My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 351

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:49 AM

Chapter 351: Invention of Gunpowder

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Chapter 351: Invention of Gunpowder

Guided by the people from the Divine Workshop, Qin Feng entered the refining room that the old man had mentioned.

At first glance, everything was there.

He nodded with satisfaction, and then took out the things he had prepared in advance.

First, a thin armor as a precaution, followed by an iron outer jacket for added security. A helmet was of course indispensable, and shields on both sides made him even safer.

Lan Ningshuang showed a surprised expression, Young master, with this appearance, what exactly are you planning to do?

Qin Feng had already protected himself thoroughly, but there was a problem. He couldnt move freely to refine the gunpowder with this costume!

Qin Feng looked at his clumsy hands, sighed helplessly, and took off all the equipment, leaving only a thin armor.

Soon, someone brought the necessary materials and placed them on the stone table in the refining room.

The main ingredients of gunpowder are sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, and the proportions are very specific.

Any small mistake could be dangerous.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, mobilizing the Righteous Qi within him to protect himself. If the reaction of the gunpowder got out of control, he could use the Heavenly Mirror to counter its partial power.

Next to him, Lan Ningshuang asked, Young master, how can I help you?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Feng said, Stand behind me. If I call for help, pull me away immediately.

Lan Ningshuang nodded solemnly with her big questioning eyes.

And Qin Feng seriously immersed himself in the gunpowder refining experiment.

Three days later, in the main hall of the Qin residence, Second Mother asked curiously, Why havent we seen Fenger lately?

Qin Jianan took a sip of porridge and replied, Maybe hes busy with something. The kid is an adult, knows how to handle things, and this is the Imperial City. What danger could there be? Dont worry.

How can you say that? Just because its Imperial City doesnt mean its absolutely safe. What if Fenger offends someone he shouldnt? You, husband, dont care about anything, thats why the Qin family is gradually declining. Second Mother reproached.

It has nothing to do with me, Madam, if the Qin family is declining. The old man could hardly defend himself.

Off to the side, Second Young Master was holding a steamed bun and chewing loudly, seemingly enjoying the spectacle.

At that moment, Liu Jianli, who was eating with them, whispered, Mother, Ningshuang said that Master is refining something in the Divine Workshop and cant leave.

I see. That explains why I sometimes see Ningshuang come back in a hurry, bring some new clothes, and then leave in a hurry.

Intense heat rushed in, and Lan Ningshuang sensed something unusual. It was a warriors keen sense of danger.

Qin Feng snapped out of his reverie and realized that the scene he had just witnessed was probably the ability of a Literature Saint of the Sixth Stage Divination Realm to seek fortune and avoid misfortune!

Without much time to think, he hastily shouted, Help!

Upon hearing the voice, Lan Ningshuang immediately grabbed the back of his clothes and jumped backward.

At the same time, a powerful burst of flames erupted, followed by the roaring sound of the explosion.

The power of the explosion far exceeded Qin Fengs expectations. Not daring to be careless, he mobilized his Literature Qi and erected the Heavenly Mirror in front of the two.

The force of the explosion, accompanied by the searing flames, made Qin Feng feel like a small boat in turbulent waves, ready to be swallowed up at any moment.

Had it not been for the soft body shielding him from behind, he was afraid that the impact would have smashed him directly into the wall!


Inside the Divine Workshop, there was a rumbling that shook the earth.

Whats that sound?

Did someone blow up the furnace again?

Everyone in the courtyard stopped what they were doing and looked at the source of the explosion.

Wait, that refining room seems to be where Master Qin is!

As soon as this was said, everyone turned pale with shock and hurriedly ran towards the attic.

The hard floor of the first floor was already covered with dense cracks, and the sturdiest door of the Refining Room was shattered like a mirror.

Thick black smoke billowed out, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

Gong Liang shouted anxiously, Why are you all standing there? Hurry and go in to save Master Qin!

A cracking sound echoed, and Grandmaster Yuan Zhai appeared in the hall at an unknown time, looking at the forging room with a furrowed brow.

Without saying a word, he stomped his right foot, and the dilapidated door of the Forging Room collapsed in an instant.

Just as Master Yuan was about to enter, a coughing sound was heard. Then, two dark figures stepped out, their true faces completely unrecognizable.

Master Qin, Miss Lan? Gong Liang inquired cautiously.

Qin Feng, who had just escaped from a life-threatening situation, didnt answer. He greedily breathed in the fresh air, then excitedly clenched his fists and said, It worked, it finally worked!

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