My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 370

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:47:52 AM

Chapter 370: Allocation Conflict

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Chapter 370: Allocation Conflict

Something that doesnt require the stimulation of Literature Qi, Martial Qi, or Yin Qi unexpectedly erupted with such tremendous power!

Liu Tianlu and Deng Mo were both astonished and overjoyed. Even the well-trained Divine Marquis soldiers couldnt help but whisper among themselves.

What did that guy ignite, and why is it so terrifying?

In my opinion, it must be some kind of remarkably powerful treasure.

A treasure? Could it be a throwaway treasure? The black iron ball that person took out earlier seems to have disappeared without a trace.

With such tremendous power, it would be too incredible if it could be used repeatedly. But I didnt see him put any energy into the iron ball. He just lit the fuse, didnt he? Someone expressed his confusion.

He probably injected energy into it silently, so we didnt notice. Such a powerful treasure, how could it be activated by just lighting a fuse?

I wonder if warriors can use this thing. If we could have it, it would pose a considerable threat to demonic creatures at the third stage of Calamity Strength and above! Someone said excitedly.

The other soldiers also showed a longing expression, but after careful consideration, they dismissed the idea: This item is probably meant as a gift for General Liu or the commanders. We better not have any wishful thinking.

Sigh. Sighs echoed.

Having successfully triggered the explosion, Qin Feng rushed back to the reviewing stand and exclaimed, How did it go?

Far beyond expectations, Deng Mo laughed heartily.

Liu Tianlu also nodded his head in satisfaction. After witnessing the power of gunpowder, many military strategies had already formed in his mind!

However, the two of them still had some doubts: Can this thing really be activated by just lighting the fuse?

Qin Feng smiled, If you dont believe it, feel free to choose any soldier and try it yourself.

Liu Tianlu and Deng Mo looked at each other, and then Liu Tianlu said, All right, lets try it again.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

A randomly selected soldier looked confused when General Liu pointed him out.

The handsome young man who had walked over smiled and handed him an identical black iron ball, saying earnestly, Put this thing on the ground, then use fire to light the fuse on top. After that, just run far away. Understand?

The soldier was stunned, Dont I need to put qi into it?

Nothing at all. Just light the fuse at the top and then run away!

Qin Feng broke the silence and said, Currently, there are only these two boxes. How do you want to share them?

Liu Tianluo coughed and said, Chief Deng, how about a 7-3 split? My army has many soldiers, and they often go on expeditions against demons. Their demand for gunpowder should be more urgent than that of the Demon Slaying Department.

This reasoning made sense, and Qin Feng nodded silently, intending to divide the items accordingly.

However, Deng Mo spoke up, Actually, it should be a 7-3 split, but I get seven and you get three.

Qin Fengs actions stopped.

Liu Tianluos face also darkened, Chief Deng, please dont joke with me like that.

Im not in the habit of joking with people. Even if your army has many soldiers, can they compare to our Four Domains Demon Slaying Department?

Countless demon slayers die every year in the Great Qian Dynasty, and with this item, the casualties can be greatly reduced.

Besides, after the New Year, the Imperial Citys Demon Slaying Department will send supplies to the Four Domains, and this item is what I urgently need. I hope General Liu can give me a face and sell it to me. Deng Mo clenched his fists and said.

If this were a normal situation, I would definitely give Chief Deng a face, but this matter involves the lives of our soldiers, which makes it difficult for me.

Besides, Chief Deng is already old and has been away from the front lines for a long time. Dealing with the extermination of demons is better left to us young people, Liu Tianlu said with narrowed eyes and a smile.

Hmph, when I was fighting demons, you were nothing more than a weaned baby.

As for age, you dont need to worry about it. Even if I guard the Asura Clan for three days and nights, its a piece of cake. Deng Mo refused to show any weakness.

Old man, youre bragging a bit too much. Qin Feng muttered to himself and then stood quietly aside, looking at his toes.

On one side was the father-in-law, and on the other side was a big shot from the Demon Slaying Department. Since he couldnt offend either side, he understood the art of dealing with people, and silence was the only answer!

Let these two argue a bit more, and they should come to a conclusion. Ill just wait here. Qin Feng said calmly.

But the plans couldnt keep up with the changes, and the two mens attention suddenly turned to him.

Liu Tianlu spoke first, Good son-in-law, since you brought this thing, how do you suggest we divide it up the most reasonable way?

Deng Mo also said, Kid, dont forget the Green Jade Demon Slaying Order around your waist. Before you speak, you might want to think twice.

Ah, Qin Feng swallowed hard. This life-threatening question might truly cost him his life.

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