My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 367

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:47:54 AM

Chapter 367: Obtaining the Finished Gunpowder

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Chapter 367: Obtaining the Finished Gunpowder

As they entered the attic, a wave of heat hit them.

The refining room that Qin Feng had destroyed earlier had been completely renovated and visibly changed.

The thick and sturdy door seemed very reliable, and there was a small hole at the height of a person.

At that moment, Gong Liang threw black ball-shaped explosives into the refining room from a small door next to it.

Huo Yuan, who was wearing a special pair of glasses-like objects, carefully observed the movements inside the alchemy room through the small hole.


With a muffled sound, the entire attic shook.

Huo Yuan excitedly said, The 342nd explosive test has successfully exploded. Quick, quick, quick, next one, next one!

Qin Feng, who was not far away, looked shocked when he heard this. No wonder, they had successfully produced explosives a few days ago, yet he hadnt received the finished product all this time.

Were they running tests all this time?Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Do they really need to waste so much explosive material for testing three hundred and forty-two times?!

Alright, no problem. Gong Liang was excited at the door and took out a brand new explosive from the spatial treasure.

Seeing that Gong Liang was about to throw the explosive into the alchemy room, Qin Feng quickly stopped him: Wait!

Upon hearing this, the two of them looked displeased and turned around to see who dared to interfere with their joyful moment.

Master Qin? When they saw the person speaking, their expressions instantly changed from anger to joy.

What are you doing? Qin Feng asked in confusion.

Huo Yuan and Gong Liang looked at each other and said, Testing the gunpowder.

Do you really need to test hundreds of them? And where did you get so much explosive material?

Oh, these were all made in the last few days. Weve tested them all, and they can all explode successfully! Huo Yuan and Gong Liangs tone couldnt hide their pride.

At the same time, they also admired Qin Feng. After all, this explosive could be considered an unprecedented great invention!

All tested? Qin Feng smirked, a bad feeling arising, You havent tested all the explosives, have you?

As a matter of fact, the New Year is approaching, and the grand celebration is just around the corner. At the request of friends, I, a junior, would like to seek the old masters help in creating some small items for the celebration.

Yuan Zhai furrowed his brow, Every time this season comes, many people approach me with these trivial matters. Do you think I have time to deal with them?

Qin Feng immediately took out a book with the words Chemistry on it from his pocket. When he opened the first page, the periodic table of elements was prominently displayed, but only the first twenty for now.

In my spare time at night, Ive compiled some knowledge. I wonder if the senior is interested, Qin Feng said.

Yuan Zhai took the book and changed his tone, asking, What do you want me to do?

That thing is called fireworks, or firecrackers. Its not difficult to make; the main components are gunpowder and some metals. Ill briefly explain the process to you.

After everything was explained, Qin Feng took two boxes of explosives and left the workshop with Ningshuang.

He had originally planned to go directly to his father-in-laws house to show off the power of the explosives. However, when he looked at the darkening sky, he hesitated.

At that moment, Ningshuang said, Brother-in-law, how about returning home early today?

Hmm? Whats wrong? Is there something at home? Qin Feng asked curiously.

No big deal, just when we left the Qin residence today, Miss told me that she wanted to show Brother-in-law something. Ningshuang said quietly.

Liu Jianli wants to show me something? Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, and then his mind began to wander.

After a moment, he shook his head, shaking off these random thoughts. After all, there were no uniforms and thigh-high stockings in this era!

What is it? Qin Feng asked again.

Ningshuang pretended to be mysterious, Im not sure about the details, Miss didnt say anything. She just asked the brother-in-law to wait in the room when the time comes.

These words made Qin Feng feel a bit uncomfortable. After several days of abstinence, could it be that his wife was finally in the mood?

However, he hadnt expected that his wife, who was naive to worldly matters, would also be able to create anticipation in advance. When did she become so playful?

Ningshuang, have you been buying novels again lately? Qin Feng asked seriously.

No, no. Ningshuang blushed. How did brother-in-law even know about this?

Heh. Qin Feng did not expose her, he was just glad that the prescription given by the Liu familys grandmother had not been thrown away yet.

Tonight, it seems he wont get a peaceful sleep.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!