already the third day since the Qin family moved to Imperial City. Except for the Liu family who sent someone back to give gifts yesterday, no one has come to visit them.

Qin Feng knew his old man was unreliable, but he didnt expect him to be this unreliable.

The ancestors of the Qin family had a glorious past, and even if this generation was a bit desolate, it shouldnt lead to such a cold reception, right?

Qin Feng put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, Father, weve been back in the Imperial City for three days now. Ive noticed that you havent left the house at all. Dont you plan to visit some friends in the Imperial City?Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

As soon as these words were spoken, Second Mother and Second Brother both looked at their old man. Even the wife and Ningshuang, who were having breakfast together, cast curious glances.

Father paused his chopstick movement, cleared his throat, and replied, I did intend to visit, but those friends of mine are currently holding important positions in the court, and they are usually quite busy. When they have some free time, even if I dont seek them out, they will come to visit me.

Father, you have such friends, why have I never heard you mention them? Second Sister asked in confusion.

I have been doing business outside for years and have made many friends. Such ordinary matters are not worth mentioning specifically. Father explained..

Father, can you tell us exactly who these friends in important positions are? Qin Feng clearly didnt believe his fathers words.

Yes, father, its almost the new year. We should take the initiative to visit and strengthen our ties. Second Mother added.

Father hesitated for a moment and then stammered, Such as Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang, and, oh, there are so many friends, if you suddenly ask me to name them, how can I remember? Lets eat first, lets eat first. Its so cold, if we dont eat the porridge now, it will get cold.

The way he changed the subject was so embarrasing. This old man really hasnt improved at all, Qin Feng sighed helplessly.

Just then, the gatekeeper came to report, Master, someone has come to visit.

Father immediately straightened up and said, What did I tell you? The Qin family has only recently returned to the Imperial City, and its normal for those friends to be busy with official business and not know about my return.

You see, on the third day, someone took the initiative to visit.

Quickly, tell me, which high-ranking official from the court is here to see me?

Is this for real? Does Father really have friends in the Imperial Capital? Qin Feng raised an eyebrow.

Of course, it is also possible that officials from the Liu family faction came over to show their goodwill.

Look at this Qin residence, so simple. If you had told us, we could have helped you renovate it properly.

Of course, you would have to pay for it.

Qin Feng looked at him and replied indifferently, This is the ancestral home rewarded by the emperor. The emperor has already sent people to take care of it.

Huo Yuans eyelids twitched, immediately changing the subject, Master Qin, come with me quickly. The brothers at the Divine Workshop are all looking forward to seeing you. Also, this months share of alcohol and earnings, Gong Liang only left a portion for manager Peng, and he brought the rest with him.

Lead the way. Its also a good opportunity to see what the Divine Workshop in the Imperial City looks like. Qin Feng responded.

The three of them immediately headed towards the Divine Workshop.

On the way, Qin Feng suddenly saw an old man. Although his hair had all turned white, the beard that reached his chest was entirely black.

Time had left its mark on his face, but the contours were still as sharp as a knife.

The contradiction between aging and youth was carried to its extreme in him.

The old man was wearing black clothes and a gray cloak. He was holding a wooden cane in his hand and his eyes were slightly narrowed.

As a group of people passed by, the old man glanced sideways. Just that glance made Qin Feng feel inexplicably heartbroken.

He stopped in his tracks, turned around, and saw the old man walking steadily with his cane. It seemed like he was heading towards the Qin residence?

Whats wrong, Young Master, why did you stop? Lan Ningshuang asked curiously.

Qin Feng turned to the side and replied, Nothing.

He wanted to use the skill of Three Thousand QiObservations to take a closer look at the old man, but in the blink of an eye, the strange old man had disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, not far ahead, Huo Yuan urged, Master Qin, why are you standing there? Hurry up, the Imperial City is quite large, dont get lost.

Lets go. Qin Feng shook his head, not caring about the old man anymore.

Thud! Thud!

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