My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 377

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:36 AM

Chapter 377: One Hundred Years of Solitude

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Chapter 377: One Hundred Years of Solitude

With a burst of intense white light, Qin Feng opened his eyes again and found himself in a farmland.

The farmland was neat and simple.

The sun was shining brightly, casting a spring scene in the farmland, no different from what he had seen before.

Turning around, Qin Feng saw that outside the courtyard gate was not the National Academy, but endless farmland.

There were golden rapeseed flowers and a young man plowing the field on an ox.

The willow trees rustled in the spring breeze, making a soothing sound.

Qin Feng frowned slightly. He had mentally prepared himself before entering the courtyard, but everything in front of him still confused him.

Could there really be any danger here?

Where was the so-called test of will?


At that moment, the wooden door of the inner room opened by itself, and Qin Feng walked towards it.

In the middle of the room, there was a wooden table with a candle on it, and a white figure was holding a book and reading it.

Near the window, there was a stone bed with a thin cotton cover.

Bookshelves filled with books stood around.

Qin Feng took a rough look and found that there were nearly 10,000 volumes of books in this room.

Does this so-called mental test require me to read all the books here? Qin Feng couldnt help but be skeptical.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, his body disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he had replaced the previous white figure sitting at the wooden table reading the books.

Since hes here, he might as well make himself comfortable. Qin Feng slightly raised his eyebrows. According to his previous thoughts, with his X-ray ability, it would only take him a few days at most to memorize all these books.

However, when he opened the books and started reading, he was surprised to find that his X-ray ability was useless here!

In other words, if he wanted to memorize all the books, he could only rely on himself to memorize them bit by bit!

But remember, there were at least ten thousand volumes of books here. Even though he had entered the sixth-level Divination Realm with a memory far beyond that of ordinary people, it would still take him years to memorize that many books. How could he accept that?

There were still many things to do outside, and his family members were waiting for him at home. After wasting several years in the chaotic era of Great Qian, who knew what changes might have occurred?

That makes sense. Mo Siye stroked his beard and smiled.

Inside the academy, Qin Feng spent three years memorizing all the thousands of books.

Just when he thought he had passed the test, the books in the room were completely refreshed!

He gritted his teeth and persevered for another three years, only to be faced with the same result.

After three years and three more, the books in the room seemed endless, refreshed each time he finished reading.

It was a feeling of despair that was almost suffocating.

He tried countless times to break out of this cage, but failed every time.

He wanted to burn all the books in the room with a candle, but the candle on the wooden table couldnt be moved an inch.

In this place, not to mention his unique ability, even spatial artifacts and cultivation were useless.

The only thing he could do was to keep reading, reading!

Repetition to the point of insanity!

Through the copper basin in the room, he used the reflection inside to see his appearance, which was well into his fifties.

He had begun to doubt if he could really escape from here.

He even considered shattering the Heart Questioning Platform just to break out of this cage.

But in the end, he didnt do it because he remembered the oath he took at the Heart Questioning Platform, and he remembered why he entered this academy.

A phrase from his previous life suddenly echoed in his mind: Those who achieve great things in ancient times have not only extraordinary talent, but also unyielding determination!

He seemed to understand something, chuckled to himself, then picked up a book from the bookshelf and sat down at the wooden table.

Several decades passed quickly again. He changed from the young man who first arrived to an old man with white hair, in the twilight of his years.

Still, he remained completely unaware, absorbed in reading the books in his hands.

When a hundred years had passed in the academy palace, Qin Feng put down the last book in his hands, and a miracle happened.

The books in the room were no longer refreshed, and his white hair turned black again, the wrinkles on his face disappeared, and his flesh regained its vitality.

The original white phantom reappeared, and he walked slowly out of the room, into the courtyard, and then looked beyond the door.

It has come.

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