My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 358

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:36 AM

Chapter 358: Fireworks

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Chapter 358: Fireworks

Golden Light?

Qin Feng was secretly alarmed. Those who possessed such a colorful radiance were usually closely related to the royal family and influential figures!

In the Start Seizing Tower, an old man guarding the stairs had such a status. What kind of amazing background did the mysterious boss behind the scenes have?

Qin Feng couldnt help but swallow hard.

At this moment, Yaan said, What do you think? Should we have our meal on the second floor, or should we use Brother Qins influence to go directly to the fourth floor?

I think the second Qin Feng wanted to save some money for himself, but Yaan interrupted him before he could finish.

Lets go to the fourth floor. Ive never been there before, and the higher the floor, the more delicacies you can order. Today, I will take a dip in Brother Qins fame and taste the famous dishes of the Star Seizing Tower. Yaan emphasized the word fame.

Qin Fengs expression stiffened, As you wish.

The process of going up was indeed smooth, just as the old man had said.

In no time, Qin Feng and the others arrived at the fourth floor of the Start Seizing Tower.

In the hall here, several tables were already occupied. Qin Feng used his Three Thousand Qi Observation Technique to observe, and all he saw was a blinding red light, indicating that these were high-ranking officials.

Inside the hall, there were also a number of private rooms. The people who dined there were of even higher status than those in the hall.

As Qin Feng and his group took their seats, the people at the other tables cast curious glances at them.

Dining at the Start Seizing Tower was not just about tasting good food and wine, it was also about expanding connections and building relationships.

However, when others saw the appearance and attire of Qin Feng and his companions, they retracted their gazes and showed a hint of doubt, as if they were trying to figure out which young masters they were from.

As Qin Feng casually scanned the surroundings, he was suddenly drawn to the golden letters on the wall.New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

They were engraved with the exquisite dishes and wines available on the fourth floor, and the prices listed next to each item made him stare in disbelief.

It was like a commoner used to eating in a cheap restaurant suddenly finding himself in a five-star hotel, looking at the prices on the menu with a confused, pitiful, and helpless expression.

After a short while, a well-dressed and decent looking woman approached and asked, May I ask what you would like to order?

Originally, Qin Feng wanted to choose the cheapest items, but Yaan directly said, Snow-Stepping Bear Hunt, Glass Fish, Mountain Spring Water, and listed seven or eight dishes, all of which were among the most expensive on the menu!

At that moment, people nearby were discussing the upcoming New Years celebration.

Its almost the New Year, and the princes of the Four Domains will all come to the Imperial City for the pilgrimage. I wonder what gifts they will present this year.

Theyre princes, so the gifts they present will naturally not be too shabby. Instead of worrying about them, we should think about what gifts to give them. Our emperor is very particular about grandeur.

The New Year Festival, Qin Feng thought.

This was a grand event held in the Imperial City. Every New Year, the imperial family would perform ancestor worship, and the princes who guarded the four domains would come to the Imperial City for pilgrimage.

In addition to the citywide celebrations, the Four Domains Demon Slayer Divisions colleagues would also engage in friendly competitions, making the city exceptionally lively.

If I remember correctly, the Gathering Treasure Pavilion seems to be eligible to present gifts to the royal family? Qin Feng looked at Yaan and asked.

Yaan nodded, Last year, the Gathering Treasure Pavilion presented a precious jade artifact that could nourish the soul and calm people. Although it wasnt anything out of the ordinary, were still unsure about this years gift.

According to what that person just said, the emperor values grandeur. You can just follow his preferences. Qin Feng said dismissively.

Yaan looked at him indifferently, Your words are easy, but do you know how many rare treasures the emperor has seen, more than the meals youve eaten.

Wanting to present a fresh idea, catering to ones own preferences, is not an easy task. Otherwise, these people wouldnt be so desperate.

Qin Feng nodded. This is indeed true. Regardless of the era, giving gifts to leaders requires great attention to detail, especially when it comes to the ruler of a country.

A well-received gift could lead to promotions and honors, but a poorly chosen gift could lead to demotion or even the loss of ones head.

Accompanying a ruler is like accompanying a tiger; its not just a saying.

At that moment, he suddenly remembered the gunpowder he had recently created, and a plan formed in his mind.

Ask yourself, where else in the world is there a more grand and appropriate way to celebrate an important event than fireworks?

Qin Feng cleared his throat and said, I have a congratulatory gift here that will surely please the emperor.

With that statement, Black Charcoal and Wang Xu stopped their chopsticks and turned to look at him.

Yaan seemed to have guessed something and said, Your poetry is indeed good, but the emperor isnt particularly interested in such things.

You guessed wrong. The congratulatory gift Im talking about is not poetry, but fireworks!

Fireworks? The three of them looked puzzled as they heard this for the first time.

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