My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 344

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:58 AM

Chapter 344: Princess

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Chapter 344: Princess

Why did the princess suddenly decide to visit the Divine Workshop? A man in a battle robe, led by two dragon colts, asked in a splendidly decorated carriage.

A clear voice came from inside the carriage, The New Year is approaching, and according to tradition, the emperor will hold a grand celebration. To make the ceremony even more magnificent, he has asked the artisans of the Divine Workshop to come up with some new creations.

The man nodded in understanding and asked no further questions.

The carriage soon stopped in front of the courtyard of the Divine Workshop. The resolute-looking man jumped out of the carriage and slowly lifted the curtain.

He was followed by a woman in a long, simple dress, but the material is not simple, it is made of heavenly silk, the masterpiece of the Imperial Excellance Workshop.

The woman had a delicate and chiseled face, a slender figure that truly embodied incomparable beauty.

The only flaw was her chest, which was rather flat and unremarkable.

The luxurious carriage seemed to have been meticulously designed. When the curtain was drawn, a row of small wooden ladders was revealed.

The woman held up her skirt with both hands and descended the ladder gracefully, exuding a captivating charm.

After the carriage was parked, the man in the battle dress walked ahead, and the two of them entered the courtyard of the Divine Workshop.

However, they were puzzled by the unexpectedly empty courtyard. Even the stoic man in battle gear couldnt help but show a slight change in his expression.

Could it be that we came to the wrong place? the man muttered to himself, frowning.

He stepped out of the courtyard, looked up, and saw the prominent sign of the Divine Workshop. They were in the right place.

But where were the people?

In the past, the craftsmen were always busy in the courtyard, working enthusiastically. Was today an exception?

The woman in the long dress also wore a look of surprise.

At that moment, the two noticed a man rushing toward the attic, carrying a small stool.New novel chapters are published on

The man, who was skilled in martial arts, quickly blocked his path with a single step and stopped him.

Where are you going? Where is everyone in the courtyard? the man in battle dress asked.

In no time, the speaker took out a black wooden box from his chest, and on the top of the wooden box was a beautiful translucent glass bead.

Qin Feng held it in his hand and studied it repeatedly, but he couldnt figure out how to use this thing.

He then said, The craftsmanship is exquisite, but can you explain how this item is made based on the law of light reflection?

Master Qin, youve got it wrong. The side with the glass bead should be facing outwards, the man reminded him.

Qin Fengs expression stiffened as he cleared his throat and said, Of course I know that. I just wanted to take a closer look at the construction of this thing.

This item is called the Illusion Box, which is also considered a treasure. Master Qin, have you noticed a small hole at the bottom of the wooden box? If you put your finger into it, you can activate this treasure.

Following the mans words, Qin Feng did as instructed. Then, with a crisp sound, the black wooden box opened on both sides. After the glass bead emitted a burst of light, the scene of everyone gathered in a hall outside the attic appeared in the air!

A mirage?

Qin Feng widened his eyes.

This is the purpose of this thing. It can display the scenery behind it in front of the glass bead, creating illusions. This was inspired by Master Qins teachings, and I hope Master Qin can provide some guidance to see if any improvements can be made, the man asked respectfully.

Is this the wisdom of ancient craftsmen? With just a little guidance, they could create something so amazing?

Improvements? With my limited knowledge, being able to use it properly is already good enough. Qin Fengs inner thoughts were much more exciting than his calm appearance.

Looking at the eager eyes of the crowd at the Divine Workshop, Qin Feng smiled and replied, Not bad at all. Its up to the Master to lead the way in personal cultivation, and the rest of you should follow his example.

Watch, learn, ask more questions, and most importantly, practice more!

Ill take this illusionary box for now. When I get back, Ill study it thoroughly and see if I can improve it.

By the way, if any of you have created something like this and need my insight, bring it out.

As soon as he said that, Gong Liang immediately spoke up, Master Qin, I have a gravity disk here. I need you to take a look at it.

Not wanting to be outdone, Huo Yuan added, Master Qin, I have a flying wing here. I need your guidance.

Seeing a group of enthusiastic craftsmen, Qin Feng smiled, but in his heart, he was overjoyed. The harvest of this journey would undoubtedly not disappoint him.

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