My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 364

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:48:16 AM

Chapter 364: Nine Fold Prison and Prison Division

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Chapter 364: Nine Fold Prison and Prison Division

After leaving the attic hall, Qin Feng, who was in a relaxed mood, casually looked around.

It was rumored that the highest-security Nine-Fold Prison was located in the Demon Slaying Department of Imperial City, but after looking around for a long time, Qin Feng didnt see any similar buildings.

Brother Qingfeng. Qin Feng called out.

Zhan Qingfeng, who was leading the way, was shocked when he heard this. Then he turned around and replied with a dry smile, No need to call me Brother Qingfeng, just call me Little Zhan is fine. By the way, this is the money Brother Qin gave me earlier. I didnt touch a single coin, and I returned it as is. Besides, this is my own thirty taels.

Earlier, I was ignorant of the rules and neglected Brother Qin. Please forgive me, he added.

This reaction was unexpected for Qin Feng, but after a moment of thought, he understood the reason.

He was the son-in-law of the Liu family, supported by Duke Liu, and the recent conversation had obviously won Chief Dengs appreciation.

This guy is afraid that I might say something bad about him to someone influential. Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, realizing that anyone who could stay in the capitals Demon Slaying Department for seven years must be quite cunning.

Hey, Little Zhan, take this money back. Consider it a token of our friendship! Ive only been in Imperial City for a short time. If theres anything I dont understand or need help with in the future, I wont hesitate to ask, Qin Feng said with a smile.

After carefully assessing Qin Fengs expression and making sure that there was no danger, Zhan Qingfeng put the money bag back into the Demon Slayer Token and gratefully said, Brother Qin, no need for such words. If you need me for anything in the future, I will certainly go through fire and water without hesitation!

Okay, okay. By the way, everyone says that the Nine-Fold Prison is located in the capital, Imperial City. Why havent I seen it all the way here? Qin Feng asked.

Zhan Qingfeng promptly replied, Brother Qin, you might not know, but the Nine-Fold Prison is divided into nine levels, and inside it are heinous criminals or demonic spirits who will unleash terrifying powers after death. Once they regain their freedom, they will undoubtedly cause incalculable damage to the Great Qian.

Therefore, the Nine-Fold Prison cannot be built in the open like ordinary prisons. Instead, it is located

He pointed down.

Underground? Qin Feng asked in surprise.

Yes. Although the Nine-Fold Prison is under the Demon Slaying Department, it is not under their jurisdiction, but rather under the Prison Division.

Every time theres a need to escort prisoners or demonic spirits, personnel from the Prison Division will personally lead the team and activate the seal to open the entrance to the Nine-Fold Prison.

The method of spreading rumors in Jinyang City would undoubtedly have to be used again. To attract some high-end customers, he needed the help of one person, and that person was Yaan!

Because these two days were the days when the Gathering Treasure Pavilion held its auction!

As noon approached, Yaan arrived as scheduled under Wang Xus guidance.

This time, in addition to the flavor-enhancing spice, there will also be a barrel of naturally brewed Drunken Immortal, all under the name of your restaurant, Moonlit Pavilion. Yaan said as she walked towards the auction site.

Qin Feng was somewhat moved, The auctions of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion have always been anonymous. You must have gone to a lot of trouble to use the name of Moonlit Pavilion. Unfortunately, I am a man, otherwise, I would have to sacrifice myself for such a kindness.

Lan Ningshuang showed a strange expression at these words, and Wang Xu, who was still leading the way, stumbled upon hearing this.

Yaans eyes flashed with a hint of embarrassment, then she coldly said, Smooth talker, you know its not easy for me. Ive put a lot of effort into getting your restaurant up and running smoothly. Even if your monthly profit increases by three percent, its still worth it.

Qin Feng immediately interrupted, Its getting late. Hasnt the auction started yet? Lets hurry up.

Even an extra five percent isnt enough, and now an extra three percent?

Of course, women are greedy and can never be fed enough!

Qin Feng was not used to this girl disguised as a man, so he quickly quickened his pace to escape.

Those who could participate in the auction of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion were naturally either rich or noble.

The carriages parked outside the auction, based on their levels, would have been at least Lamborghinis in the previous life.

At this auction, Qin Feng not only wanted to confirm the reaction of the spice and the Drunken Immortal, but also wanted to buy some things for himself.

As a physician, it was obvious that there were precious and useful medicinal materials, as well as those rare and unusual formation materials.

Back in the Myriad Sword Sect, if he hadnt obtained a dragons eye from Mu Youqian and set up the Water Marsh Heavenly Dragon Formation, his wife would have been in serious danger.

And in Shuliang City, if he had a suitable formation core, he wouldnt have to risk his life and let Miss Cang sacrifice the Dragon Bead to save him.

From this, you can see that it is very necessary to be well prepared!

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