My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 350

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:54 AM

Chapter 350: It Might Depend on Luck

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Chapter 350: It Might Depend on Luck

In the evening, during dinner, he did not see his wife.

On his way back to his room, as he passed by the lakeside pavilion of the mansion, he saw a white figure standing on the pavilion, surrounded by a faint golden halo.

Qin Feng had an impression of this golden light.

Back in the Myriad Sword Sect, when his wife activated the domination of heaven and earth to withstand the destructive annihilation thunder, there was a shower of that golden light.

According to the master, it was an aura left over from ancient times.

The night breeze lifted the ladys hair.

Under the pale white moonlight, Liu Jianli was so beautiful that she didnt look like a mortal.

With every breath she took, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake. Water vapor rose like jade beads, floating and reflecting the moonlight, shining brightly.

After a long time, the water droplets returned to the lake, and the golden light around Liu Jianli gradually faded.

She opened her eyes and immediately felt Qin Fengs presence. Her vermilion lips curved slightly, then she tiptoed over and gently landed next to Qin Feng.

When did you get back?

Ive been back for a while. I saw you practicing, so I didnt bother you. Have you had dinner? Qin Feng asked.

Liu Jianli slightly shook her head.

Qin Feng scolded, People are made of iron, and food is made of steel. No matter how important cultivation is, you cant forget to eat. What do you want to eat? Ill make it for you.

Upon hearing this, Liu Jianli suddenly remembered the time in Jinyang City, the steaming bowl of noodles that she still couldnt forget.

Perhaps it was from that time that an extra figure appeared in her heart.

I want to eat noodles, Liu Jianli said quietly.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, All right, Ill cook noodles for you.

Inside the house where the two of them lived, Liu Jianli held a bowl of noodles, eating with extreme elegance.

After the other party finished eating, Qin Feng took out some fluorescent round beads from his arms and placed them on the table.

What are they? Liu Jianli asked curiously.

This is a Spirit Bead formed by collecting spiritual energy. Earlier, you mentioned that you wanted to reach the Second Rank and needed to continuously absorb spiritual energy.

This thing will be of great benefit to you.

The sweat on his forehead dripped down in an instant, and even Lan Ningshung, a sixth-level martial artist, was reddened by the heat.

However, looking at the old man sitting on the floor, he seemed unfazed, tinkering with the object in his hand, constantly assembling and refining it.

At such a high temperature, the old man didnt even sweat? Qin Feng was a bit surprised.

Only high-level martial artists could control their bodies to such an extent.

When he used his X-ray ability to see inside the old mans body, the majestic golden qi almost blinded his eyes.

Qin Feng discovered something amazing. The qi inside the old mans body was even more concentrated than his own wifes.

Does this mean that Elder Master Yuans cultivation might have reached the peak of the third stage, or even the second stage?

Indeed, someone who could be the master of the Divine Workshop couldnt possibly be an ordinary person.

The old man put down the object in his hands and looked up: Why are you looking for me here?

Qin Feng replied, I want to borrow a refining room from the old man and ask for some materials.

As he said this, Qin Feng handed over the list of materials in his arms. The things listed were based on the formulas he remembered for these explosives.

In this era, gunpowder had not been invented yet.

The old man looked at the materials above and furrowed his brow, What are you going to do with these things?

The junior has an idea to fuse these things together and create a formidable deadly weapon.

A weapon? Yuan Zhai glanced sideways.

Qin Feng shook his head, I called this thing Gunpowder. It doesnt need the stimulation of Literature Qi, Yin Qi, or Martial Qi; even ordinary people can use it.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhai showed a strange expression.

He didnt ask any more questions, but continued to tinker with the items in his hand and said, There are many empty refining rooms on the second floor of the attic. Choose one of them and Ill have someone bring you the materials you need.

Thank you, Elder Yuan. Qin Feng folded his hands and was about to take Ningshuang away.

However, he suddenly thought of something and asked again, May I ask if the refining rooms are sturdy enough? When I conduct experiments, the noise might be quite loud.

Yuan Zhai raised his head, How loud exactly?

Qin Feng rubbed his chin and gave a strange answer, The specific amount, even the junior is not sure. It might depend on luck.

After a moment of pondering, Elder Yuan changed his tone, Then go to the first floor attic, the refining room with a red blazing fire symbol at the entrance. Its strong enough to withstand a full-force strike from a fifth-level martial artist.

Withstanding a fifth-level martial artists full-force strike should be enough. Qin Feng nodded, expressed his gratitude, and took his leave.

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