My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 373

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:47:12 AM

Chapter 373: Heading to the National Academy

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Chapter 373: Heading to the National Academy

Originally, Fei Xun thought that after his reminder, the young man from the Qin family would either come to browse through the national books at the Grand Literature Academy immediately or at least within the next two days.

However, he waited for a full five days without seeing Qin Fengs figure in the library of the Grand Literature Academy.

Decayed wood cannot be carved, it really cannot be carved! On the first floor of the Heavenly Tower, Fei Xun was so frustrated that he almost stamped his feet.

Yang Qian, holding a scroll in his hand, shook his head and said with a smile, Why are you so worried? If Junior Brother Qin didnt come right away, he must have other things on his mind.

His restaurant has just opened, and with the gunpowder issue, its reasonable that he cant spare the time.

By the way, the people in Great Qian speak highly of the hotpot at Moonlit Pavilion. How about we go and try it together during the break?

Under Qin Fengs series of operations, combined with the excellent dishes of Moonlit Pavilion itself, the restaurants reputation in Imperial City had soared, even showing signs of catching up with Start Seizing Tower.

It was rumored that even the current Crown Prince had a high opinion of the hotpot.

However, the authenticity of this information remained to be verified, as it was unlikely that the Crown Prince would casually visit the common streets. Perhaps it was just a rumor circulating among the people.

Brother Yang, can a scholar indulge in worldly desires? Those who study should do so for the sake of the country, the emperor, and the people! One should not neglect ones proper duties. Fei Xun said with righteous words.

Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are all part of a persons livelihood. Denying worldly desires is not only denying peoples livelihood.

Scholars are also human beings with emotions, desires, and the cycle of life and death. While it is praiseworthy to serve the country, the ruler, and the people, one should also enjoy life in a timely manner. Otherwise, living for others is too exhausting.

Fei Xun wanted to retort, but he couldnt come up with a good argument, so he could only blurt out, Fallacy!

Yang Qian helplessly said, And maybe you dont know that Junior Brother Qins gunpowder invention has already been introduced to the Demon Slaying Department and the Divine Marquis Army.

Four days ago, the Divine Marquis Army marched into the northern region to suppress the thousands of demon troops led by the sixth-level Calamity Force Demon King.

In the past, even if the Divine Marquis Army won such a battle, it would still suffer at least twenty to thirty percent casualties. However, with the help of gunpowder in this battle, the casualties were less than one hundred, a resounding victory. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

The Emperor was delighted upon hearing this news and has already ordered the Divine Workshop to vigorously manufacture gunpowder to be implemented throughout all the armies in The Great Qian.

Upon hearing this, Fei Xun was astonished. The casualty rate was simply unheard of.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon.

In the Heavenly Tower, Fei Xun expressed his satisfaction, Not bad at all. For the sake of reading, he even neglected meals, not even having lunch.

If he can maintain this attitude consistently, coupled with some intelligence, he might be able to memorize all the national books in about half a year, pass the National Academy test, and get the permit.

Yang Qian held a scroll of books noncommittally. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, Junior Brother Qin has come out of the library.

Hmm, hes out? Fei Xun was confused, Its just after noon. Is he going to have lunch?

Yang Qian shook his head and showed a strange expression, It looks like hes going to the National Academy.

The National Academy? Fei Xuns eyes widened in surprise.

Qin Feng followed the young mans instructions from earlier and headed west all the way. It took them a good two incense sticks before they finally saw the towering Welcome Pine.

Then they turned right and climbed up the mountain path. After almost half an hour, they reached the courtyard of the National Academy.

In his mind, Qin Feng couldnt help but complain a bit, This Grand Literature Academy is really damn big, my legs are hurting.

Master, are you okay? Lan Ningshuang looked at Qin Feng who was slightly out of breath and asked worriedly.

What could be wrong with me? When I climbed the Myriad Sword Sects Sword Mountain, I went straight up without even taking a breath! Its just getting colder and my body isnt used to it, Qin Feng replied. Even though the duck is cooked, Qin Fengs mouth is still hard.

After resting for a moment and catching his breath, he continued, Lets go, lets go inside.

The National Academy was filled with numerous tall buildings and pavilions. As the highest educational authority under the control of Great Qian, there were not only students from the Grand Literature Academy, but also many officials sent by the court.

Many children of royalty, nobles, or influential people were educated here in their youth.

Qin Feng approached a middle-aged man and respectfully asked, May I know where I should go to get permission to start teaching?

The middle-aged man looked at Qin Feng carefully upon hearing the request, then coldly replied, Go inside along the stone stairs. There is a door with a yellow plaque on it. Go inside and find the supervisor, Mr. Mo. You need to pass his test to get permission.

Thank you, Qin Feng thanked him with a salute and left.

As Qin Feng and Lan Ningshuang walked away, the middle-aged man sneered, When did the brute from the Demon Slaying Department start thinking about teaching a class? What a joke. How can Master Mo let you pass? Its just a waste of time.

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