My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 345

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:57 AM

Chapter 345: Everyone should learn from this disciple

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Chapter 345: Everyone should learn from this disciple

However, Qin Feng was ultimately disappointed. Aside from the illusion box that the person showed at the beginning, the rest of the things were practically useless!

Lets talk about the Gravity Disk first. Although it can change the gravity within a radius of one foot, the magnitude of the gravity change is too small. At most, it can make feathers float to the sky!

But you should know that even a gust of wind can make feathers float.

As for Huo Yuans Soaring Wing, when Qin Feng first heard its name, he was filled with anticipation.

Ask any man, who could resist the romantic idea of flying in the sky?

However, as great as the anticipation was, the disappointment was just as great when he saw the actual item.

Looking down at the ground, he saw two magnificent wings, as large as an adults.

His eyelids twitched, In terms of design, it does indeed conform to the aerodynamics I mentioned before, but with wings this big, ordinary people cant even wear them, how can they soar?

Master Qin, you might not know that my design is based on flying birds. Even the ratio of the wings to the human body is based on birds.

Qin Fengs face stiffened, Do you know that the body structure of birds is different from that of humans? Their skeletons are much lighter. Not to mention, can you wear those wings yourself?

Huo Yuans expression changed as he calmly replied, Even if I cant wear them, there are always people who can.

Such as?

Fifth rank warriors of the Divine Martial Realm. Huo Yuan replied confidently.

Qin Feng took a sharp breath, feeling that his intelligence had been insulted, Fifth rank warriors can already be as light as a feather and float in the air. Whats the point of adding wings? Would you give birds an extra pair of wings?

Huo Yuan seemed to find this reasonable, and after pondering for a moment, he said, Master Qin, dont you think these wings look quite handsome when worn?

Qin Feng wanted to curse, but his good upbringing made him take a deep breath and calm his emotions.

He picked up the Illusion Box and solemnly said, Here, I want to commend this student. He loves to learn, he thinks well, and the things he produces are very practical! As for the rest, I can only say that the ideas are good, but there are too many areas that need improvement. After you think about it and make improvements, bring them to me for evaluation.

The man who was praised raised his head, puffed out his chest, and said, I appreciate it, I appreciate it

Uh, why didnt that guy sit down and listen, but stood there with the stool in his arms? Qin Feng didnt understand, and shook his head.

In the courtyard of the Divine Workshop, the man in armor asked confusedly, Princess, didnt you want the people from the Divine Workshop to make some new things for the upcoming ceremony? Why did you leave?

The womans eyes were a little dubious.

I suddenly thought of some things that need attention, and they are still in the middle of a class. It would be rude to disturb them at this time. Ill return to the Divine Workshop later.

As she finished speaking, she lifted her skirt and walked out of the courtyard gate to the right.

Princess, our carriage is on the left.

The woman holding her long skirt paused at the words, then silently changed direction.

All right, todays lesson ends here. If you have time next time, Ill come and share the secrets of physics with you.

Oh, by the way, during this time, like this student, you can expand your thinking and produce some results to verify what youve learned. Its said that learning without thinking leads to confusion, and thinking without learning is dangerous. Remember this well! With his hands behind his back, Qin Feng had the demeanor of a teacher.

The man who created the illusion box immediately replied, Master Qins words are excellent! Learning without thinking leads to confusion, and thinking without learning is dangerous. Everyone must keep this in mind!

I wont be complacent just because Ive created something. In the days to come, I will promote Master Qins knowledge of physics and strive to create more valuable things!

Upon hearing this, the others in the workshop smacked their lips in contempt.

Not bad. Only Qin Feng cast an approving glance, resembling a kind elder.

If everyone could make something useful like this person, he would make a fortune.

On second thought, maybe I should tinker with something.

This era is chaotic, but it seems that gunpowder hasnt been invented yet. If I could make gunpowder, even ordinary people facing demons would have the means to protect themselves and engage in combat, greatly reducing the casualties for the military when dealing with demons.

Let me think, what are the components of gunpowder-it seems to be saltpeter, sulfur, and a carbonaceous substance, in about a 2:1:1 ratio. But to make gunpowder, the process is still quite dangerous. I need to carefully remember and plan it.

The idea of making gunpowder had already taken root in Qin Fengs mind.

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