My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 349

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:55 AM

Chapter 349: When Is The Next Time?

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Chapter 349: When Is The Next Time?

What are you looking at? Yaan, feeling a bit proud, noticed Qin Fengs gaze.

There was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes as she crossed her arms to block her chest.

Qin Feng pretended not to understand and said, I was just admiring the fabric of your clothes. I wanted to ask where its from so that I can buy new clothes for myself and my family later. What did you think I was looking at?

Well, Yaan hesitated in her words. She felt that Qin Fengs gaze wasnt completely innocent right now. But seeing his innocent expression right now, was she thinking too much?

These clothes were tailored by the Imperial Excellance in the capital. They use the highest quality fabrics, and the craftsmanship is exquisite and delicate.

They recently introduced a new light-colored silk skirt that is very popular among women. With the New Year approaching, you might consider buying some for the women in your family. Yaan replied seriously.

As soon as the topic turned to womens silk skirts, Lan Ningshuang unexpectedly became interested and began to discuss it with Yaan.

The two of them reminisced about the exquisite works of Imperial Excellence over the years, showing a wistful expression on their faces.

This was beyond Qin Fengs expectations. He thought that given Ningshuangs personality, she would be indifferent to such womens things.

Looking at the two peoples high spirits, Qin Feng teased, If someone didnt know, they might think that you two are good sisters.

Hearing this, Yaan reacted like an angry cat, What nonsense are you talking about? I am a man of integrity.

Sure, keep pretending. Are you brave enough to compete with me in a standing pee contest? Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Lan Ningshuang also reacted, Young Master Yaan, your knowledge of Imperial Excellencys silk skirts is quite surprising.

Thats because my sister usually stays at home and doesnt go out. Im the one who takes care of her everyday clothes. Over time, Ive gained a lot of knowledge about these things. Just now, when I was talking to Miss Ningshuang, I felt like I was talking to my sister, so I forgot myself. I apologize if I caused any misunderstanding. Yaan explained.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

I understand. The naive Lan Ningshuang believed this explanation.

Qin Feng deliberately said, Young Master Yaan, with such a handsome elder brother, your sister back home must be a beauty. I wonder if Ill have the privilege to see her one day.

Of course, sister is just an excuse. Is it possible that I will have to become a sister myself? When Yaan heard this, her pale face suddenly turned red, and she glared at Qin Feng.

Lan Ningshuang also smiled and half-jokingly said, Brother-in-law, dont talk nonsense. Dont let Miss know.

Its just a joke. Qin Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and immediately admitted defeat.

Its not that his family status isnt good, its just that Madams martial arts skills are too high.

Qin Fengs face stiffened. I probably wont be able to make it in the next few days. How about if I have time in five days?

Five days, Yaan thought for a moment and then said, Alright, is it for lunch or dinner?

I think dinner would be fine, Qin Feng replied.

Shall I choose the place? Yaan asked again.

You decide, Qin Fengs mouth twitched.

Then, five days later, we will meet at the Star Seizing Tower on Tianhui Street in Imperial City.

Qin Feng took a deep breath; he had heard about the consumption level of the Star Seixing Tower. This girl obviously wanted to make him spend a lot of money!


After accepting the favor, Qin Feng could only reluctantly agree to it.

After Qin Feng left with Ningshuang, Yaan thought about the formers pained expression and couldnt help but smile involuntarily.

At that moment, the owner of the shop came out, clenched his fists respectfully towards Yaan, and said, According to your instructions, the shop has been sold to Master Qin at a low price.

Good work.

But young master, I dont understand, why are you involved in such a loss-making business? Wasnt this shop originally supposed to be a branch of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion?

Yaan smiled and said, The Divine Workshop opened a brewery some time ago, producing a type of liquor called Drunken Immortal. Do you know about it?

I am well aware of it. It is said that Drunken Immortal is quite exceptional, even compared to Drunken Dream. The manager of the Start Seizing Tower has tried several times to seek the cooperation of the Divine Workshop for this liquor, but each time the old master refused.

The old master has always respected the rules, so of course he would refuse. This liquor was brewed by the Divine Workshop for someone in particular, how could they cooperate with the Start Seizing Tower?

Such a thing exists?

Yaan continued, Let me ask you this: If a restaurant could have exclusive access to the Drunken Immortal, would it have the qualifications to challenge the position of the Start Seizing Tower in Imperial City?

After careful consideration, the shopkeeper replied, Probably. After all, Drunken Immortal has already gained fame in the Imperial City. Wait, could it be that restaurant you mentioned

Your guess is correct. Yaan nodded slightly. She had long envied the profits of the Start Seizing Tower in the Imperial City, and now she finally had the opportunity to share in its success!

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