My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 348

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:56 AM

Chapter 348: Meeting Ya'an Again

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Chapter 348: Meeting Ya'an Again

Qin Feng and Lan Ningshuang also followed the sound, then their eyes widened.

Is that you?

Lord Yaan?

Yaan, dressed in white, greeted them with a light laugh. There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and her chest rose and fell slightly.

The man from the brokerage office threatened, Young master, the brokerage office has no grievances with you. What youre doing is breaking the brokerages rules and cutting off our source of income.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yaans smile faded, If you have a clear conscience, why should you be afraid of someone who breaks your rules? That day, there was only one shop on Tianhui Street available for transfer, but it had already been taken by the Star Seizing Pavilion. The price was exactly sixty thousand silver taels.

Introducing a shop that cant be bought is just to deceive and collect commission, isnt it?

Qin Fengs eyebrows furrowed.

Upon hearing this, the expression on the man from the brokerage office changed dramatically. He shouted, Where did this guy come from? How dare he slander the brokerage office! Quick, someone, throw him out!

Lets see who dares! A deep voice sounded, and a burly man walked in at the entrance of the brokerage office.

Lord Wang of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion? When the broker office man saw the newcomer, he was so scared that his legs went soft and he collapsed to the ground.

Master Qin, its been a long time. I hope youve been well. The newcomer clenched his fists, smiled, and greeted him.

This burly man was none other than Wang Xu!

Qin Feng nodded in greeting, and then looked at the collapsed broker office man.

In the chaotic mix of fish and dragons in the Imperial City, no one could be easily provoked.

After all, even an ordinary servant might have a big background supporting him.

People who could set up a brokerage office in the Imperial City were undoubtedly exceptional.

In the complicated web of alliances and rivalries, they always have to take care of the relationship between the white and the black.

Qin Feng did not expect that a brief encounter with Wang Xu would scare the other party so much.

Then he thought of Qiyuan City and the matter of Manager Peng opening a branch of Moonlit Pavilion.

At that time, Manager Peng also faced harassment from local powerful figures, but with Mo Lintians intervention, it was easily resolved.

With the significant influence of only two subordinates, what kind of identity does this cross-dressing individual have? The young master of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in Yulin City is far from having such power.

When Zhou Lord reported the corpse demon disaster to the imperial capital, he also concealed this matter.

After all, everyone knows the truth that even if a man is innocent, he will still be found guilty of possessing a jade.

Seeing the looks of Ningshuang and Yaan, who wanted to get to the bottom of things, Qin Feng immediately used a secret technique he had learned from his father changing the subject.

Of course, it is dangerous. You have been talking about me, so why are you in the Imperial City?

Originally, you clearly stated that you were the young master of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion of Yulin City.

Besides, the reaction of the person from the brokerage office just now was quite intriguing. Even though he doesnt know you, he recognizes Wang Xu and seems very scared.

Yaan was stunned for a moment, then looked away and calmly replied, Yulin City is a place rich in jade and precious artifacts. I often come to the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in Imperial City to trade. I bought a house here and settle down for a while when I have nothing to do. Whats the problem?

As for that persons reaction just now.'

Uncle Wang often does things for me and appears at the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, so he naturally knows a lot of people.

And the reputation of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion is well known, so the people from the brokerage wouldnt not know about it. Its reasonable for them to show some respect to Uncle Wang, right?

I see.

This person dressed as a man must be hiding something, but I have successfully changed the subject and dont feel like exposing her further. Qin Feng raised an eyebrow.

Yaan, who had turned away, breathed a sigh of relief.

But Lan Ningshuang frowned and asked, Young master, you havent explained the matter of Shuliang City yet.

Right, dont change the subject. Yaan glanced to the side.

Qin Fengs expression stiffened and he spoke again, I was just about to say. By the way, Brother Yaan, with the help of your Five Thunder Visualization Diagram, I have successfully entered the realm of the Sixth Rank Literature Saint.

What is the realm of your cultivation?

Upon hearing this, Yaan straightened her chest, looking proud, and said, How could I be much worse than you? After leaving Jinyang City, I found the Water Marsh View Contemplation Diagram.

Originally, I would have been able to control the Blue Fate Star a long time ago and enter the sixth level of Fate Divination Realm. However, in order to control the Purple Fate Star, I have been suppressing my realm cultivation.

Purple Fate Star? Qin Feng was secretly shocked. This girls luck is so strong, her background must be extraordinary.

However, when he looked at the persons flat chest, the shock turned into a helpless sigh.

The fact that the other party could disguise herself and go unnoticed for a long time was a natural advantage.

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