My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 362

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:19 AM

Chapter 362: The Fishing Old Man

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Chapter 362: The Fishing Old Man

Qin Feng left the Qin Mansion with Ningshuang.

According to her, the Demon Slaying Department of the Imperial City is located by the Nine-Bend River. As long as you can see the Nine Bend River, you can follow it and youll eventually find the Demon Slaying Department.

Is the rumored Divine Guardian also in the Demon Slaying Department? Qin Feng asked.

Ningshuang lowered her head in thought before replying, In the capital of the Great Qian, there are two powerful people. One is the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower, who sits atop the Heavenly Tower overlooking the mortal world.

The other is the Divine Guardian of the Demon Killing Department, who is rumored to have reached the peak of the Divine Martial Dao Lineage. However, no one has ever seen his true appearance, and no one knows where he is.

There are rumors that the Divine Guardian of the Demon Slaying Department has already reached the realm of a celestial being, and he can manifest wherever his heart desires. As long as he wants to be somewhere, he can appear there. However, this rumor is too mystical, and its authenticity is unknown.

Thinking about what Black Charcoal Head mentioned one night a long time ago, Qin Feng said, The Divine Guardian of the Demon Slaying Department has two disciples, Southern Dragon and Northern Ghost. Its reasonable to assume that he has reached the peak of the Divine Martial Dao Lineage.

By the way, who is the current head of the Demon Slaying Department in the Imperial City?

Going to the Demon Slaying Department this time, its unrealistic to expect to see the Divine Guardian of the Demon Slaying Department. It would be best to know who the current chief is, make some inquiries, and make a good impression.

If I remember correctly, the current head of the Demon Slaying Department in Imperial City should be Deng Mo.

Deng Mo? Qin Feng murmured, feeling like he had heard that name somewhere before.

After thinking for a moment, he widened his eyes, Could it be the former Eastern Territory Commander known as the One Man Army?

Lan Ningshuang nodded.

Qin Feng took a deep breath.

Deng Mo, the former East Territory Commander, became famous even earlier than Southern Dragon and Northern Ghost.

Thirty years ago, he was a famous figure in the Great Qian, like thunder through the ears!

It is well known that the four princes of the imperial family guard the south, east, north, and west, and resist external forces. Among the most difficult external forces to deal with were two, one being the Garuda from the Southern Territory and the other being the Asura from the Eastern Territory.

In terms of strength alone, the fighting power of the Asura clan was unmatched, even stronger than the Garuda.

In the face of such external forces, it was largely due to Deng Mo that the Eastern Territory was able to avoid their invasion.

Thirty years ago, the National Teacher sent a letter, and Deng Mo took command. He made a wager with the Asura King that he would single-handedly guard a border city, fight for three days and three nights, and if he succeeded in defending the city, the Asura would not invade the Eastern Territory again.

I wonder what cultivation lineage this old man follows.

After a careful look, Qin Feng exclaimed softly, rubbed his eyes, and looked again, but the result remained the same.

Surprisingly, the old man was just an ordinary person without any cultivation?! The palpitations he felt during their previous encounter couldnt have been caused by an ordinary elder.

Unconvinced, Qin Feng tried the Three Thousand Insight Technique, but all he could see was a white light..

The white light represents the common people and confirms the old mans identity.

An ordinary person dares to fish by the Nine-Bend River? Qin Feng showed a peculiar expression.

Could it be that hes confused and unaware of the danger?

With such thoughts, Qin Feng strolled forward. Ningshuang was puzzled, but she still followed closely.

It was already winter time, with dead branches everywhere and the sound of clicking could be heard all the time.

The fishing line in the old mans hand had some movement, but after a sudden noise, it returned to calm.

Indeed, like father, like son, they are exactly the same. the old man sighed to himself.

Old man, this river is dangerous. If you want to fish, I know a safer spot. Qin Feng said softly.

The old man glanced sideways, reeled in his fishing rod, and stood up. I appreciate the advice.

Yet, no one noticed that at the moment he stood up, the normally calm Nine-Bend River stirred with a slight ripple, revealing some strange scenes.

However, the ripple came and went in an instant, and the Nine-Bend River returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

After a conversation with the old man, and indicating the fishing location,

The strange old man picked up his fishing rod and left.

Beside him, Ninghsuang asked curiously, Brother-in-law, do you know that old gentleman?

Qin Feng looked at the departing figure of the old man, with a strange and inexplicable feeling in his heart. He shook his head, Im just worried that he might encounter danger while fishing here. Lets go to the Demon Slaying Department.

Alright, brother-in-law.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

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