My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 346

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:57 AM

Chapter 346: The Storyteller in the Restaurant

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Chapter 346: The Storyteller in the Restaurant

Before leaving, Qin Feng grabbed Huo Yuans hand and refused to let go.

Master Qin, I know you cant bear to leave us, but we all have things to do. Besides, now that you are settled in the Imperial City, we can meet anytime. Huo Yuan comforted.

Im not reluctant at all. Qin Feng replied with a deep voice. I agreed to give you lectures, and later, when I acquire the restaurant, you will all come to help with the free renovation. Whats this? My lecture is over, and you want to pretend like this never happened?

Huo Yuans face stiffened. How can that be, Master Qin? After you choose the location for the restaurant, just come to us.

Words alone are not enough. I want a written agreement.

With the reputation of the Divine Workshop and our previous relationship, is a written agreement really necessary?

Huh, you have so many daily activities. What if youre too busy at that time and cant spare any manpower? Then my lecture today would be in vain. A written agreement is a must!

Reluctantly, Huo Yuan agreed.

Satisfied, Qin Feng put the written agreement in his pocket and asked curiously, Where is Elder Yuan today? Why havent I seen him?

The old master is still working on the mobile city. The trip to Jinyang City earlier opened his eyes. After he returned, he hid in the fifth floor of the previous attic and did not come out.

I see. The old master is really something, at his age, not paying attention to rest. Well, you take care of yourselves, Ill take Ningshuang and leave first, Qin Feng waved his hand in farewell.

On the fifth floor of the attic, the roaring furnace was emitting white smoke. Despite the cold winter month, it felt like a steamer inside.

Elder Yuan sat cross-legged on the floor, putting aside the lecture notes he had just finished.

To his left, a massive design drawing took up almost a third of the hall.

On white paper scroll, a massive mobile city was coming to life, with every detail inside meticulously annotated. However, there was a big question mark regarding the word power.

Originally, I wanted to use a precious tool to power this mobile city, but it seems a bit impractical. I have to think about it again.

After teaching all morning, the sun was high, and it was time for lunch.

Accompanied by Ningshuang, Qin Feng walked through several streets and found a crowded restaurant.

People from different places have different tastes in food. Although Qin Feng is very confident in hot pot, it is also necessary to find out the eating habits of the local people in advance.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

At first, he thought about taking Ningshuang to the famous Start Seizing Tower in Imperial City for lunch, but after careful consideration, he rejected the idea. After all, the Start Seizing Tower primarily catered to high-end customers, either the elite or imperial relatives.

If it hadnt been for the personal appearance of Lord Spear Immortal, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

But perhaps you dont know that there is one person who can be said to have played a crucial role in solving the corpse ghost disaster.

The narrator left a suspenseful pause, and the people in the audience who were eating immediately became impatient: Who is this person? Tell us clearly!

Dont be hasty, dont be hasty. Listen to me slowly. You must be familiar with the outstanding talent of the Liu family, Liu Jianli, the pride of the Liu family.

Before the three great sword families formed the Sword Alliance, she had already reached the third rank in martial arts, becoming the youngest sword god in history.

And the reason why the corpse ghost disaster in Shuliang City was safely resolved is because

Someone in the audience interrupted, Could it be that Liu Jianli also went there and joined hands with Lord Spear Immortal?

The narrator waved his hand and said, No, no. The one who left is her husband, the son of the second-ranked national general from the Qin family!

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, and the movement of Lan Ningshuangs chopsticks stopped.

Speaking of this young man, he is truly exceptional. Despite his young age, his cultivation on the path of the literary saint is not low. His poetic achievements are even more outstanding. Two months ago, a poem praising a beautiful woman from the Southern Hundred Flowers Valley spread throughout the Imperial City, causing a stir in the brothels.

Countless scholars and patrons hailed it as a classic, proclaiming that for the next thousand years, it would be difficult to find a poem praising a woman that could surpass its brilliance.

In the crowded restaurant, there were some seasoned old patrons.

A richly dressed man exclaimed excitedly, I know, I know! The clouds want clothes, the flowers want beauty, and the spring breeze brushes the doorstep, revealing rich dew!

Even the top courtesans in the brothels would show a longing expression when mentioning this poem. Many courtesans even openly stated that if the person who wrote this poem visited their courtyard, they would not ask for payment, just to spend a pleasant night with such a talent!

Such a good thing exists?

Qin Fengs eyes lit up. To become a courtesan in the brothels of the Imperial City, they must be an exceptional beauty.

If you wanted to spend a night there, the cheapest option would cost nearly a hundred taels of silver.

If one could enjoy it for free, it would truly be too good to be true.

Just as he was indulging in his fantasies, he suddenly felt a murderous intent.

When he turned his head to look, Lan Ningshuangs beautiful eyes looked at him calmly without blinking.

Qin Feng immediately frowned and sighed, The world is declining, peoples hearts are not the same as before, these people are really vulgar.

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