My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 343

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:58 AM

Chapter 343: A Visit

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Chapter 343: A Visit

The moment Qin Jianan saw the old man, his expression was quite complicated.

There was nostalgia, emotion, and guilt, but in the end these emotions turned into a relieved chuckle.

Why do you have the time to come and find me?

This old man is all alone, with nothing but time on his hands.

Its freezing cold. How about coming to the mansion for a hot drink?

Thats exactly what I had in mind.

The two walked along the corridor, heading towards the inner mansion. Along the way, they passed through a courtyard where Qin An was still practicing the Heavenly Astral Essence Slash.

The aura of the knife was dominant, and with every swing, the sound of cutting through the wind echoed.

The old man stopped and watched.

Qin Jianan on the side said, This is my son, Qin An.

Like father, like son. The younger generation is formidable. This was the old mans comment.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The two didnt linger too long, just took a few glances before leaving.

However, Qin An, who was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard, still noticed the old man because he gave him a strange feeling.

He clearly could see the other person there, yet he felt nothing at all.

He couldnt sense the old mans breath, nor could he feel the old mans heartbeat.

For a martial artist of the fifth rank with keen perception, this was something entirely unimaginable.

On the top of the lake pavilion, Liu Jianli was meditating with closed eyes when suddenly she opened them.

She looked towards the corridor and saw her husbands father walking side by side with an old man.

She vaguely remembered the old man; when she was young, he had visited the Liu residence, patted her on the head, and said, In the future, you will become a Sword God.

This prediction was much earlier than Yue Hexuans evaluation.

The old man back then had white hair and a black beard, and surprisingly, after more than a decade, he looked exactly the same.

Everyone, stop what youre doing for a moment and see who Ive brought with me! Huo Yuan shouted loudly.

The sound was so intense that it made Qin Fengs ears hurt, but none of the people present stopped what they were doing, as if they hadnt heard him.

These guys are eager to work. Are they planning to finish my tasks as well? Huo Yuan looked worried, then collected his thoughts and shouted again, Brothers, Ive got new tasks from the palace. Who is coming with me?

With this statement, the crowds reactions immediately changed.

Huo Senior, you have new assignments again? Count me in! I only need two hours of sleep a day!

Two hours of sleep, and you still dare to take on tasks? I only sleep one hour, Senior Huo!

I dont need sleep before I finish a task, just a hearty meal!

I only need half a meal!

Looking at the eager and competitive appearance of these people, Qin Feng couldnt help but sigh. If he were the boss in his previous life and could recruit this group of employees, not to mention the Fortune Global 500, even the Forbes Billionaire List, he could have secured a position in the top three!

As everyone gathered around Huo Yuan, they finally got a clear look at Qin Fengs face.

The group of people widened their eyes and shouted, Master Qin, why are you here? Are you going to lecture us?

Master Qin, without seeing you for days, I couldnt concentrate on anything, not even work.

Master Qin, based on the contents of your physics book, I have invented some devices. Please take a look at them when you have time.

Those who spoke were people who had worked in Jinyang City before. Some of them did not know Qin Fengs real name, but they were familiar with the physics book.

Since the day the Physics Book was brought back to the Imperial City, the people in the Divine Workshop had treated it as a bible.

All kinds of wonderful knowledge in it opened a new door for them!

Is he Master Qin Feng who taught the Physics Book? Hes truly a talented person.

Coincidentally, there is some obscure knowledge in the book that I only partially understand. I wonder if I can ask him about it later.

Seeing the enthusiastic crowd, Qin Feng felt like he was in trouble again. He had forgotten to drink tea before coming here, and he wasnt sure if his throat could handle it.

Master Qin, its getting late. The hall on the third floor ahead has been cleared for you. Lets go quickly, Huo Yuan urged impatiently.

Sure. Qin Feng was about to agree when he suddenly thought, Wait, why should I give them a free lecture? Thats tantamount to them taking advantage of me! I should find a way to gain some benefits.

Thinking about it, Qin Feng cleared his throat and said, If you want me to give a lecture, its not impossible, but you have to contribute something.

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